Конспект урока "Отмечаем День рождения Лены" 3 класс

Тема урока: « Отмечаем День рождения Лены»
Цель урока: 1. Формирование лексических и речевых умений и навыков»
2. Знакомство учащихся с традицией празднования дня рождения.
1. Использование лексики «Подарки» в упражнениях и ситуациях.
2. Развитие диалогических умений и навыков.
3. Тренировка в употребление структуры «would like to»
4. Тренировка в написание пройденных слов.
Оборудование урока: картинки, карточки, кроссворд, магнитофон, игрушки,
воздушный шар
I Организационный момент.
II . Представление целей и задач урока.
Dear friends, today we have a guest. Her name is Hellen. She has a birthday today. How
do you think what we are going to do at the lesson?
We are going to congratulate her, to give presents, sing the song and of course we are
going to have a birthday cake.
III. Let’ give presents to Helen. But first of all remember the words.
What kind of presents do you know?
a) Find the missing letter, read and translate the words.
A b.ll, a c.mp.te., a d.l., a wa.km.n, j..ns, a tr…n, a c.ss.tte, a p.nc.l, a fl.w.r, a ca.tr.d.e
b) What presents would you like to have for your birthday?
Pupils: I would like to have....
c) На доске изображения сказочных героев и подарков.
Teacher: What would these characters like to have for the birthday?
Pupil: Buratino would like to have a pencil.
Emelya would like to have a car. And etc.
d)What would you like to give Hellen for her birthday?
Pupil: I would like to give Hellen a flower and etc.
IV. Составляем диалоги.
- What would you like to have for your birthday?
- Oh, I would like to have an umbrella.
- I would like to have a new tail.
- It’s great! I have a very nice tail for you!
Работа в парах. Каждая пара получает картинки с изображением подарка и
составляют диалог с использованием образца.
V. I have a birthday too. But if you want to know what it is you should guess the
VI. What can we wish to Hellen?
Pupil1: I wish you health.
Pupil 2 : I wish you good luck!
VII. Проверка домашнего задания.
VIII. Lets sing the song to Hellen.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, happy birthday
Happy Birthday to you!
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
Happy birthday, happy birthday.
How old are you now!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Helen!
Happy Birthday to you!
Crocodile Gena’s Song.
Let pedestrians hurry,
With the eyes full of worry,
In the pools picking out their way,
They’re surprised at my folly
Why I am so jolly
On this gloomy and dull rainy day.
I am playing my garmoshka,
For all passers-by to hear.
It’s a pity we’ve a birthday,
Only once a year.
When a wizard comes flying
In a blue helicopter,
He will show me a film, and no pay.
Several hundreds sweet ices
He will give me and wish me
Many happy returns of the day.
X. Оценивание урока.
Lets make a balloon of mood.
Каждый учащийся рисует рожицу своего настроения и наклеивает на шар.
Учитель раздает рожицы детям, тем самым характеризует работу каждого ученика.
XI. Подведение итогов.