Конспект урока "Профессии" 6 класс по УМК Еnglish 6 (Кузовлев В.П.)

Конспект урока для 6 класса по английскому языку по теме
«Профессии» по УМК Еnglish 6 (Кузовлев В.П.)
Цель урока: Повторение изученных грамматических структур и лексики по теме «Профессии»
Задачи урока:
1. Обобщить, систематизировать и активизировать накопленный словарный запас по теме.
2. Обучить тактике правильного выполнения заданий по говорению (Диалог - расспрос)
1. Развивать произносительные навыки.
2. Развивать умение отвечать на вопросы.
1. Воспитывать умение сотрудничать в паре, и индивидуально.
2. Создавать ситуацию успеха.
3. Указать на разнообразие профессий.
Тип урока: изучение и первичное закрепление знаний.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал с заданиями
Продолжительность урока 45 минут
Методы, используемые на уроке: коммуникативный метод, Технология развития критического мышления.
Подготовка учащихся к
работе на уроке
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls.! I am
glad to see you. How are you? I am fine, thank
Who is on duty today? What is the date ? What
is the day?
2 мин
What is the weather like? Who is absent?
2.Определение цели и
задачи урока
Обеспечение мотивации и
принятия цели урока
На доске написана поговорка. He works best
who knows his trade. ( Лучше всех работает
тот, кто знает свое дело. Дело мастера
Teacher: Read this proverb and try to translate.
And now, let’s give Russian equivalent. How
do you think, what will we speak about today?
You are right! Today we shall speak about
different professions. We will use construction
to be going to ,learn new professions, work in
pairs, listen to the dialogue.
2 мин
Развитие речевого
аппарата, снятие
Teacher: Before discussing the tоpic of our
lesson I would like to train our tounge.
Звук [au] Little Mouse, Little Mouse,Will you
come out of your house ?
Звук [w] Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you
Звук [æ] Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat, Can you catch
that big, fat rat
2 мин
4.Речевая разминка
Побуждение учащихся к
говорению ,
настрой слухового и
речевого аппарата ,
Teacher: Boys tell me, please; do you like the
profession of a driver, pilot, doctor?
4 мин
активизация речевой
развитие воображения и
творческого мышления,
создание динамичной
атмосферы урока
Girls, do you like the profession of teacher,
actress, housewife. Why, yes ? Why, not?
5.Первичная проверка
усвоения знаний
Проверка знаний лексики на
тему «Профессии»
,используя конструкцию to
be going to .
Тeacher: Your homework was to remember as
many profession as possible and where they
-Can you name me the profession which you
know? Where do they work/(Учащиеся
перечисляют профессии, которые они
знают, Thank you. Now, can you make simple
sentences with the words of profession and with
the construction “to be going
to…”? (Учащиеся создают простые
предложения с глаголом to be going и со
словами по теме профессии)
7 мин
6.Изучение нового
Работа над новым
лексическим материалом с
правильным произношением
Teacher: Look on screen and let us guess. What
are thе реорle?
1. Who works in a field? A farmer
2. Who works with computers? A
3. Who dances at the theatre? A ballet
4. Who bakes bread? A baker
5. Who plays the piano? A musician
7 мин
6. Who works in the bank? A banker
7. Who works at the library? ? A librarian
8. Who seeks criminals? A policemen
9. .Who makes new cars? A mechanic
10. Who flies in a spaceship? A cosmonout
11. Who develops new technologies for
growing vegetables.? An agronomist
12. Who delivers the mail? A postman
13. Who develops new decorative elements
of things? A designer
14 .Who sews clothes? A tailor
15. Who mines coal? A miner
16. Who fights with fire? A fireman
Выполнение физических
упражнений под музыку
Teacher: I See you are tired. Let us do exercise.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees and
3 мин
Knees and toes .And eyes, and ears, and mouth,
And nose .Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
8..Первичное закрепление
Посредством парной работы
получение знаний через
изучение соответствующей
лексики по теме.
Teacher: Work in pairs - ask each other what
your classmate is going to be.
5 мин
9.Контроль и самопроверка
Получение информации об
ошибках, недочетах и
пробелах в знаниях и
умениях и порождающих ,их
причинах затруднений
учащихся в овладении
учебным материалом, о
числе, характере ошибок.
Teacher: Task 1. I will give a card. You should
fill in it.
(Приложение № 1)
Тask2. Sometimes children are asked questions
about their parents work. What questions are
Bill and Molly asking each other? .
Let us listen to the record and then tick he right
replies (Приложение № 2).
8 мин
10. Итог урока.
Результаты, достигнутые
учениками за данный
промежуток учебного
времени, решены ли все
образовательные задачи и
выполнена ли цель.
Teacher: Boys and girls what have we learnt to
do at the lesson? Yes, you are right. We have
learnt about professions, and learn to use the
structure “to be going to”.
- I would like to speak about reflection. I will
give the card and you should underline the
important aspects of the lesson
I worked actively or inactively at the lesson
2.I was pleased or unpleased with my work
3.The lesson was seemed to be short or long
3 мин
4.I was tired or not tired
5.The lesson was interesting or not interesting
6.The lesson was hard or easy
7.The lesson was useful or useless
8.I understood or did not understand the lesson
11. .Домашнее задание
Выучить новую лексику, и составить 10
Используя глагол to be или конструкцию to
be going to
2 мин
Приложение № 1 Task 1
Fill in the gaps using am, is, are and professions
1. My sister …going to be …..
2. You … going to be ……..
3. They … going to be ……..
4. I … going to be ……….
5. My parents … going to be ……
6. Tom and John … going to be………
7. He … going to be ……..
8. We … going to be ……..
9. His father … going to be ……….
10. I … going to be …………
Приложение № 2 Task 2
Tick the right reply.
1. What does Bill s father do?
a) He is a worker
b) He is a cook
c) He is a businessman
2. Where does Bill s father work?
a) At the office
b) At the bank
c) At the factory
3. Does Bill s father like his work?
a) Yes, he does
b) No, he does not
c) Not stated
4. What does Molly s mother do?
a) She is a housewife
b) She is a salesperson
c) She is a doctor
5. Where does Molly s mother work?
a) at the post-office
b) at the hospital
c) at the big supermarket
6. Does Molly s mother like her work?
a) No, she does not
b) Yes, she does
c) Not stated