Грамматический тест "Present Simple and Future Simple" 5 класс

Грамматический тест по английскому языку для 5 класса.
«Present Simple and Future Simple».
Grammar test. Variant I
1. Fill in the blanks:
a)do, b)does, c)am, d)is, e)are, f)have, g)has
1._______ you like playing chess?
2. When _________ your father work?
3. What subjects ________ she good at?
4. What bike __________ you got?
5. _________ I in London?!
6. What pet __________ he got?
7. __________ there four seasons in a year?
2. Choose the correct sentence:
1.a) I not usually have lunch at home.
b) I do not usually have lunch at home.
c) I usually haven’t lunch at home.
2.a) My brother never waits for us.
b) My brother doesn’t never waits for us.
c) My brother does never waits for us.
3.a) She don’t play chess well?
b) Did she played chess well?
c) Does she play chess well?
4.a) I will play football yesterday.
b) I shall played football tomorrow.
c) I will play football tomorrow.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:
1. I _________ to bed at ten o’clock every day.
2. I _________ to the cinema tomorrow.
3. _________ you _________ TV every day?
1.a)go , b)will go, c)goes
2.a)am not go, b)didn’t go, c)won’t go
3.a)Does … watch, b)Do … watch, c)Will … watch
4. Refer the text to the Future, make necessary changes:
On Monday we have five lessons. The first lesson is French. We write a dictation. Pete does
some exercises. Mary reads a story. After lessons I go to the canteen. I have some tea with a
5. Translate the sentences, using the verb to be:
1. Завтра они будут в библитеке.
2. Сейчас мы в школе.
3. Завтра ученики будут в театре.
4. Мы на спортплощадке.
5. Мой брат сейчас в парке.
6. Ты будешь дома завтра?
7. Моя мама сегодня дома.
8. Завтра мой дедушка будет в деревне.
6. Translate the sentences, using the correct Tense-form of the verb:
1. Где ты живешь? – Я живу в Москве.
2. Он не играет на музыкальных инструментах.
3. Мы обычно смотрим телевизор вечером.
4. Наша семья всегда пьет чай после обеда.
5. Я сделаю это упражнение завтра.
Grammar test. Variant II
1. Fill in the blanks:
a)do, b)does, c)am, d)is, e)are, f)have, g)has
1. Where _______ you live?
2. What ________ your brother do in his free time?
3. When _________ you clean your teeth?
4. ________ your brother got a camera?
5. What _________ the weather like today?
6. What lessons __________ you got today?
7. __________ there three apples on the plate?
2. Choose the correct sentence:
1.a) She come home early.
b) She not comes home early.
c) She comes home early.
2.a) We always goes abroad in summer.
b) We always go abroad in summer.
c) We does always go abroad in summer.
3.a) Will he is there next week?
b) Will he be there next week?
c) Will he be there last week?
4.a) My uncle will come to our town next Sunday.
b) My uncle comes to our town next Sunday.
c) My uncle not come to our town next Sunday.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:
1. I _________ to the cinema every day.
2. _________ you _________ TV tomorrow?
3. He _________ very busy next weekend.
1.a)do not go, b)didn’t go, c)won’t go
2.a)Does … watch, b)Do … watch, c)Will … watch
3.a)was, b)is, c) will be
4. Refer the text to the Future, make necessary changes:
On Saturday we have three lessons. The first lesson is English. I get a “five”. My friend writes
some exercises. My teacher explains some grammar. After my lessons we go to the park. We eat
some ice cream there.
5. Translate the sentences, using the verb to be:
1. В воскресение он будет на концерте.
2. Твой брат будет завтра дома?
3. Она будет завтра в парке?
4. Где вы сейчас?
5. Мои книги на столе.
6. Завтра в три часа Коля и Миша будут во дворе.
7. Мы будем в деревне завтра.
8. Они сейчас в кино.
6. Translate the sentences, using the correct Tense-form of the verb:
1. Когда вы встаете? – Я встаю в 6 утра.
2. Они играют в футбол и любят смотреть мультфильмы.
3. Ты пойдешь в музей на следующей неделе?
4. Мой брат будет читать эту книгу завтра вечером.
5. Ты сделаешь фото на следующей неделе?