План-конспект урока "Why are family holidays important?" 8 класс

План - конспект урока в 8 классе по разделу «Попытайся стать успешным
Тема урока: «Why are family holidays important? ».
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Цели урока:
Познавательный аспект - увеличение объема знаний о православных праздниках.
Развивающий аспект - развитие познавательных и творческих способностей учащихся,
способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний, способности логически
Воспитательный аспект - повышение интереса к изучению английского языка,
воспитание культуры языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умение
внимательно слушать собеседника.
Учебный аспект – развитие речевых умений.
Задачи урока:
- совершенствование речевых умений по теме;
-совершенствование умений аудировать с целью извлечения необходимой информации;
-совершенствование умений читать текст с детальным пониманием;
-совершенствование умений навыка письма.
Оборудование к уроку:
-компьютер, проектор, макет рабочей тетради, аудиозапись mp3 к УМК М.З. Биболетовой
8 класс.
- Интерактивный плакат
-УМК Enjoy English -8 (М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева, Издательство Титул 20090);
Предметно-методическая газета Издательского дома «Первое сентября» №4, 2004 стр.27,
-Учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Happy English В.П. Кузовлев,
Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, Москва «Просвещение» 1997, стр.95
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие – 1 мин.
T: -Good morning, students!
P: -Good morning!
T: -I am glad to see you.
P: -We are glad to see you too.
T:-Thank you, children. And how are you? (называю имена детей)
P1: -I am fine. Thank you. And you?
T: - I am fine, too, thank you.
T: - Well, let’s start our lesson.
2. Сообщение цели урока – 5 мин.
T: -Children, look through these pictures and suppose the theme of our lesson. I am sure
you guess about it very easily.
Учащиеся просматривают слайды и высказывают предположения о теме урока.
P1: -I think that I am not mistaken. Pictures are devoted to the holidays (Слайды №№ 1,
2, 3)
T: - OK. Your supposition is right. Today we have an unusual lesson. We remember not
only about holidays in English-Speaking countries but we know much about Russian
holidays. There are many interesting and amazing holidays and each of them has its own
traditions and customs. What do you think about it?
P1: - I think we have to respect any religious feelings.
P2: - As for me, I want to celebrate any holiday irrespective of its religious background.
T: - You are right. We must be tolerant to the people of all religions.
If you are ready, let’s start .Open your books on page 104, exercise 44. Write down your
answers in your Workbook.
Учащиеся сопоставляют праздники и страны, где они отмечаются из упражнения
44 страница 104 и отвечают на них в макете рабочей тетради - задание №1.
-Christmas (December 25
-St. Valentine’s Day (February 14
-Australia Day (January 26
-Canada Day (July 11
-Independence Day July 4
-Waitangi Day (February 6
-Victory Day (May 9
-Independence Day (June 12
-Christmas (January 7
The UK
1, 2,4
New Zealand
T: -Now, please, listen to the tape and find out if you were right.
Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись упражнения 44 на странице 104 и проверяют свои
ответы (аудиозапись, слайд №4).
T: -If you look through your answers, change your sheets of paper and check them.
Учащиеся обмениваются работами и проверяют их.
T: -Students, let’s read your sentences.
P1: -Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day, Australia Day are celebrated in Australia.
P2: -Christmas St. Valentine’s Day, Independence Day are celebrated in America.
P3:-Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day are celebrated in the UK.
P4: -Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day, Canada Day are celebrated in Canada.
P5: -St. Valentine’s Day, Victory Day, Independence Day, Christmas are celebrated in
P6: -Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day, Waitangi Day are celebrated in New Zealand.
T: -OK. But today we are going to speak about Christmas in Russia.
T: -Do you know when it is celebrated?
P: -As I know Christmas is celebrated on January 7
T: -You are quite right.
3. Фонетическая зарядка 3 мин.
T: -Let’s continue our work with doing a phonetic drill. Read the words. Find the same
words in Russian.
Christmas Пасха
New Year’s Day Приглашение
Greeting cards Новый Год
Gifts Подарки
Invitation Поздравительные открытки
Tradition Рождество
Easter Традиция
Stocking Рождественская елка
Christmas Tree Чулок
Ученики читают слова и находят русские эквиваленты (слайд №5)
T: - Children, will you read out the words with the sound [e], [s], [t], [m]?
Учащиеся читают слова из упражнения на эти звуки
T: -Let’s make up your own sentences with these words.
Учащиеся составляют свои предложения.
P1: -New Year’s Day is on January 1
, but people begin celebrating it on December 31
P2: -Christmas is a religious Christian holiday.
4. Речевая разминка. 8 мин
T: -Let’s learn the words connecting with the topic « Why are family holidays
important? ».
a) Put up the sentences from the dialog in the correct order and act it out.
1 -You don’ celebrate Xmas, do you?
-My religion doesn’t allow me to celebrate it, because Christmas is a Christian
-And what about you?
-I don’t think much of Christ. For me it’s a good opportunity to get together.
We listen to some good music and have a great chat.
-I want to celebrate any holiday irrespective of its religions background. I just like the
spirit of a holiday.
-Do you think much about Christ?
T: -Children, please, act out your dialog.
Учащиеся составляют диалог в макете рабочей тетради задание №2 и
воспроизводят его.
(Keys: -You don’ celebrate Xmas, do you?
-My religion doesn’t allow me to celebrate it, because Christmas is a Christian
-Do you think much about Christ?
-I don’t think much of Christ. For me it’s a good opportunity to get together.
We listen to some good music and have a great chat.
-And what about you?
-I want to celebrate any holiday irrespective of its religions background. I just like the
spirit of a holiday).
b) Complete the sentences:
1. Svyatki was the period between…
2. During this happy time (Svyatki) it was the tradition…
3. Christmas Day found everyone out visiting…
4. The Blessing of the Waters was based on the immersion
5. Christmas Eve was the last day …
6. Kutya, consisting of boiled wheat sweetened with…
a) to tell the fortunes every day in a whole variety of ways.
b) Christmas and New Year’s in old Russia.
c) of the six-week Christmas fast.
d) with honey and sprinkled with poppy seeds or of boiled rice with raisins and nuts,
was the traditional dish.
e) of Jesus in the Jordan.
f) in their finest clothes.
(Keys: 1-b, 2-a, 3-f, 4-e, 5-c, 6-d).
Учащиеся читают словосочетания, находят соответствия и выполняют задание
в макете рабочей тетради - задание №3.
T: - Children, please, change your sheets of paper and check your answers.
c) Match he words from two boxes. Make up as many expressions as you can. Label the
pictures. Which of these things are found in many countries?
1. Birthday
2. Wedding
3. New Year
4. Christmas
Cake, party, song, dress, present, ring, tree, card, stocking
(Keys: birthday - cake, song, present; wedding ring, song, dress, present, card;
New Year party, song, present, tree, card; Christmas song, present, tree, card,
Учащиеся устно выполняют задание из учебника – exercise 52, p. 105
5. Аудирование. 5 мин
T: -I want to offer you to listen to the greetings of Patriarch Kirill.
Учащиеся слушают видеозапись выступления Патриарха Кирилла (слайд 6).
T: -Boys and girls, answer my questions, please.
1) Who congratulates Russian people with Christmas?
2) Patriarch Kirill speaks about the history of this great holiday, doesn’t he?
3) Is Christmas an important family holiday?
Учащиеся устно отвечают на вопросы учителя
6. Динамическая пауза. 1 мин
T: -You are tired. I advise you to rest. Imagine that you are at the concert. You like dancing
most of all. Listen to the music and relax.
Close your eyes. Your body becomes easier and easier. You can fly. Lift up your hands.
Clap your hands. Blink your eyes. Lift up your head. Turn right. Turn left.
Учащиеся слушают музыку и отдыхают (слайд 7)
7. Чтение текста. 20 мин
T: - I suppose that it’s very interesting to know more about Christmas in Russia. I offer
you to read the text.
Предтекстовый этап:
T: - Translate some word-combinations:
a) накануне Рождества
б) до первой звезды
в) вареный рис с изюмом и орехами
г) горшок кутьи со свечой
д) глава дома
T: - Are you ready? Let’s listen to your answers.
Учащиеся устно переводят данные словосочетания (слайд №9).
a) Christmas Eve
б) boiled rice with raisins and nuts
в) until the first star
г) the head of the household
д) a pot of kutya with a candle.
T: - Match the two parts of the statements.
1. Ancient custom stated that no one
2. The sheaf was placed
3. A prayer for the New Year started
4. The table was spread with hay and covered with a white
a) dinner, which was finished with kutya
b) cloth in memory of the manger
c) eat until the first star shone in the sky
d) in the corner under the icons
Учащиеся выполняют задание №4 в макете рабочей тетради.
T: - Are you ready? Look through your exercise and change your sheet of paper with
your partner.
Текстовый этап:
T: - Now, please read the text very attentively. Try to get as much information as
possible. You have 5 minutes.
Учащиеся читают про себя текст (слайд №8).
Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve was the last day of the six-week Christmas fast. Ancient custom stated
that no one eat until the first star shone in the sky. Kutya, consisting of boiled wheat
sweetened with honey and sprinkled with poppy seeds, or of boiled rice with raisins and
nuts, was the traditional dish. In southern Russia, particularly, there was a tradition
practiced. A mixed sheaf of barley, wheat, and buckwheat, tied with a handful of hay,
was brought in. The sheaf was placed in the corner under the icons and a pot of kutya
with a candle stuck in it was placed next to it. The table was spread with hay and covered
with a white cloth in memory of the manger. A prayer for the New Year started dinner,
which was finished with kutya. But first, the head of the household threw a spoonful
outside for Grandfather Frost, saying «here is a spoonful was thrown up in the ceiling.
Any grains that stuck represented the number of bees that came in summer. Everyone left
some kutya in their bowl for departed relatives at the end of dinner.
Christmas Day.
Christmas Day found everyone out visiting in their finest clothes. Tables were always spread
in a special manner, traditionally with at least five varieties of nuts, from Greece, the Volga,
the Siberia, as well as many kinds of pickled mushrooms and several sorts of special
gingerbread cookies. All kinds of apples, fresh, sweet, scrunch, sugar-preserved, or dried,
were spread on the table along with many dried fruits, raisins, currants, cherries, prunes,
pears, and dates.
Svyatki was the period between Christmas and New Year’s in old Russia. During this happy
time it was the traditional to tell fortunes every day in a whole variety of ways. For instance,
one fortune telling method involved several mirrors and a candle. The mirrors were placed to
reflect into one another, and a candle was placed before them. The resulting figure would
give a clue as to who the future beloved would be.
T: - Choose the right answer
1)True 2)False 3) Not stated
A. Christmas Day was the first day of the six-week Christmas fast.
B. January 7
by the Gregorian Calendar would have been December 25
by the old
Julian Calendar.
C. The head of the household threw a spoonful outside for Grandfather Frost, saying
«here is a spoonful for thee; please do not touch our crops».
D. Svyatki was the period between New Year’s and St. Valentine’s Day.
Учащиеся выполняют задание 5 в макете рабочей тетради (слайд №10).
A -2),
B 3),
C 1),
D 2)
Послетекстовый этап:
T: -Read the sentences you have given from the text for your article about Christmas in
Russia in your school newspaper.
Учащиеся читают предложения из текста.
8.Заключительный этап урока 2 мин
Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов.
T: -Students, you have learnt a lot of useful and interesting information about holidays in
different countries and I am sure that you will respect the religious feelings of all people all over
the world. I advise you to divide into 2 groups: the students from the first group will write down
the article about one of the holidays in Russia; the students from the second group will create an
interview about different holidays with a student of any religions. You can use exercise 51, page
105. It will be your homework. I advise you to use the Internet Resources:
1. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%EE%E6%E4%E5%F1%F2%E2%EE_%D5%F0%E8%F1%F2%EE%E2%EE
2. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%F0%E5%F9%E5%ED%E8%E5
3. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CF%E0%F1%F5%E0
Разбиваю учащихся на 2 группы и обозначаю тему для каждой группы.
T: - let’s stop there. Open your diaries and write down your homework, please. You have
worked very well.
T: -Children, I wonder, what do you know at our lesson? What new information have you
learned from today’s lesson?
P1: -We have known a lot about Christmas in old Russia.
P2: -I think that it’s necessary to know the customs and traditions of our own country.
Выставление и комментирование оценок.
T: -The lesson is over. Thank you. Good-Bye.