Конспект урока "Step One. Primary, secondary schools"

Lesson plan
The theme of the lesson:
Step One. Primary, secondary schools
The aims and objectives
of the lesson:
a) educational
b) developing
c) cultural
to enrich pupil’s vocabulary, to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages
and to write the test work, remember new words and give them more information’s
about test.
to develop pupil’s habits in speaking, reading and translating, to develop
communicative skills and abilities, to write the test
to bring up pupil’s interests, respect and love to foreign and native languages, to
educate them to respect their classmates
The type of the lesson:
New lesson
The methods of the
vocabulary method, method of explanation, comparing, completing, question-
response, bring storming
Visual aids of the lesson:
pictures, notebook, grammar table
Connected of the lesson
The procedure of the
Teacher’s activity
Student’s activity
І. Organization moment
- greeting; - to check the attendance of pupils;
-to pay pupils attention to the lesson;
-to check the preparation of the lesson and to
introduce the test
- greeting;
-acting on duty;
-to prepare for the lesson;
- doing the test work
ІІ. Checking up the
home task
(teacher checks the homework on the pupil’s
copybooks and some pupils will write it on the
Pupils will write it on the
III. Explaining new
a) work on new words
In England about 93 per cent of children attend state
schools. The other 7 per cent attend private schools. A
minority of these private schools are boarding schools
where children live as well as study. Private schools
are very expensive.
In Britain it is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16
years to receive some officially recognized form of
schooling. For younger children, there are a few state
kindergartens, some private kindergartens and a few
nursery classes "in ordinary schools. They are
1 Мәтінді оқып тыңдату.
2 Таныс емес сөздермен жұмыс
Аударма: boarding school, compulsory, nursery
classes, infant school, grammar school.
сөздердің мағынасын түсіндіру.
3 Жаңа сөздермен фонетикалық жаттығу жүргізу.
Read the dialogue
good reading and translation
write the for examples about
your friend
write your answers
talk your partner
Doing the grammar
b) tasks for the
development of
cognitive abilities
If pupils make mistakes teacher will correct them
Ex 1-5 on p
Ex 6 on p
Ex 7-9 on p
IV. Consolidation of the
new lesson
To consolidate the lesson by asking questions or
Pupils answer the question
or translate
V. Homework
Ex 7 on p Ex 10 on p
VІ. Evaluation
Pupils you are very activity today, your marks are 5,
4, …
They’ll bring their diaries to
the teacher to their marks
VII. The end of the
-The lesson is over
-Good-bye pupils, See you on next lesson
-Good-bye teacher.