Конспект урока "Мuslumovo - village in the nuclear garbige can" 7 класс

1.Развивать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся в сфере устной монологической речи
2. Развивать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся в сфере письменной речи
3.воспитывать чувство озабоченности проблемами экологии родного края
1.развивать умение проектировать, мыслить на английском языке
2. расширить активный словарный запас учащихся за счёт включения словарных единиц по
теме « Экология»
3. повторить и активизировать употребление в речи Simple Passive
Оборудование: презентации учителя, учащихся, содержащие местный материал, экспонаты
экологического музея-офиса «Набат», научная литература на английском языке
REFERENSES: 1.Н.Ю.Пахомова
.Метод учебного проекта в ОУ. М.:АРКТИ,2003
3.English 7.Кузовлев В.П. и др. М.: Просвещение , 2007.
1. Introduction.
2.Warming-up. Слайд 1
Teacher: Dear children! Our topic today is Eco Problems in our native place- in Muslumovo.
Since ancient times Nature was the source of people’s life. Land, air and water are important for
flowers, trees, animals, birds, fish and people. But what’s happening? The development of the
civilization increased man’s harmful interference in nature.
Презентация Курмашевой Рашиды, ученицы 9 кл., (сертификат участницы
экологического форума «Зелёная планета-2007») (слайды 1-7)
Teacher: The South Urals has suffered from the nuclear pollution Слайд 4 because of
Mayak complex .It has operated in the South Urals since 1948 and situated in the northern part
of Chelyabinsk region close to the towns Kasli and Kyshtym. Some territories near the Complex
were contaminated (polluted). Serous contamination was caused by an accident that took place
on September 29, 1957. About 2 million KU were thrown into the biosphere. The radiation
monitoring of the territory influenced by Mayak complex is still one of the most important
directions in ecological monitoring of Chelyabinsk region.
P₁: Muslumovo is the first village downstream the Techa. According to Greenpeace anti -nuclear
campaign, more than 3 million KU of radioactive products were dumped into the Techa.
Muslumovo literally is next nuclear garbage can. There are practically no healthy families, fishes
and animals are disturbed. Radiation strikes people whose ancestors never ill for many
T: Do you know anything about Greenpeace? Слайд 5
I have met with Lika Galkina, coordinator of Greenpeace group at the meeting with
inhabitants of Muslumovo.
P₂: There Inhabitants of Muslumovo decided to struggle for their rights to have privileges as
inhabitants of Chernobyl had have. They organized the ecology museum “Nabatin 1997. It’s
one of a kind! Слайд 6 In Muslumovo the physician Gulfarida
Yahievna Galimova fought for the health of people. The teacher-pensioner Galina
Konstantinovna Pashnina acted on Muslumovo station. People understood that they are stronger
in public groups, so Gosman Kabirov organized «Techa Association», Valentina Ivanovna
Kaidaneeva - «White Mice». Слайд 7
T: Share of their activity is very wide. Some families move away from the Techa, therefore they
have financial and juridical problems- activists take part in decision of their problems.
Delegations and single persons from United States, Japan, Europe, even the delegation of
Europarlament visited the village. Public organizations contacts TV, mass-media. Activists
described them ecological situation and Muslumovo problems. On June 5, 1991, Boris Yeltsin,
the future president of the Russian Federation, came to Muslumovo. Слайд 8
Half of the village wanted to meet with such an honored guest. Some brave people approached
him with the question about resettlement. And it is going now! They have cosy new houses with
modern conveniences. Слайд 9
Teacher: Every year schoolchildren take an active part in environmental actions:
conferences, meetings… Some of them you can see on the screen.
P4: Слайды 10, 11
1994 meeting at the railway bridge against cattle breeding (grazing() on the banks of the
1997-action “Echo-57
1998-meeting with correspondents Nicolai Fuglsig and Mads Lindberg from Denmark
1999-meeting of the pupils of the 8
form with the teachers from Ohio, USA
1999-ecological conference in Chelyabinsk, meeting of the pupils of our school and USA
2000- VIII Russian conference of the participants of tourist-regional movement
Fatherland in Moscow ,the section “Nature heritage-Latypova Lilia and Sharafutdinova Alisa
2000-Memory Avenue
Презентация Мусаловой Розалии «Helping Hands» (сертификат участницы
экологического форума «Зелёная планета-2007») Слайд 12
2007, 2008- visiting and having a rest for the children of Muslumovo in the Crimea, at the
Black Sea organized by Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russian Federation
Teacher: Looking at your happy and smiling faces I wish you to be healthy, don’t know the
problems connecting with awful ATOM.
3.Reading (for specific information) Слайд13
The poem
I want to live
and not to die!
I want to feel
the summer sun.
I want to sing
when life is fun!
I want to fly
Into the blue.
I want to swim
As fishes do.
I want to laugh
And not to cry!
I want to live
4.Eco-glossary: Слайд 14
Nuclear garbage can
Nuclear power stations
Nuclear waste
To protect
Harmful interference in nature
To contaminate
Radiation monitoring
Radioactive products
Financial and juridical problems
Resettlement .
5.Homework : AB Unit 4 Ex.7 p.41
Conduct a survey of your village to find out what people are thinking and doing about
environmental problems
Survey on the Environment
Question: Are you concerned that___________________________________
Total number:_______________Children__________Grown-ups______________
Total number:______Yes_____No_______Don”t know
________people are concerned that ____________________________________
I personally _____________________________________________, because