Сценарий урока "Welcome to The United Kingdom" 6 класс

МБОУ«Кукморская средняя школа
Кукморского муниципального района Республики Татарстан
УМК «Enjoy English»
Сценарий урока по английскому языку
с использованием компьютерных медиаресурсов
Урок игра «Welcome to The United Kingdo
бобщение материала по Юниту 5 «Достопримечательности Лондона», учебник М.З.
Биболетова, Н.В.Добрынина «Английский с удовольствием 5-6 класс»
Класс: 6
Автор: Аскарова Чулпан Маратовна
Тема: Урок игра «Welcome to The United Kingdo
бобщение материала по Юниту 5 «Достопримечательности Лондона», учебник М.З.
Биболетова, Н.В.Добрынина «Английский с удовольствием 5-6 класс»
Цели урока
1. Обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по указанной теме. Углубить и расширить
знания по теме.
2. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной
теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
3. Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
Оснащение урока
1. Презентация к уроку
2. Карта Соединенного Королевства, газеты и журналы о стране, флаг страны, картинки с
достопримечательностями Лондона
3. Книги на английском языке У. Шекспира, Р. Бернса, Р. Киплинга и некоторых других
английских писателей,
4. Листы с тестом "The Britain Quiz" для каждого ученика,
5. Карточки с текстом об У. Шекспире и Р. Киплинге,
6. Crossword puzzle "London" 2.
План урока
I. Сообщение темы и целей урока учащимся, знакомство с условиями и заданиями урока-
конкурса, подведением его итогов. Представление команд.
II. Разминка: обеим командам задается по три вопроса о Соединенном Королевстве.
III. Прослушивание в магнитофонной записи текста "London", в котором специально
допущены ошибки в фактах.
IV. Короткие диалоги учащихся о Лондоне.
V. Расстановка абзацев в нужном порядке, чтобы получился связный текст о писателе;
определение, о ком идет речь.
VI. Конкурс на лучшего чтеца стихотворения английского поэта.
VII. Выполнение теста (The Britain Quiz).
VIII. Решение кроссворда (обеим командам предлагаются одинаковые кроссворды).
IX. Подведение итогов урока, объявление команды-победительницы и лучших знатоков
страны, вручение призов и выставление оценок.
Ход урока
I. Teacher: Dear boys and girls! I am very glad to see you at our lesson today because we have an
unusual lesson a competition. There are two teams at the lesson: the girls' team and the boys' team. They
will show us their knowledge of the United Kingdom because our lesson is devoted to this country. We'll
speak aboutthe sights, the capital of the country, some poets and writers and interesting facts. We'll
have several tasks at the lesson. Some of them were prepared by you at home but most of them weren't
prepared. I hope our competition will be fun. I have lots of red and blue stars here. For an excellent answer
you will get a red star. For a good answer you'll get a blue star. At the end of the competition you'll count
all the stars you've received. The winner will be the team with the biggest number of the red stars. The
pupils who show the best knowledge of the UK will be given special prizes. Let's start our competition and
introduce our teams to each other. What's the name of the girls' team? What's the name of the boys' team?
Students: The name of the girls' team is "the Rose". The name of the boys' team is "the Daffodil".
II. Teacher: The first task is the following: answer the questions about the United Kingdom. You'll
get a red star for a right answer. http://turputevoditel.ru/obzornyie-stati/kratkiy-obzor-
беим командам задается по три вопроса. За правильный ответ команда получает красную
звездочку; если в ответе была грамматическая ошибка, команда получает синюю звездочку.)
1. Where is the United Kingdom situated? (The United Kingdom is situated on the islands in the
northwest of Europe.)
2. Which island is the largest one? (Great Britain is the largest island.)
3. What separates Great Britain from the Continent? (The English Channel separates Great Britain
from the Continent.)
4. How many countries does the UK consist of? (The UK consists of four countries: England,
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.)
5. What is the population of the United Kingdom? (The population of the United Kingdom is about
60 million people.)
6. Which city is the capital of the country? (London is the capital of the country.)
III. Teacher: The second task is "Spot the mistake". You will listen to a text about London (we've read
about and discussed the capital at other lessons). You know a lot of facts about this wonderful city. Now try
to spot the mistakes made in the facts about London and correct them. Be attentive!
(Ученики прослушивают запись текста один раз. Можно разрешить учащимся делать записи во
время прослушивания. За правильный ответ дается звездочка.)
This text is about London. London is the capital of Scotland. It is one of the oldest and largest cities of
the world. They say that London is one hundred years old. London has suffered many misfortunes. In the 5th
century Saxons and later Danes invaded the British shores and ruined the city. In 1665 the Great War
broke out. Many people died. Then in the winter of 1666 the Great Fire broke out. Most of the city was
Now London is a big political, industrial and cultural centre. More than 1 million people live there. London is
situated on the river Clyde. The river connects the capital with the sea.
London is divided into two parts. They are the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The
West End is the richest part of the city with many beautiful shops, hotels, bars and restaurants. The East End
is the place where the working people live. Westminster is the heart of business and commercial life. The
City is the political centre.
(London is the capital of the United Kingdom and England.)
(London is two thousand years old.) (In 1665 the Great Plague broke out.)
(The Great Fire broke out in the summer of 1666.)
(More than 8 million people live in London.)
(London is situated on the river Thames.) (London is divided into four parts.)
(Westminster is the political centre.)
(The City is the centre of business and commercial life.)
IV Teacher: You read about the sights of London at our lessons. Your task was to prepare a dialogue
connected with our theme. http://englisch-infoblog.ru/stixi/stixotvorenie-esli-r-kiplinga-na-anglijskom/
(2-3 человека от каждой команды рассказывают диалоги. Участники получают звездочки
соответствующих цветов за свои рассказы.)
V. Teacher: Britain is also famous for its writers and poets. Can you name any British writers and poets?
(Ученики называют имена некоторых известных британских писателей.)
The following task for you is "Guess who it was" You should put the passages of the story in the right
order, read them aloud and tell me what British writer this story is about.
(Каждой команде дается по 3 экземпляра разрезанного на части текста об одном известном
британском писателе - У. Шекспире или Р. Киплинге. За правильное чтение в логической
последовательности и называние фамилии писателя команды получают звездочки. Приводим
правильные ответы.)
Who was it?
He was one of the world’s greatest writers. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, where he
received a classical education.
The Stratford school was a difficult place at that time. School days were long, and only on the
holidays could he have a real rest.
At the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. When he was
twenty-one he went to London. There he became an actor and began to write plays. He wrote plays
for the famous Globe Theatre. Later he was one of the owners of the Globe Theatre.
He achieved great recognition during his life-time. He wrote three types of plays: histories,
comedies and tragedies. He is acknowledged as one of the greatest writers of all time, and has
remained popular with readers around the world.
William Shakespeare
Who was it?
He was an English novelist, a short-story writer and a poet. He was born in Bombay, India, in 1865
where his father worked at that time.
When he was six years old, his parents sent the boy to England where he attended school. At the age
of seventeen he returned to India where he worked as a newspaper reporter for several years.
At twenty-one he published his first book of poems. A year later he wrote a book of short stories
about India. Between 1887 and 1899 he visited many countries and lived for some years in America
where he married an American girl.
He is best known for his works for children, especially “The Jungle Book”. He was awarded the
Nobel Prize for literature in 1907.
Rudyard Kipling
VI. Teacher: The teams have prepared their favourite poems by some British poets
both in English and in Russian. Let's listen to them.
(По два участника от каждой команды приготовили стихотворения на английском и русском
языках. Сначала стихотворение читается по-английски, затем звучит его русский перевод.)
VII. Teacher: I see that you know the names of many famous British writers and poets. Britain
is also rich in different customs, traditions and has a lot of interesting facts in its history. The
following task for each pupil in the team is to do the Britain Quiz. The Britain Quiz has ten
questions. There are three answers to each question but only one of them is correct. You should write the
number of the correct answer. I'll give you 3 minutes to do it.
аждому участнику дается тест, в котором он отмечает один из трех вариантов ответа на каждый
вопрос. Спустя 3 минуты учитель просит учащихся обменяться своими работами. Учитель открывает
обратную сторону доски, на которой написаны номера правильных ответов. Участники проверяют
работы друг у друга и выставляют оценки. Учитель просит поднять руки тех ребят, кто не допустил ни
одной ошибки, и дает им красные звездочки. Затем поднимают руки те ребята, кто допустил 1-2
ошибки, они получают синие звездочки.)
The Britain Quiz
a) Which is the largest island of the British Isles?
1) Ireland; 2) Isle of Man; 3) Great Britain
b) Which is the longest river in Britain?
4) the Clyde; 5) the Severn; 6) the Thames
c) What is the name of the flag of England?
7) St. Andrew's Cross; 8) St. Patrick's Cross; 9) St. George's Cross
d) When was the Great Plague?
10) 1665; 11) 1666; 12)1863
e) How many parts is London divided into?
13) two parts; 14) four parts; 15) three parts
f) Who is the official head of the UK?
16) the President; 17) the Houses of Parliament; 18) the Queen
g) What place is the official home of the Queen?
19) the Tower; 20) Buckingham Palace; 21) St. Paul's Cathedral
h) What street do many British government offices stand in?
22) Whitehall; 23) Piccadilly Circus; 24) Fleet Street
i) What is the name of the poet who was called "The Father of English Poetry"?
25) W. Shakespeare; 26) George G. Byron; 27) Geoffrey Chaucer
j) What holiday is celebrated in Britain on the 25th of December?
28) St. Valentine's Day; 29) Mother's Day; 30) Christmas
Key: 3, 5, 9, 10, 14, 18, 20, 22, 27, 30.
VIII. Teacher: And now you have the last task. You are to complete the crossword. Each team will be given
one and the same crossword connected with Britain's traditions and customs.
(По результатам проверки вручаются красные и синие звездочки.)
IX. Подведение итогов урока-конкурса.
(Учитель просит посчитать количество красных и синих звездочек и обсудить, кто был самым
лучшим знатоком Соединенного Королевства (хотя учитель и сам это увидел). Объявляется
команда-победительница и самые лучшие знатоки. Знатокам вручаются небольшие сувениры, а
команде-победительнице - диплом или какая-либо другая награда, приготовленная учителем.
Учитель благодарит всех участников за хорошие и отличные знания по данной теме и активное
участие в конкурсе. Выставляются оценки.)