Контрольная работа 6 класс rainbow english unit 2

Test unit 2
6 grade 1 variant
Task 1. Spell the words.
1 [ˈɡʌvənmənt] 2 [ˈʌɪlənd] 3 [laɪ]
Task 2. Use article the or no article and write the names
in the right place.
National Gallery, UK, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Houses of
Parliament, Ireland, White Tower, Wales, Tower of London,
№3. Complete the sentences. Use also, as well, too, either
a) My friends visited Scotland and Northern Ireland … .
b) The Tower of London is not a fortress now, it is not a prison now … .
c) We didn’t get into the Houses of Parliament during our stay in
London … .
d) London is a big city, Glasgow is … a big city.
№4. Use s and of where necessary.
a) Twenty million_ _ tourists
b) Million_ _ stars
c) Hundred_ _ schoolchildren
№5. Choose the right answer.
1) In th centre of Trafalgar square is …situated
a) a museum
b) a column
c) a tower
2) Great Britain includes … parts of the UK.
a) four
b) three
3) The UK is situated … .
Test unit 2
6 grade 2 variant
Task 1. Spell the words.
1 [laɪ] 2[ˈfɔːrtrəs] 3 [pɑːt]
Task 2. Use article the or no article and write the names
in the right place.
National Gallery, UK, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Houses
of Parliament, Ireland, White Tower, Wales, Tower of London,
№3. Complete the sentences. Use also, as well, too, either
a) We bought some souvenirs in Oxford Street and in other streets … .
b) Big Ben is a symbol of London, a double-decker is … its symbol.
c) My granny grows roses, she grows tulips … .
d) My parents like to travel, I … like travelling
№4. Use s and of where necessary.
a) Eight hundred_ _ books
b) Thirteen thousand_ _ roubles
c) Thousand_ _ roubles
№5. Choose the right answer.
1) London is the capital of … .
a) the UK and
b) the UK and
c) the UK and
2) Britain will be strong and powerful if … don’t leave the Tower.
a) birds
b) ravens
c) tourists
a) on an island
b) on two big
c) on many
4) The UK is … .
a) a republic
b) a kingdom
c) a federation
5) The tower of London was … .
a) a museum
b) a prison
c) a fortress
3) Hyde Park is famous for its … .
a) flamingos
b) Speaker’s
c) beautiful
4) The British Parliament works in … .
a) BuckinghamPalace
b) Westminster Palace
Big Ben
5) Britain is famous for … .
a) rains
b) fogs
c) sunny