Контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс 1 полугодие

Административная контрольная для 11 класса
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1 вариант
1. Match these job characteristics with their definitions.
1) Satisfying a) awarding enough money
2) Rewarding b) meeting all requirements and conditions
3) Challenging c) giving satisfaction and profit
4) Well-paid d) stimulating, interesting and thought-provoking
2. Form the nouns and the verbs from adjectives.
Imaginative, persistent, creative, responsible.
3. Read the text and bill in the gaps with the correct options.
Some people are fortunate enough to discover that they have a special interest when they
are young giving them a direction when they go to choose a 1) …. Jessica showed an interest in
clothes and in sewing from a very early 2) … which resulted in her winning awards in school
fashion shows 3) … a teenager. She is well on her way toward a 4) … career in costume design.
Others have a more difficult time finding their way. Even people who believe they know
their areas 5) … interest are often misled by their emotions or the glamour of a certain job.
1) a job b career c trade d occupation
2) a time b stage c year d age
3) a as b when c while d then
4) a fortunate b difficult c different d wonderful
5) a in b about c of d at
4. Match the words and their definitions.
1. Alumnus
2. Graduate
3. Postgraduate
4. Undergraduate
a) Someone who has finished their studies at the high school, college, or university level or
someone ho has a degree from a university.
b) A former student of a specific school, college or university.
c) A student who continues his studies after graduation.
d) A student in a university or college who has nor received a first degree.
Административная контрольная для 11 класса
работа за 1 полугодие
2 Вариант
1. Match these job characteristics with their definitions.
1) Stressful a) difficult and complex
2) Enjoyable b) dull and tiresome
3) Boring c) giving pleasure and joy
4) Complicated d) extremely irritating and often overwhelming
2. Form the nouns and the verbs from adjectives.
Competent, enthusiastic, competitive, inspirational.
3. Read the text and bill in the gaps with the correct options
So 6) … young people “want to write”, but analysis shows they are intrigued by what they
think the life of a writer is 7) …, not realizing that it is a hard craft.
Fortunately, there is help available to determine your areas of interest in the form of 8) …
tests in which you answer “either/or” questions. If you are asked if you would prefer to sell
clothes in a store, or be in 9) … of an auto parts department, your immediate reaction may be
“neither”. However, a slight preference toward one of those, as well as your choices in other
questions, 10) … reveal some interests you have that may not have been so apparent before.
1) a many b all c much d every
2) a about b resemble c like d kind
3) a pedagogical b psychological c psychiatric d physical
4) a charge b deal c response d sight
5) a have to b is able c can d could
4. Match the words and their definitions.
1. Bachelor
2. Master
3. Retraining course
4. Refresher course
a) A study course for people who want to get a new qualification that’s different from their
previous one.
b) A study course which serves as a review of previous education.
c) Someone who has completed at least one year of graduate study and was awarded such a
degree by a graduate school or department.
d) Someone who has completed his undergraduate studies and was awarded such a degree by a
college or university.