Технологическая карта урока "Holidays in Kazakhstan" 5 класс

Lesson: Unit 9. Lesson 95
The Theme: Holidays in Kazakhstan
Date: 11 05 18
Teacher’s name: Loi Marina Villevna
Class: 5 г
Learning objective(s)
that this lesson is
contributing to:
5L8, 5S4, 5S6, 5R2, 5W3, 5W6, 5UE10 To teach pupils to talk and read about
holidays, to read for specific information, to express likes and dislikes, to listen
for specific information, to comment on a place, to write a blog entry
Lesson objectives:
All learners will be able:
- identify some specific information and ideas in the texts correctly and
use some target language correctly to recount information about the
Most learners will be able:
identify a range of specific information and ideas in the texts correctly and use
some target language correctly to recount information about the texts
Some learners will be able:
- Identify a range of specific information and ideas in the texts correctly
and use a range of target language correctly to recount information
about the texts
Language objective:
Places (in the north, keep my feet to the ground, hike, camp, set up, shore,
take a clip, cool, clear, later, refreshing, scenery, wildlife, treasure); Adverb
(later) Verbs (like, camp, set up); Nouns (share, scenery, wildlife, treasure);
Adjectives (popular, cool, clear, refreshing); Phrases (in the north, rock
climbing, keep my feet on the grand, take a clip); Likes/ dislikes (in the
north, rock climbing, keep my feet on the grand, take a clip); Likes/ dislikes
(I love it, I like it, I don’t really like it, it’s great, it’s horrible, it’s OK, it’s
Assessment criteria:
peer/group assessment
Value links:
Respect and support classmates’ points of view and their choices Mobile
manners How stories help us
Cross curricular
Russian, Geography
ICT skills:
Previous learning
basic holiday travel and destination vocabulary
Planned timings
Planned activities
Org moment
Pupils greet each by shaking hands as in Europe, by
bowing as in Japan, by touching noses as in Africa.
Pupils are divided into three groups (Europe, Japan and
Checking up the home task
Setting the aim of the lesson
What is the theme of the lesson? Pupils say: “Holidays
in Kazakhstan” What is the aim of the lesson? We will
be able to talk about holidays in Kazakhstan, about
interesting places in Kazakhstan Pupils guess the
theme of the lesson through the slide
Phonetic drill: (W)
Learners look at names of people in Lord of Greenwood
the story on board and listen to pronunciation
1. Who is in story? Robert (Earl of Huntingdon later
Robin Hood), Marian
2. Sheriff of Nottingham, a group called the Merry men
Where does the story happen?)
Sherwood Forest near Nottingham
3. What is the colour of the hood which Will Scarlet
presented Robert?
Association Pupils write words which they associate with
the word Holiday
Ex1Pupils read to find out
Ex 2 Pupils read to answer which picture shows
Group work
Students are divided into groups make posters. The first
group Europe make a poster “Nauryz”, the second group
–Japan makes a poster “New Year”, the third group
Africa makes a poster “Independence Day”. Then they
present their posters.
Peer assessment
Every /group correct their peers’ text and comment on their
work. They use criteria list
The poster
is beautiful
The speech
is fluent, to
the point
There are
mistakes in
1 Vegetable which is round bulb with a strong smell and
2 flesh of animals used as food
3 fatty food substance made from cream
4 white grain used as food
5 fortunate, lucky, feeling or expressing pleasure,
contentment, satisfaction
1 The most important Kazakh holiday
Venn diagram
Pupils compare holidays in Kazakhstan and the UK
Formative assessment
Smiles, words, claps
Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt
H/T WB pp 70-71
Additional information
you plan to give more support?
How do you plan to challenge the
more able learners?
are you planning to
check learners’ learning?
Cross-curricular links
More-abled students support less-
abled students
More-abled students are given extra
Thumbs up if they
understood everything
/thumbs down- didn’t
understand/ thumbs left or
right understood 50
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere
Did my planned differentiation work
Did I stick to timings? What
changes did I make from my plan
and why?
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most
relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
The lesson objectives were realistic. They were achieved. The
atmosphere was collaborative. Pupils were active. Stronger pupils
present holidays in theUK
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: 1: pupils were active it was interesting for them
2: flash cards, CDROM were used at the lesson
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: 1: Differentiation, group work
2: CDROM, flashcards made the lesson interesting
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
I’ll use different methods which make the lesson interesting and pupils active