План-конспект урока “Whale Talk” 10 класс

План-конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе
Тема: “Whale Talk
Цель урока: развитие лексико-грамматических навыков
Задачи урока:
обучающие: совершенствовать навыки чтения
расширять лексический запас
развивать умение работать со словарём
воспитательные: повышать образовательный уровень учащихся
расширять кругозор
развивать сотрудничество между учащимися
развивающие: развивать память и внимание
развивать компенсаторные умения
умение самостоятельно планировать свои действия
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. 5 мин.
1.Приветствие учителя. Сообщение целей урока.
2. Речевая разминка. Учитель задаёт вопросы учащимся о том, какие речевые
единицы они знают, что такое фразовые глаголы, как могут меняться в
предложении глаголы, что такое интернациональные слова.
II. Основной этап урока. 35 мин.
Развитие лексических навыков.
Все упражнения придуманы и составлены автором урока Нарышкиной В.В.
1. Прочитайте текст Whale Talk м. Раздаточный материал)
2. Найдите в тексте слова-интернационализмы.
ocean, killer, сommunicate, information, sarcastic, dialects, tone, imitate, correlate,
analyzing, statistical, technique, imitation, organized, complex
3. Подберите дефиниции к следующим глаголам: detect, sound, hesitate, develop,
separate, record
To be unwilling to do smth because it might not be right
To find or notice smth
To preserve sound or events so that they can be heard or seen again
To invent or produce a new product or idea
To keep apart
To make a noise, often as a signal
4. Поставьте глаголы из упр.3 в предложения, изменив форму, где необходимо:
1. She has ………..several songs. (recorded)
2. I …………… to ask him to lend me some money. (hesitate)
3. The dinner bell ……………..(sounded)
4. The Romans ………….the technique of glass-blowing (developed)
5. Small quantities of poison were ………..in the dead man’s stomach. (detected)
6. The communities ……………by religious differences.(were separated)
5. Работа со словарем найдите слова: drawl, twang, uttering, squawk, whistle, call
Каким общим словом их можно назвать
5. Заполните пропуски в устойчивых выражениях словами из текста, переведите
на русский, составьте с ними свои предложения (письменно)
a) be/sound ………… from (different)
b) the ………..of voice (tone)
c) ……….a sense of (get)
d) to ………somebody’s attention (get)
e) be years ………..from (away)
6. Найдите 2 наречия, оканчивающиеся на –ly- и соедините с синонимами:
finally, supposedly (eventually, presumably). Какое из них вы выберите для
следующих предложений:
а) ………………..there’s a good reason for her absence, as she doesn’t usually stay
away from work
b) She worked so hard that she ………………got ill.
7. Найдите в тексте фразовые глаголы (pick up on, come up with, pull apart, find
out), соедините со значениями
They've tried to ………..a solution. (to think of, develop, or find something)
She's real sharp. She …………everything. (to become alert to something; to
take notice of something; to learn or catch on to something)
We spent the afternoon and tried to ……………..the figures supplied by the
research team. (to examine all the parts of something in order to understand
We ………………that the Smiths are going to sell their house. (to discover
facts about someone or something; to learn a fact).
8. Найдите в тексте и напишите в тетради перевод следующих слов и
модуляция или тональность, подсвечивать значение, звуковые образцы,
обширный словарный запас, в целом
III. Заключительный этап урока 5 мин.
1. Заключительное слово учителя
Оценивается работа учащихся, выставляются отметки.
2. Задание на дом: сочинить небольшую историю (80 слов) с новыми словами и
Раздаточный материал
Whale Talk
The call of the killer whale may have a southern drawl, or a deep ocean twang, though you may
not be able to detect it.
That is, the sounds made by a killer whale in one part of the ocean may be very different from
the sounds of a killer whale from another area in the sea. Much as people from the southern
United States sound different from New Englanders.
David Bain studies the underwater utterings of two killer whales at Marine World, in Vallejo,
California. Despite their different dialects he says the mammals learned to communicate with
one another by eventually learning to make each other's sounds. Inflection also colors
meaning, just as it does with people.
Researcher Bain says," There's a lot of information in the tone of voice, how they say it, you
can get a sense of whether they're being sarcastic or not. Yes they do have a tone of voice."
Researchers hesitate to call the sounds language, but the sounds clearly do help whales
communicate with other whales and other mammals may even be picking up on it.
The ability of whales and dolphins to imitate sounds helps develop something of a cross-
species language. When the dolphin Bayou was separated from the Orca, Yaka,Bayou began
uttering Orca like sounds, presumably to get the whale's attention.
Researchers here say dolphins are such good imitators, one even learned to squawk like a
Brenda McCowan tries to correlate dolphin behavior with their whistle like sounds. By recording
and analyzing the sound patterns, she's also come up with what looks like an extensive
vocabulary. She says," We found, using a statistical technique that produced about 102 whistle
types, overall, their whistle types consist of that."
Although she is still not sure what any of it means, " We just don't know yet. We're slowly trying
to pull apart the pieces, use of imitation, the importance of how whistles are organized, to find
out how complex it is."
Researchers may be years away from learning what every fish in the ocean already knows.
When the killer whale speaks, you'd better jump...
Текст Whale Talk взят с сайта: http://teletalk.co.kr/cnn/cnnsf/whaletalk/home.html