Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Easter"

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку на тему: «Easter»
(предназначен для учащихся начальной школы, УМК – любой)
Выполнила Алешина Маргарита Вячеславовна,
учитель I квалификационной категории
Narrator 1
Narrator 2
Old woman
Boy 2
Pupils 1-5
Video Holidays All Around the World (продолжительность фрагмента 1min 30 sec)
Pupil 1: People celebrate different holidays all over the world. Some holidays are funny and
some holidays are patriotic and dedicated to historical events. Some holidays are
international and people celebrate them everywhere but in a different way.
Pupil 2: Our project is about Easter. Easter is one of the most important holidays in Russia.
Russians decorate eggs and bake a special cake. But do you know anything about Easter in
Britain or the USA? If not, don’t worry. Today you’re going to learn a lot about Easter
stories and traditions and compare them with what we have in Russia.
Pupil 3: Easter is a festival that people celebrate on the first Sunday after the first full moon
in spring. Easter marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
Pupil 4: First of all, Easter is a public holiday. In the UK, schools close for two weeks at
Easter time.
Pupil 3: That’s a pity that we don’t have Easter holidays.
Pupil 4: The day before Easter is called Good Friday and people eat hot cross buns. Look,
these are hot cross buns with a white cross on them. And there is a legend about them.
Narrator 1: Once upon a time there lived a monk.
Monk: I walk along the streets and see many poor families. Easter is in two days and on that
great holiday families shouldn’t be hungry. What should I do for them? (Задумывается.)
Oh, I know! I’ll bake a lot of buns with rasins inside! I’ll decorate them with a cross and give
them to poor families.
Narrator 1: So he did. Then he saw a little boy nearby.
Monk: What’s your name, little boy?
Giles: Giles.
Monk: Do you want my buns, Giles?
Giles: Yes, please. Could you give me your basket of buns? I want to sell them.
Narrator 1: The boy was in old clothes and had a dirty face. The monk felt sorry for him.
Monk: All right, I’ll give you my basket of buns.
Narrator 1: That Easter morning Giles went with his basket from house to house, singing
loudly: One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns!
Giles: Oh, I’ve sold all the buns and now I have some money! But there are so many poor
people. I’ll go to church and put it in the box for the poor.
Narrator 1: And so he did. That boy had a very kind heart. Nowadays all children sing that
Все дети выходят на сцену и хором поют песню «Hot Cross Buns».
Hot Cross Buns Nursery rhyme song
Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
Give them to your daughters,
Give them to your sons,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
Pupil 3: Wow! That’s really cool!
Pupil 4: And what about eggs? Do English children enjoy painting eggs like we do in
Pupil 1: Of course, they do. Many children believe that Easter Bunny brings eggs and hides
them for children on Easter morning.
Pupil 3: Easter Bunny? Who is that?
Narrator 2: There are many different legends about Easter Bunny but here is the most
На слайде маленький домик.
Narrator 2: A long time ago there was an old woman who loved children.
Old woman: Every year I give my children presents to celebrate spring. But this year is very
bad: we have nothing to eat and we are very poor. I have nothing to give to my poor
children! What shall I do? (Задумывается). Oh! I have some eggs. I will paint them and hide
them in the yard.
Приходят дети.
Boy 1: Spring has come! The sky is blue!
Boy 2: The sun is shining! The birds are singing!
Boys (together): We are so happy!
Old woman: My dear children, go to the yard and you’ll find your presents there.
Дети бегут в сад и ищут яйца. Один ребенок увидел кролика и закричал.
Boy 1: Look! A rabbit!
Boy 2: Oh, now I know that this rabbit has brought us eggs!
Narrator 2: So the children thought that the rabbit left the eggs for them! And ever since
children have searched for eggs left by the Easter rabbit. It is called the Easter Egg Hunt.
Pupil 3: Well, that’s not all, of course. There is another tradition in English-speaking
countries. It is called the Easter Egg Roll.
Video the Easter Egg Roll (8:22-8:43)
Pupil 1: For most British children, Easter means chocolate Easter eggs. The shops are full of
bright Easter displays decorated with chicks, rabbits and flowers. 90 million chocolate eggs
are sold in the UK each year, and each child gets about eight chocolate eggs. Some people
believe that too much chocolate is eaten at Easter time and most doctors and dentists
wouldn’t advise people to eat too many Easter eggs.
Pupil 4: But Easter isn’t just about eating chocolate eggs and egg rolling. There is also
famous Morris dancing.
Pupil 5: What dancing? I have never heard about that!
Pupil 4: Morris dance is a form of English folk dance. People hold sticks, swords or
handkerchiefs while dancing. Look at the screen.
Video Morris dancing in Oxford
Pupil 5: But one of the best known Easter customs, which has a long history, is Easter
parade or Easter Bonnet parade as they call it in Britain.
Pupil 4: What is it all about?
Pupil 5: People traditionally wear new clothes and different hats. The most famous parades
are along Fifth Avenue in New York and in Battersea Park in London.
Video Easter Hat Parade (продолжительность фрагмента - 1min 20 sec)
Pupil 5: Now you’ve learned a lot about Easter traditions in English-speaking countries. As
you see, they are different from ours. But there is one thing in common Easter joy!
(together): Happy Easter!
Все выходят на сцену и кланяются.
Использованные материалы:
1. Video Holidays All Around the World
2. Hot Cross Buns Nursery rhyme song
3. Video the Easter Egg Roll
4. Video Morris dancing in Oxford
5. Video Easter Hat Parade
6. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/626528/
7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris_dance