Методическая разработка урока "Изобретения, которые потрясли мир" 9 класс

Методическая разработка урока
"Изобретения, которые потрясли мир".
Зайцева Нина Алексеевна, учитель английского языка
Тип урока: повторительно- обобщающий урок с применением информационной
Цель: Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и
монологической формах в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции
1. Развивающие:
2. Развитие связной речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти,
внимания, логического мышления, развитие способностей к узнаванию и
сопоставлению нового и ранее изученного.
3. Развитие познавательной активности учащихся, навыков самостоятельной и
коллективной работы.
4. Развитие логики высказывания, умения систематизировать свои знания,
высказывать свое мнение и умение обосновывать свою точку зрения.
1. Формирование мотивации учащихся к изучению языка через применение
компьютерных технологий.
2. Формирование коммуникативной компетенции в обучении говорению.
1. Развитие способностей к коллективной работе в группе, воспитание чувства
ответственности за совместную работу.
2. Воспитание уважения к точке зрения собеседника.
3. Формирование интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
мультимедийный проектор, компьютер;
Межпредметные связи: английский язык, информационные технологии, физика.
Ход урока
(на экране)
«The inventions that shook the world»
I. Organization of the lesson.
Teacher: Hello boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you. Today we are going to have an unusual
lesson. We’ll speak about the inventions that shook the world. We'll discuss a lot of important
problems connected with our topic, the role of science, we'll make up some solutions of our
problem. We should help each other, be kind and friendly.
Look at the Motto of our today’s lesson “Man is still the most extraordinary thing of all.
During our lesson we’ll not only touch this problem, but we’ll try to understand why man is
constantly changing and improving his life. Just imagine a great number of inventions of the
world. Time which we live in is unusual. It is the of 2013 now. It’s the beginning of the XXI
century and the 3rd millennium. We don’t know what we’ll have in a future, but I hope it will be
beautiful and interesting. They say we can’t have a great future if we don’t realize the past.
II. Phonetic drill
Lets repeat some words denoting gadgets and scientists names
a TV set-to watch TV, to operate the TV set
a computer- to work on a computer
a vacuum cleaner is useful and reliable
a mobile telephone to receive or make calls
a camera modern digital cameras
a microwave oven to cook, defrost in a microwave oven-
-a car an old car, to go by car
a calculator - a solar powered calculator, to do calculations
Alexander Graham Bell
Henry Ford
Akita Morita
Karl Benz
the Lumiere brothers
James M. Spangler
John Logie Baird
Bill Gates
Ш. Практика устной речи Scientists. Учёные и их достижения (Найти
3.1 Диалогическая речь
: Science wouldnt exist without people, who made scientific researches and investigations. They are
called scientists. Theyre great people without any doubt. Of course you know their names, but are
you sure, that you know their achievements?
T: Dear friends, (учитель раздает речевые опоры карточка1) First scan the key words of
Card 1 and try to restore the information about the outstanding people of the past who made it
possible to use their inventions in the 21st century as commonplace. Match the inventions above
to these inventors:
Карточка 1
to invent telephone (Alexander Graham Bell; an American engineer; 1876)
to open the world’s first cinema (the Lumiere brothers; France; Paris; 1895)
to develop the first personal stereo Sony Walkman (Akita Morita; Japan)
to build the first vacuum cleaner (James M Spangler; the USA; 1908)
to create the world’s first car assembly line (Henry Ford; an automobile manufacturer; the
USA; 1908)
to invent television (; 1926; Scotland)
to design the first artificial satellite (Sergei Korolyev; Russia; 1957)
to create Microsoft-DOS or Disk Operating System (Bill Gates; the USA; 1980)
Начинается речевая зарядка, которую учитель проводит в режимах [TP1P2P3]
(фронтальной беседы), [TP1→P2] (управляемого диалога) и [P1↔P2] (диалога
учащихся). Речевые опоры с обсуждаемой на уроке информацией способствуют
активизации речепорождающей мыслительной деятельности учащихся, которые для
выражения мысли на изучаемом иностранном языке обдумывают еще и важнейшие
грамматические явления английского языка, являющейся основой их грамотной речи.
T: Ask each other what inventions were made in the l9th and the 20th centuries and who
their inventors were. Look at Card 1 and choose any invention you like.
Pupils use their knowledge they got at the lessons of physics, history, geography and ability to
think logically. They work in groups. The teacher asks the groups’ ideas in 2-3 minutes. Pupils
use the phrases: “I think”, “I’m sure”, “I’m not quite sure, but I think”.
P1 I think: We can’t live without telephone .But what do you know about this invention?
P2: Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, an American engineer, in 1876.
There was an invention connected with cars. What was it?
P3: I suppose it was the world’s first car assembly line created by Henry Ford, an
automobile manufacturer of the USA, in 1908.
P4: I’d like to tell upon cinematography. And my question is as follows. Who were the
first to start shooting films? Do you know?
P5: Card 1 gives me some information about it and I can say the Lumiere brothers were the
first to start doing it. In 1895 they patented their cinematography and opened the world’s first
cinema in Paris. And no doubt cinema now is also commonplace for everybody, isn’t it?
T: Ask each other about the other invention which gives people nowadays brilliant
opportunity to see favourite films at home without going to the cinema.
P6: It’s television which is commonplace now. And nobody I believe can live without it.
And we know now that television was invented by John Logie Baird from Scotland in 1926 and
compared with the cinema has its advantages nowadays too.
T: There were many other inventions in the 20th century. Will you speak about them too?
(Учитель предлагает другим учащимся класса продолжить разговор.)
P7: Who developed the first personal stereo Sony Walkman? Do you know?
P8: It was Akita Morita from Japan.
But there is such an appliance of our everyday life which is difficult to imagine as an
invention. Can you guess what I mean?
P9: It’s a vacuum cleaner, I suppose. This appliance was first built in 1908 by James M.
Spangler from the USA. And what is Bill Gates, an American inventor, famous for?
Bill Gates is an American who created Microsoft Disk Operating System in 1980. This
system is known all over the world now.
Teacher: Some people think technology will save the world and make it better, some
others think that technology will ruin the society, we are too depend on electric and electronic
gadgets. Why are there a lot of various everyday life modern inventions (gadgets) Why does a
modern man need them? ( проблема написана на экране)
Test. Match the words and their definitions (письменная работа)
Карточка 2
Gadgets and machines
people use
What do people use them for?
1 - a computer
a - to cut and collect grass
2 - a TV set
b - to do roller-skating in the streets, in parks and
3 a vacuum cleaner
c - to wake up people and tell the time
4 a mobile telephone
d - to write programmes, to play computer games, to
find and use information
5 a microwave
e - to take photographs
6 a TV remote-control unit
f - to perform everyday cleaning tasks from cleaning
up liquids, dust and waste and shampooing carpets
7 a talking alarm clock
g - to sew clothes, to sew on buttons; to do
embroidery and applique
8 a video recorder or player
h - to operate the TV set from a distance
9 a camera
i - to receive or make calls from any place; to send
and receive messages
10 a solar powered calculator
j - to build up one’s strength
11 a dishwasher
k - to see TV programmes, to have fun and entertain
12 a mower
l - to record a TV programme on a different channel;
to watch pre-recorded videos
13 a body builder machine
m - to do calculations in sunlight or daylight
14 a sewing machine
n - to wash dishes
15 roller blades
o - to cook, to defrost, to reheat pre-prepared food
The keys
1 -d
6 h
11 n
2 - k
7 c
12 a
3 f
8 l
13 j
4 i
9 e
14 g
5 - o
10 - m
15 - b
3.2 Монологическая речь
T: Choose some inventions and tell us what people use them for.
P1: Let’s begin with computers. They are used to write programmes, to play computer
games, to find and use a lot of useful information. We can’t live without them. As for TV sets
they entertain ourselves when we see our favourite TV programmes. And TV remote-control
units help us to operate the TV set from a distance. And certainly we can say that TV sets also
play a very important part in our life .
P2: Vacuum cleaners. It’s difficult to imagine our everyday life without them. They are
used to perform everyday cleaning tasks from cleaning up liquids, dust and waste and even
shampooing carpets. But mobile telephones are sometimes of greater importance because we
can both receive and make calls from any place when we are far from our friends or relatives.
This invention gives people a good opportunity to send or to receive messages like telegrams I
should say.
P3: Of great importance are also microwaves. Many people use them when they want to
cook, to defrost or to reheat pre-prepared food. It’s very convenient and saves a lot of time. I can
say that modem talking alarm clocks are very useful too. They not only wake up people but also
tell the exact time.
P4: I’d like to tell about video recorders or players. They are used to record any TV
programme on a different channel or to watch pre-recorded videos which many young people
enjoy seeing in their free time. Besides many of the young use cameras to take photographs of
their friends and relatives and the places they visit.
P5: As for solar powered calculators they are very useful too and help people to do
calculations in sunlight or daylight. They help everybody to save time when you have to count
something. There is a very important household unit which is also used to save people’s time.
It’s a dishwasher that is used to wash dishes.
III. 3 Discussion the advantages and disadvantages of using computers:
Teacher: I’m sure that everybody has a computer .Some people think it’s very useful gadget
others think otherwise. Now, let’s speak about cons and pros of computers.
Pupil1: Convenience: They are very convient. It’s like a typewriter and address book for me and
it is also used for checking my spelling. Besides, I can go on the Internet and discover everything
about anything, it’s a brilliant source of information.
Pupil2: Entertainment: As for me I also have got a computer at home. I’m getting lots of
information for school. Besides some website are packed with games and competitions, it’s all
you need for hours of fun on your computer. I can play and learn on it. I don’t know how I’ve
ever lived without it.
Pupil3: Academic Preparation and Improved Skills: Children who received teaching with
educational computer programs do better on tests of academic preparation than those who
receive standard Head Start teaching.
Pupill 4: Improvement in Cooperation and Working with Others
Working with others helps children learn how to take turns on the machine and how to speak and
listen to others using the computer.
1. Health Risks. Sitting at a computer may do a lot of harms our eyes.
2. Unsafety. Many computers connected to the Internet, dangers from all over the world must be
watched for. They include viruses that destroy the valuable files on a computer or steal private
personal information
3. Addiction. Computers may waste a lot of time for you, you can use it more wisely. My
parents consider that I can damage my health working on a computer.
4. Teacher: I think if you don’t take care you can damage your health working on computers.
That’s why remember to take 10 minutes break every hour your work. This will rest your eyes
and other parts of your body.
Pupil 5: As for me I’m fond of English and I spend all my spare time working or playing on the
computer. And I suppose that English is closely connected with the computer science.
Teacher: What thing most of you couldn’t live without?
P: I couldn’t live without a mobile telephone. But mobile telephones are sometimes of greater
importance because we can both receive and make calls from any place when we are far from
our friends or relatives. This invention gives people a good opportunity to send or to receive
messages like telegrams I should say.
P: I can’t agree with you I think the best gadget is a computer. : The computer is the most useful
invention of the 20th century I believe. It seems to me life is dull without computers. These are
clever machines which offer people a lot of possibilities to develop their imagination, memory,
and many other mental abilities.
Teacher I agree with you. Everything becomes more complex today, so the ways we find
solutions to our problems should become easier.
Now it’s time to relax. I advise you to listen to the beautiful song about the man
V. Аудирование (с опорой на видео)
Teacher: Dear friends, you know that a lot of gadgets were invented by men. Now listen
to some facts about inventions, made by women.
Выполнение заданий по аудированию (приложение)
VI. Reading the text (приложение)
V.2. Mobile Phones and Schools
Teacher: For several years now, schools have debated whether or not pupils should be allowed
to bring their mobile phones to school. While there are some advantages of having mobiles at
school, I personally believe that it is better for you to leave your mobiles at home. What’s your
Pupil1: I think that mobile phones can be serious distraction in classrooms, It is impossible for
teachers and students to focus on classwork, if there are constant interruptions from mobile
phones ringing.
Pupil2: I’d find it almost impossible to be without my mobile phone. I just couldn’t organize
my social life without it, and my parents only allow me to stay out late on Saturday if I keep
calling them. They want to know where I am.
Pupil 3: Students should not be allowed to bring their mobiles to school because last year there
have been quite a few cases, for instance, of students being robbed of their phones. In addition,
the classroom should not be used as a place to show off possessions.
Pupil 4: To my mind, the best solution to this would be to totally ban the use of mobile phones
during the lessons.
Teacher: Thank you for your opinions.
VII. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов.
Dear friends! We have to make up some solutions.
P1 : Of course, Man is the most extraordinary thing of all. The future of the world is in his hands
People’s desire to know more about the world, to improve his life will never be satisfied and can
get the best results if we do this hard work together.
Teacher: The Future is in your hands. Dream, Create, Act, but don’t forget to listen to your
hearts. Remember, only kind hearts are able to move the Progress.
Well, I think our time is up. Thank you for your work and attention
I’d like to thank you for your work. You were really great! I hope you’ve learned much and
perhaps will use your knowledge of English in the future.
Well, I think our time is up. Thank you for your work and attention
VIII. Home assignment.
You have to write a composition about a computer.