Конспект урока "My things" 5 класс

План- конспект урока к учебнику Spotlight 5
My things: модуль 2b
Задачи: активизация изученной ранее тематической лексики; мотивирование учащихся на
дальнейшую работу по теме.
делать выбор и
отвечать за этот
выбор, развитие
умения писать
учебные действия
Умения организовать
свою деятельность,
содержание текста-
диалога по первым
Познавательные УУД
мыслить и работать с
обобщение и
категории имени
существительного в
англ. языке. в
сопоставлении с
русским на примере
Умения общаться и
взаимодействовать с
освоение в речи
активной лексики и
развитие умения
развитие умения
вести диалог -
I. Начало урока. Организационный момент.
Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.
Good morning, morning, good morning to you! Good morning, good morning! We are glad to see
Teacher: What is the weather like today?
Pupils: Today is…
Teacher: Now show me please your mood!
Look on your desks please.
Everybody has got on your desk three colors of leaves. Take a card, please. If your mood is bad
today show me please a green card.
If your mood is so-so show me please a yellow card.
If your mood is very good show me please a red card.
II.Введение в тему урока
Does everybody remember what lesson it is today?
This lesson we are going to repeat our lexical and grammar knowledge.
III.Фонетическая зарядка
Our topic is called “My things”. Let's remember which things we have. Mind your personal things.
(слайды 3-4)
IV. Отработка лексики по теме “My things”
Teacher: Look at the blackboard, please (на доске слова " jeans ", "bank", "music", "radio",
"computer", "television") Do you know these words? (Ответы учеников)
( Объяснение значения «Интернациональные слова»)
Teacher: Look at the exercise 1, please. Do you know any of these words? (Ответы учеников)
Right, look at the screen and repeat after me.
(дети смотрят на экран и повторяют слова за учителем)
Teacher: What things have you got? Have you got a ball? Have you got a cap? Has your friend got
a hat? What has the girl in the picture got? (Ответы учеников)
V. Чтение
Teacher: We are going to talk about our things.
1) Let’s go to the exercise 2. Here we've got two questions. We'll listen to the dialogue and try to
answer these questions.
Who's got a new bike?
What was Amy's birthday present?
Аудирование диалога, ответ на вопросы.
Чтение диалога по ролям
Teacher: Children, let’s have a little rest. Stand up, please. Let’s do some physical exercises and
recite the poem.
Hands on your hips,
Hands on your knees,
Put them behind you
If you please
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes.
VI. Grammar
Teacher: Let`s remember our grammar. Look at the task. Explain your choice of ending
(Дети выполняют задание)
Teacher: Look at the table . We can see different suffixes of plural form. Look at the rule please.
Read the forms of plurals.
(Дети выполняют задание)
Teacher: We have got the next task. Look at the screen. We can see two columns. Listen the text
and match the people to their presents.
(Дети выполняют задание)
VIII.Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов
Teacher: Open please your dairies and write down our home task.
SB: Ex 10, p. 39 WB: Ex 3, p.23
Teacher: Children, what did we talk about this lesson? What did you like best?
My dear friends answer my next question Which mood have you got? We have got a tree on the
blackboard. Decorate our tree with the tress please.