Конспект урока по английскому языку "Что значит жить в деревне" 11 класс

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа села Малый Узень
Питерского района Саратовской области»
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 11 классе
«Что значит жить в деревне»
учитель английского языка
Рыжова Валентина Николаевна
с. Малый Узень
Тема: How is it to live on a farm?
1. Образовательные:
Научить школьников рассуждать о жизни на селе и будущей профессии;
Расширить словарный запас.
2. Развивающие:
Развитие у учащихся способности понимать на слух иноязычную речь;
Развитие памяти, мышления, внимания.
Поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка, воспитание
уважительного отношения к сельскому труду, к родной природе.
1. Создать условия для прослушивания текста и дальнейшего его
2. Тренировать в аудировании текста.
Оборудование: проектор, экран, аудиозапись текста, раздаточный
материал, картинки по теме.
Структура урока
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, children! How are you today? What day is it today? Who is
Today we have listening comprehensive lesson.
2. Pre-listening activity (warming-up activity).
На экране Mind Map:
At first I’d like to ask you some questions. All of you were born and live in the
country. Your parents work on the farms and in the fields. I believe that you help
them. But do you like to live in the country? Or maybe country life is boring for
you? Why? Are you going to leave your native place for the town some time?
What life do you prefer?
После беседы по вопросам учитель сообщает:
I think it will be interesting for you to know the opinion of one farmer who has
lived on a farm for the whole life. So the theme of our lesson is “How is it to
live on a farm?”
Тема появляется на Mind Map:
Все дальнейшие этапы работы с текстом сопровождаются записями на
данной Mind Map.
Do you agree with this title? Do you have any other suggestions?
Затем учитель предлагает учащимся ознакомиться с переводом некоторых
слов и выражений, которые они услышат в тексте:
The next words and word - combinations will help you to understand the text.
сountryside - сельская местность
to rent something арендовать что-либо
regular - обычный
a soybean соевый боб
local market - местный рынок
to run a land управлять землёй
a Holsteine cow корова голштинской породы (чёрно-белая)
a dairy farmer фермер, занимающийся производством молока
to keep an eye on smth. следить за чем-либо
a grazing cow пасущаяся корова
a foreign element чужеродный элемент
a gallon - галлон (мера жидких и сыпучих тел; английский галлон = 4,54 л;
американский =3,78 л)
to make sure - удостовериться
livestock - крупный рогатый скот
an accountant - бухгалтер
3. While-listening activity
А) Учитель предлагает учащимся ознакомиться с первым заданием, а затем
послушать текст (http://valenti-ryzhova.podomatic.com/entry/2015-04-
09T10_48_26-07_00 )
Listen to the text for the first time, please. Then fill in the gaps.
How is it to live on a farm?
Hello, my name is Albert. I am a farmer. To tell you the truth, I have
always wanted to be a farmer and my wife, Margaret, liked this idea, too. So we
moved to the countryside and rented a farm in 1984. We started as a regular
farm growing corn, wheat and soybeans. We took these products to the local
market. Then we decided to grow cows because my sons, John and Jim, were
big enough to help us. I also have a daughter, Karen. So, in 1990 we bought our
own farm called Kansas Farm. This farm is two miles from Lawrence and 20
miles from Kansas City. We run a total of 471 acres of land and have 155
Holstein dairy cows. What can I say about a typical day of a dairy farmer?
Usually my day starts near sunrise at about 4 o`clock. Milking in the morning
and then checking fences and gates. We must keep an eye on wild animals
because they may attack grazing cows in the early morning. Fortunately, my
farm is not large so I don`t need all those security houses and cameras. I need to
give water and food to cows. The water that cows get must be checked. We
check it for minerals and foreign elements to keep cows healthy enough to
produce milk. The average cow can drink up to 50 gallons of water each day. As
for food, milking cows usually eat five to seven large meals each day. And I
always have to make sure that every cow gets the right amount of food. Usually
farmers need to milk most cows two to three times each day to make money. At
the beginning of the 20
century farmers thought mostly about taking care of
livestock. But now we have to play the role of administrators and accountants.
Do I like my life here on the farm? Yes, certainly. Living in the country sets
you back from the modern day. And living in the city means being around more
stores, people, jobs. But not as many modern things are needed in the country.
In the countryside we also have to drive through a few miles of cornfields just to
get to the nearest shopping center to buy food or to get to the hospital. And you
have larger distances between neighbours. But this means more yard space for
the kids. And homes are also cheaper here. Moreover, you are close to nature. It
all depends on where you are happy. To tell you the truth, I am quite happy here.
Для выполнения задания можно использовать карточки с вопросами, а
также использовать MindMap:
(while-listening activity, №1)
1. The name of the farm: __________
2. Farmer`s name: ______________
3. His wife`s name: ______________
4. His daughter`s name: __________
5.His first son`s name: ___________
6. His second son`s name ________
После выполнения задания проходит обсуждение и обмен мнениями по
выполненному заданию.
Б) Учитель предлагает детям ознакомиться со вторым заданием, в котором
нужно заполнить пропуски в предложениях вариантами, данными в
2 or 3
5 or 7
1. They rented a farm in _______and bought their own farm in ______.
2. They run a total of _______acres of land.
3. This farm is _______miles away from Lawrence and _______ miles away
from Kansas City.
4. The farmer gets up at about _______ o`clock in the morning.
5. There are _______ Holstein cows on this farm.
6. Anaveragecowcandrink_______ gallons of water a day.
7. They give milking cows ________ or ________ large meals a day.
8. The farmer milks cows _______ or ________ times a day.
Затем учитель предлагает прослушать текст во второй раз. Учащиеся
выполняют задание во время прослушивания. Учитель контролирует
выполнение задания.
В) Учитель предлагает учащимся ознакомиться со следующими
утверждениями, затем прослушать запись ещё раз (третий раз) и отметить
нужный вариант (true/false) в таблице.
1. A modern farmer plays the role of both an administrator
and an accountant.
2. Wild animals never attack grazing cows in the morning.
3. Albert needs a lot of cameras to protect his farm.
4. Before 1990 they grew only corn and soybeans.
5. Albert always checks fences, gates and water for his
6. Houses are expensive in the countryside.
7. Albert wanted to become a farmer.
8. The distances between the Kansas farm and neighbours,
shops and a hospital are pretty big.
9. Not many modern things are needed in the countryside.
5. Post-listening activity.
Учитель предлагает высказать своё мнение по поводу прослушанного
текста, ответить на вопросы:
What is your attitude to this farmer?
Is he hard-working?
Do you like the way of life of this farmer?
Is working on the farm always hard?
What about other jobs?
Do you agree with this farmer that living in the country sets you back from the
modern day? Prove your opinion.
Would you like to stay in the country after leaving school?
Where are you going to enter after school?
6. Подведение итогов урока.
7. Домашнее задание: написать рассказ “My future profession”.
Список использованной литературы
А. Шереметьева. Английский язык. Аудирование.- Саратов: ООО
Издательство «Лицей». - 2012.