Конспект урока "Life and youth of Henry" 9 класс

Предлагаем вашему вниманию конспект урока с использованием ИКТ
по истории языка в 9 классе по теме
Цели урока:
-практический аспект - совершенствование умений практического
владения учащимися английским языком по теме «История
Великобритании», развитие коммуникативных и личностно –
познавательных навыков;
-образовательный аспект - расширение кругозора учащихся; развитие у
них общих и специальных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать
учебную деятельность по овладению английским языком;
- воспитательный аспект - стимулирование учащихся к самостоятельной
работе, развитие умений работать в коллективе и принимать совместные
решения, развитие духа командного соревнования, формирование и
развитие организаторских способностей учащихся;
- развивающий аспект - развитие креативных способностей учащихся,
способностей использовать английский язык при создании
индивидуального проекта по теме;
-социокультурный аспект - расширение объема знаний учащихся об
истории, культуре, традициях Великобритании;
Задачи урока (учебные):
-обобщить пройденную информацию по теме «Жизнь и молодые годы
правления Генриха VIII»;
-совершенствовать коммуникативные умения учащихся (подготовленная и
неподготовленная устная речь) в соответствии с заданной ситуацией
-совершенствовать умения аудирования с целью получения необходимой
-совершенствовать умения поискового чтения;
-отрабатывать фонетические навыки на конкретных примерах,
направленных на решение коммуникативной задачи;
- привитие навыков самостоятельной работы по дальнейшему овладению
иноязычной культурой;
- обучение проектной деятельности: разработка генеологического древа
династии Тюдоров.
Задачи познавательного, развивающего, воспитательного
компонентов урока:
- развивать умение применения полученных знаний при решении
конкретной коммуникативной задачи (развитие социокультурной
- прививать интерес к истории, культуре, традициям Великобритании,
приобретение знаний о национальных символах, географии, экономике
Англии как части Соединенного Королевства в эпоху правления Генриха
- воспитывать умение работать в коллективе, группе;
- удовлетворение личных познавательных интересов учащихся;
- развитие речевых способностей (фонематический слух, догадка,
трансформация, моделирование) и психических функций
(аудиовизуальные виды памяти, восприятие, творческое воображение);
- развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой на
уроках лингвострановедения, привитие уважения к культуре, жителям
Великобритании (в частности, Англии).
Культуроведческий фон развития речевых умений:
- географическое, религиозное и социокультурное положение
Великобритании в эпоху правления Генриха VIII;
- национально культурные стереотипы в Англии в эпоху правления
Генриха VIII;
- место Англии как части Соединенного королевства в экономической и
общественно – политической жизни целой страны в эпоху правления
Генриха VIII.
Урок разработан в рамках темы “Places of History. Linking Past and
Present” (Unit 1), и расширяет рамки программы дополняя разделы Unit 1
“The House of Tudor” (стр. 29), Famous People”(стр. 34).
Учебник: О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева. Английский язык. Учебник для
школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий. М.:
Просвещение, 2007. – 239с.
-флипчарт для демонстрации проектной деятельности;
- интерактивная доска;
- м/м проектор;
- компьютер;
-раздаточный материал в печатном виде и на слайде (задания к
аудированию, чтению);
-слайд с портретом короля Генриха VIII;
-слайд с иллюстрациями к речевой зарядке;
- слайд с фонетической зарядкой;
- слайд с текстом фонетической зарядки к аудированию;
- слайд с вопросами к аудированию;
- слайд с заданиями к аудированию;
-слайд с текстом для чтения, иллюстрации к нему;
-слайд с лексикой для перевода текста;
- слайды с заданиями по чтению (работа с текстом);
-слайд с образцом монологического высказывания по теме;
-слайд с генеалогическим древом династии Тюдоров;
-анимационная м/м презентация;
-чистые бланки династии Тюдоров для проектной деятельности;
- материалы для проектной деятельности;
-справочный материал для учителя.
Ход урока
I.Оргмомент (0,5 мин)
1. Учащиеся рассаживаются произвольно в группы по пять человек. На
интерактивной доске представлен слайд с портретом короля Генриха VIII
(Приложение 1).
2. Приветственное слово учителя:
Teacher (T): Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to see you.
Pupils (P): Good afternoon, teacher. We are glad to see you too.
3. Установка учителя на урок
T: Today’s lesson will be merry and serious at the same time. We’ll try to generalize
your knowledge on history and culture of Great Britain during the period of reign of
Henry VIII, find out and learn something new.
II. Warming up (Речевая зарядка) (5-7 мин)
T: To begin with, I’d like to ask you some questions.
1. What associations have you got when I mention the following words: Britain,
British Empire, Lion and Unicorn, Coronation, Merry England, English breakfast,
English Heritage, English Channel, Thames Flood Barrier?
(Pupils give the brief characteristics of each region mentioned)
На интерактивной доске представлен слайд с иллюстрациями данных понятий
(Приложение 2).
Справочный материал для учителя по данному заданию представлен в
Приложении 3.
2. Imagine you have a chance to find yourself in British Court for 2 weeks. Who
would you like to be your king and why? Explain your choice in 5-6 phrases (Pupils
produce micro-monologs about the particular features of British monarchy of
different ages).
3. When we go sightseeing we usually take pictures of the places we see. Do you
think it’s interesting to look at these pictures when you’re back home? Why? What
places of interest would you like to visit in Britain? Name them (Pupils give
III. Phonetic Drill (фонетическая зарядка) (2 мин)
T: Form as many names of the towns and cities of Great Britain using the following
word parts.
New Castle
На интерактивной доске представлен слайд с составными частями названий
городов Великобритании (Приложение 4).
IV. Listening (аудирование) + приложения 5- 7. (10 мин)
a) Lexics (фонетическая зарядка). Слова даны на доске с переводом.
T: Repeat after me the new words, which will help you to understand the text
properly. Give the synonyms of these words.
A true catholic
Defender of the Faith
Защитник веры
Broke away from the
Catholic Church
Порвал с католической
Get rid of the Catholic
Church, break off the
Catholic Church
Set up his own Church of
Основал свою собственную
Англиканскую церковь
Started his own
Church of England
Supreme head
Верховный глава
He was short of money
У него не было денег
He was out of money
На интерактивной доске представлен слайд с лексикой по аудированию
(Приложение 5).
b) T: Now look attentively at the questions written on the blackboard, try to
understand the text and find out the correct answer.
1. When did the Tudor family come to power?
2. What did Henry VIII do for the glory of England?
3. What was Henry VIII interested in?
4. What title was he awarded and why?
На интерактивной доске представлен слайд с вопросами риложение 6)
c) Текст аудирования читается 1 раз.
The Tudor family came to power after the Wars of Roses. These were civil wars
between the houses of York (white rose) and Lancaster (red rose), both of whom
claimed the throne. Memories of the horrors of these wars were still alive when
Henry VII, who was just the second Tudor king crowned. The young king, handsome,
gifted and athletic did much for the glory of England. His talents were diverse he
was interested in music, books and sport. The young king paid a lot of attention to
religious questions. He was a true catholic and by 1521 he had written an Anti-
Lutheran book, for which a grateful Pope awarded him the title of Defender of the
Faith. But only ten years later Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and
set up his own Church of England. The king made himself the Supreme Head of this
new Church, and began to close the monasteries. Henry did this because he was short
of money of the monasteries for himself.
There were a lot of reasons for breaking away from Rome, but the main reason was a
romantic one.
T: Now answer the questions.
d) T: Write down the missing information as a date, word or word combination
in a proper place. You will listen to the text twice.
Запишите недостающую информацию в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания
в отведенное для этого место. Текст аудирования читается 2 раза.
Civil wars between the houses of: B1
York and
Henry was the: B2
..Tudor king crowned.
He did much for the: B3
..Of England.
By: B4
..He had written an Anti-
Lutheran book.
The title of: B5
Defender of
the Faith
But only: B6
..Henry VIII broke away
from the Catholic Church.
10 years
Данное задание соответствует заданиям В1-В6 формата ЕГЭ.
(С опорой на раздаточный материал. Приложение 7).
В колонке 3 представлены ответы для учителя.
V. Reading and text work in groups (обучение поисковому чтению) +
приложения 8-12. (15 мин)
a) На интерактивной доске и в раздаточном материале представлен слайд с
текстом для чтения (Приложение 8).
Catherine of
Only a few weeks after his coronation Henry married his
brother’s widow, a beautiful Spanish princess, Catherine of
Aragon. She was nice and clever and was a true friend to
her husband, but she failed to give him a son and after ten
years of their marriage England had to heir. Henry thought
that England would be weak if there were no king to follow
him and didn’t want his country to have civil wars again.
Anne Boleyn
This problem had troubled Henry for many years when he
met Anne Boleyn, a lady-in-waiting. Anne was not a
beauty and had six fingers on one of her hands, but the
king fell madly in love with her. Henry asked the Pope to
give him a divorce so that he could marry again and
explained that Catherine had first been his elder brother’s
wife, who had died very young. He thought that it had been
a sin to marry his brother’s widow and that the absence of
sons was his punishment. But the Pope refused and that
made the king of England break away from the Catholic
Church. Henry also proclaimed Mary, the daughter he had
by this marriage, illegitimate. Henry divorce Catherine and
married Anne Boleyn, but she didn’t give him a son either
and when Henry got tired of her he had her executed. By
his second marriage Henry had another daughter,
Elizabeth, whom he also proclaimed illegitimate.
Jane Seymour
Ten days after Ann Boleyn’s execution the king married
his third wife, Jane Seymour, who did give him a son, but
died twelve days later.
Anne of Cleves
After Jane Seymour’s death the king was extremely
unhappy. But an artist brought him back a portrait of Anne
Cleves and Henry approved of it. Anne didn’t speak
English, didn’t know who this fat strange was, so she more
or less ignored Henry. She was a dull domestic German
Catherine Howard
All in all Henry VIII had six wives. As he grew older the
king became suspicious and ruthless. His fifth wife,
Catherine Howard, was beheaded in the Tower.
Catherine Parr
The last one, Catherine Parr would have followed her but
she was lucky enough to survive the king.
King Henry VIII left three children: Mary by Catherine of
Aragon, Elizabeth by Anne Boleyn and Edward, the Prince
of Wales, by Jane Seymour (Приложение 9).
На интерактивной доске и в раздаточном материале представлен слайд с
незнакомой лексикой для помощи в переводе текста (Приложение 10).
Words necessary for the translation of the text:
Catherine of Aragon
Екатерина Арагонская
Anne Boleyn
Анна Болейн
Фрейлина королевы
Fell madly in love
Безумно влюбиться
He had her executed
Он казнил ее
Jane Seymour
Джейн Сеймур
Who did give him a son
Которая все-таки родила ему сына
All in all
Catherine Howard
Екатерина Говард
To be beheaded
Быть обезглавленным
Catherine Parr
Екатерина Парр
Was lucky enough to survive the king
Ей повезло пережить короля
To get rid of
Избавиться от
b) Text work in groups (работа с текстом).
Multiply choice. (Приложение 11).
T: Look at the statements or questions and choose the correct beginning or ending.
1. The Tudor family came to power…. .
a) after the Hundred Years’ War
b) after the War with Ireland
c) after the War of Roses
2. By 1521 Henry VIII had written an Anti Lutheran book for which a grateful
Pope awarded him the title of
a) Supreme Head of his new church
b) Defender of the Faith
c) Hammer of the Scots
3. Henry VIII closed the monasteries because…
a) he wanted to get their wealth and lands
b) he was an atheist
c) he quarreled with his first wife
4. Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon because
a) she loved his brother
b) she didn’t give him a son
c) she had a nasty character
5. Henry VIII had his second wife, Anne Boleyn, executed because
a) she didn’t give him a son
b) she had six fingers on her hand
c) she was the mother of Elizabeth, who later became the greatest monarch England
had ever known
6. Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church because…
a) the Pope refused to allow Henry to divorce Catherine of Aragon
b) the Pope told Henry that his marriage to Catherine was a sin
c) Henry wanted to become a protestant
7. Henry VIII wanted to have a son because…
a) he thought that England would be weak if there were no King to follow him
b) he hated girls
c) he wanted to have somebody to play football with
8. All in all Henry VIII had…
a) eight wives
b) five wives
c) six wives
9. After Henry’s death…came to the throne.
a) his daughter Elizabeth
b) his wife Anne Boleyn
c) his son Edward
10…..became the greatest monarch England has ever known.
a) Mary
b) Elizabeth
c) Catherine of Aragon
d) Edward, Prince of Wales.
Put the sentences in correct order (Приложение 12):
Henry divorced Catherine of Aragon
Henry had Anne Boleyn executed
Henry was born
Henry wrote an anti-Lutheran book
Henry became ruthless and suspicious
Edward, prince of Wales was born
Henry married Ann Boleyn
Henry broke away from Rome
Mary was born
Henry set up a new Church of England
Henry had his fifth wife executed
Elizabeth was born
Henry fell in love with Anne Boleyn
Henry married Catherine of Aragon
Henry closed the monasteries
Henry married Jane Seymour
Henry became King of England
Henry married Catherine Parr
Henry died
VI. Brush up-A minute of Consideration (закрепление материала).
Приложение 13. (3-4 мин)
T: Imagine that you are the King Henry VIII or one of his wives. Tell a few words
about your life the role you play in history.
Henry VIII (1509-1547) Claim to fame
Got rid of the Catholic Church in England and made himself head of the new
Church. That gave him the chance to divorce his first wife and also to steal the
reaches of the Catholic Church.
He built the first modern navy.
He liked hunting, eating, riding, eating, archery, eating, music, eating…and
getting his own way.
All in all he had six wives.
VII. Project work. (6-8 мин)
На интерактивной доске представлен слайд с генеалогическим древом династии
Тюдоров. (Приложение 14).
Ученикам раздаются чистые бланки с пропусками в генеалогическим древе
династии Тюдоров и предлагается следующее задание творческого характера:
Fill in the gaps with the missing information, put in the dates of reign, life and death;
denote the main historic role of the members of Tudors’ family; distinguish those
members of the dynasty who ruled England, sign them with different colours.
T: Now you are going to work in groups. Look at your forms and try to create a
special table of the Tudors’ Dynasty. Fill in the gaps with the missing information,
put in the dates of reign, life and death; denote the main historic role of the members
of Tudors’ family; distinguish those members of the dynasty who ruled England,
sign them with different colours.Then come to the blackboard and present your
VIII. Home work. (0,5 мин)
T: Chose any queen or king of Great Britain and speak about him/her. Make the m/m
Reference material for teachers.
A frequently - used name for Great Britain or the United Kingdom.
It comprises England, Wales, and Scotland on the island of Great
Britain, and Northern Ireland on the island of Ireland (Britannia)
The empire of Britain, which began in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries with the establishment of colonies in North
America, and ended in the twentieth century as dozens of nations,
formerly British possessions, became independent.
Cultural Note At its height at the beginning of the 20
century, it
covered more than one fifth of the land mass of the globe and
was the largest empire of the world ever known. George V reigned
over 11,400,000 sq miles of territory and a population of 410
million. Moreover, the British Empire differed from its
predecessors in that its territory was not continuous, or even
relatively continuous. Its ramifications embraced every continent,
its interests were paramount on every sea.
The expance of its territory was matched only by the complexity of
its organization. The empire included:
-self-governing dominious Australia, Canada, New Zealand and
the Union of South Africa;
- crown colonies not possessing responsible government some
with an elected house of assembly, some with a partly legislative
council, some with a legislative council nominated by the crown
and some without any provision;
-a number of dependencies indirectly controlled by the secretary of
state for the colonies, and a miscellaneous collection of territories
administrated by the India Office, the Foreign Office, the
Admiralty and the Home Office.
The empire ceased to have an “emperor” in the late 1940s, when
the British king renounced the title “emperor of India”. The empire
has been succeeded by the commonwealth.
Lion and
A heraldic sign of the British crown. Lion has been used as a
symbol of national strength and Unicorn as the symbol of purity.
A ceremony involving the anointing and crowning of the king or
queen at or near the start of a reign.
A traditional concept of “good old England”, in particular the
England of Elizabeth times (the 16
century), when life is
imagined to have been generally pleasant and the national mood
one of optimism (“merry”, now meaning “cheerful”, “jolly”, meant
“pleasant” in the 16
A traditional breakfast consisting of cooked bacon and eggs,
preceded by porridge and followed by toast and marmalade, and
accompanying drink being usually coffee, although also tea. Such
breakfasts have in recent years given way to a lighter meal, the so-
called “continental breakfast”.
The short name of the Historic Buildings and Monuments
Commission for England, a government body set up in 1984 to
care for ancient monuments and historic buildings in England and
to encourage the public to visit them. At present English Heritage
has about 400 such sites under its care, including such famous
structures as Stonehenge, Dover Castle and parts of Hadrian’s
The area of the sea between England and France.
Cultural Note The English Channel has kept out invaders for a
thousand years. Nowadays, Britain wants to welcome tourists, but
the crossing makes travelling between Britain and the rest of
Europe inconvenient and time consuming. Despite that, about 18,1
million people visit Britain every year. Half of these people come
to England by ferry or hovercraft.
The English Channel is one of the busiest stretches of water in the
world and Dover, on the south of England is the busiest passenger
terminal in Europe. In august, the most popular month for visitors,
there are 50 ferry and 14 hovercraft crossings between Dover and
Calais every day. There are many routes across the English
Channel but the fastest trip is the 35-minute hovercraft crossing
between Dover and Calais.
Flood Barrier
A structure built at Woolwich in London to control very high tides
to protect the city from floods.