Конспект урока "How do i get to school? Как мне добраться до школы?"

Учитель: И.В. Носар
Город: Братск
Школа: №13
Тема урока: Как мне добраться до школы.
Цели и задачи урока:
Учебный аспект:
повторить, систематизировать материал по данной теме;
развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи, совершенствовать фонетические
Познавательный аспект:
углубить и расширить знания по теме.
Развивающий аспект:
развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся;
развивать устойчивый интерес и мотивации к дальнейшему изучению иностранного языка.
Воспитательный аспект:
продолжить формирование у учащихся внимательного отношения к дорожным знакам и
правилам дорожного движения.
карта падунского района формата А1;
2 термометра;
макет светофора;
дорожные знаки;
таблица с лексикой;
3 плаката с зашифрованными названиями темы урока.
Ход урока
T. -Dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you at our lesson.
First of all let me ask you some questions:
T. - What is the date today?
P. - Today is the twenty-fifth of November.
T. - What was the date yesterday?
P. - Yesterday was the twenty-fourth of November.
T. - What will be the date tomorrow?
P. - Tomorrow will be the twenty-sixth of November.
T. - What is the weather today?
P. - The weather is sunny today.
T. - Why? Can you explain it?
P. - The sun is shining and there are no clouds on the sky.
T. - What’s the day temperature today? (The teacher shows different degrees on the thermometer and the
pupils answer)
P. 1- The day temperature is two degrees above the zero.
P. 2- The day temperature is ten degrees below the zero.
T. - What was the night temperature today?
P.1- The night temperature was eleven degrees below the zero.
P. 2- The night temperature was thirty degrees below the zero.
T. - Who is absent today?
P. - Nobody is absent today.
Тема урока.
Somebody is knocking at the door.
T. - Oh. Who is that?
Tourist - May I come in?
T. - You are welcome.
Tourist - Good morning, friends.
T. - Boys and girls, lets ask him some questions.
P. 1- What is your name?
Tourist - My name is Bill.
P. 2- Where are you from?
Tourist - I am from London.
P. 3- Do you like to go to school?
Tourist - Yes, I do. And what is the topic of your lesson?
T. Oh. It is coded. Let us solve the puzzle and you’ll see a title of the topic.
(The teacher is hanging the topic of the lesson on the blackboard).
T. What is the topic today?
P. - The topic is “HOW DO I GET TO SCHOOL?”
Работа с направлениями.
T. And now let’s revise all the words concerning directions. You can see some pictures on the
blackboard. Your task is to match the phrases to the pictures.
To turn left
To turn right
To go past
On the right side
On the left side
To go up the street
To go down the street.
T. Now, boys and girls, repeat these phrases only on time after me.
(The pupils repeat them after the teacher).
T. You can tell the name of the classmate who is opposite you or between you and somebody else.
P. 1- Rimma is opposite me.
P. 2- Bitalya is opposite Sam.
P. 3- Vika is between Yura and me.
Работа с лексикой.
Now you can see the table on the blackboard. You should fill the left side
Product, goods, seller
Hot, hot water, cold water, to wash
Bus, people, driver, to wait for the bus
A lot of money, a bill
Fire, to put out a fire, fire engine
A bill, to book a room
Pupil, to study
Book, journal, to read
Picture, historical monuments
Doctor, broken leg, to be ill
Student, to study
Pills, drug medicine
(After filling).
Product, goods, seller
Bath public
Hot, hot water, cold water, to wash
Auto station
Bus, people, driver, to wait for the bus
A lot of money, a bill
Fire, to put out a fire, fire engine
A bill, to book a room
Pupil, to study
Book, journal, to read
Picture, historical monuments
Doctor, broken leg, to be ill
Student, to study
Pills, drug medicine
(The pupils repeat all the words of the first column).
Работа с картой.
(Work in two-es near the map. One pupil ask question and the other answers it).
P. 1- Can you tell me how to get to the bank?
P. 2- You should go up to the street, turn left, go straight and you will see te bank.
P. 3- Could you tell me where the hospital is?
P. 4- The hospital is right between the supermarket and the library.
P. 5- Excuse me, can you tell me how to get from the drugstore to the museum?
P. 6- Go down the street, then turn right and on the left side of the road you will see the museum.
Составление маршрута.
(Work in two-es near the map. One pupil reads his task and the other draws the scheme on the
blackboard. The pupils do it in their exercises).
Go down the street, turn left, go
past the shop and on the right
side of the road you can see the
Работа с лексикой.
T. -You should complete the words concerning transport.
T_ _ _ N (train)
B_ S (bus)
P_ _ _ E (plane)
B_ _ _ _ _ E (bicycle)
B_ _ T (boat)
T. What kind of transport do you like to travel by?
P. 1- I like to travel by boat.
P. 2- I like to travel by bus.
P. 3- I like to travel by plane.
P. 4- I like to travel by bicycle.
Грамматический тест.
T. You see grammar test, please make it and explain the rules.
(The pupils do it).
1. He ___ to work by car.
a) get b) gets
2. ___ you get to the hotel by bus?
a) does b) do
3. We ___ to school by plane.
a) do b) does c) do not d) does not
Дорожные знаки.
T. -You see the road signs and their translations. Match them to each other.
No parking
The road signs
Don’t walk
Bus stop
Look both way
Stop children
No cars
T. - What the roads signs are used for?
Where would you place these signs?
Do you follow the signs? Why?
(pupils answer)
Интонационное чтение.
The teacher gives some explanations about the intonation and reads the sentence. Then the pupils repeat
the sentence with intonation and raise their right hands with each accent.
They do it several times quicker and quicker.
Its 'better five 'minutes to 'wait than to 'get to the 'hospital!
T. - Thank you for your work! Your knowledge is very good. It is time to sum it up. What did we speak
at our lesson about?
P. 1 - Today we have spoke about different kinds of transport and revised the directions.
P. 2 - We worked with the map.
P. 3 - And we made the grammar test.
P. 4 - We worked with the road signs and read a very interesting sentence with intonation.
T. - Very good! You were really great today! Thank you very much.
Here are your marks. (The teacher gives marks).