Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку "Comparisons"

Пискарева Ирина Вадимовна
НОУ гимназия «Школа бизнеса» г. Сочи
Учитель английского языка
Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку по теме “Comparisons
Choose the correct answer:
1. Bob is ……………… than Paul.
a) short
b) shorter
c) the shortest
d) the most short
2. My car is ……………………… than yours.
a) expensive
b) more expensive
c) the most expensive
d) expensive
3. Nick is …………………… of all.
a) short
b) shorter
c) the shortest
d) more short
4. She is ………………… woman in the world.
a) beautiful
b) the most beautiful
c) the beautifulest
d) more beautiful
5. This car is …………
a) big
b) biger
c) bigger
d) the biggest
6. Canada is ……………than Brazil.
a) colder
b) the coldest
c) cold
d) more cold
7. Which is ………………. wall in the world?
a) long
b) longer
c) the most long
d) the longest
8. It was ………….. lake I have ever swum in.
a) deep
b) deeper
c) the deepest
d) the most deep
9. It is ………….. book I have ever read.
a) good
b) gooder
c) the best
d) the goodest
10. Titanic was one of ……………….. films of the 1990’s.
a) successful
b) more successful
c) the most successful
d) successfuler
11. It`s .......... today than it was yesterday.
a) more cold
b) colder
c) the coldest
d) coldest
12. The .......... we leave, the .......... we will arrive.
a) soonest/soonest
b) sooner/sooner
c) soonest/ sooner
d) sooner/soonest
13. It`s becoming .......... to find a good job.
a) hardest and hardest
b) hardest
c) hard
d) harder and harder
14. She looks .......... than he really is.
a) older
b) the oldest
c) oldest
d) old
15. The room looks .......... since you tidied it up.
a) the best
b) good
c) gooder
d) better
16. It’s too noisy her. Can we go somewhere?
a) most quiet
b) more quiet
c)the most quiet
17. It`s a long walk from here to the hospital .......... than I thought.
a) the fartherst
b) the further
c) farther
d) far
18. Can you run a bit .......... ? We have no time.
a) fast
b) the fastest
c) more fast
d) faster
19. Don`t take the medicine. You said that your headache was .......... .
a) the best
b) good
c) better
d) gooder
20. Bill is .......... than Steve.
a) more patient
b) patienter
c) the most patient
d) patient