Подписи к слайдам:
  • to determine the importance space exploration
The main aims are:  
  • to learn the history of space research;
  • to learn the nowadays level of space exploration
  • to learn the facts of appearance of unknown flying objects;
  • to write a story about imaging meeting with human beings;
  • to make a photo presentation about history of cosmonautics..
Methods of research
  • theoretical analysis of the literature;
  • summarizing the information
. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolovsky worked out the theory of cosmic flights The first artificial sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. The Russians have every right to be proud of it The man who was standing behind Soviet space strategy from the 1930s was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev . On April 12, 1961 the spaceship “Vostok”, piloted by Yuri Gagarin, went up Voskhod 2, launched on 18 March 1965, included the first spacewalk. Connected to the spacecraft with a tether, Alexei Leonov spent around ten minutes drifting in space Launched from Florida on July 16, the third lunar mission of NASA's Apollo program was crewed by Commander Neil Alden Armstrong Hubble Space Telescope The Mir base module was launched on 20 February 1986 Unidentified flying object (commonly abbreviated as UFO or U.F.O.) Conclusion
  • I enjoyed working on this theme. I summarized the material. It seems most reasonable to offer the following main areas of space research:
  • 1) building geostationary solar power plants
  • 2) environmental controls over surface of the Earth Space vehicles; meteorological satellite service; navigation for ships, planes, ground transportation, a system for receiving signals from distress; communications and television;
  • 3) works associated with the deployment in orbit of cost-effective production of dangerous on Earth's surface;
  • 4) works in the interest of maintaining world peace, stability and capacity-confidence among States, prevention of aggression. This refers to the creation open to public inspection satellite system to control land and ocean surface, airspace ;
  • 5) research and development of the solar system;
  • 6) exploring the universe with the orbital telescopes and other astrophysical orbital vehicles. They can bring us the most valuable and unusual information.
Geostationary solar power plants (I offer imaginary modal of such station. 36 000 km above the Earth solar battery will be set. It will be square 10 km X 10 km. The solar energy will be transmitted to the Earth) “My Travel into space” Работа Беловоловой Ксеньи ученицы 6 класса МОУ СОШ № 1 ст.Ленинградской Краснодарского края предоставлена на конкурс “Space Tourist Adventure”

Oh! I’ll see an unknown planet, I’ll call it Victoria!.