Тест по чтению по теме "Школа" 5 класс

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение г. Хабаровска
«Средняя школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов №80»
Тест по чтению по теме «Школа». 5 класс.
Каргаполова Т.М.
Учитель английского языка.
2018 год
What is a cat?
We are at a lesson. The pupils are six little grey mice. They are at their little desks.
Their books, notebooks, pens and pencils are on their desks. The teacher is in the
class. The teacher is a big grey mouse. It is at the teacher’s table.
The teacher puts the picture on the blackboard. In is a picture of a cat. Then the
teacher says: “Mice, look at the picture! You can see a cat in it. Do you know what
a cat is?”. “No, we don’t”, - say the little mice.
“A cat is a big and strong animal” – says the teacher. “It is the enemy of all mice.
Cats are yellow or black and white. A cat has a large head, green eyes and very
sharp teeth. Cats live in a house. Every house has a cat.
The cat lives in the rooms or in the kitchen. So, you must not go into a room and in
the kitchen when the cats come in. You must always run away from a cat as
quickly as you can. “Why must we run away from a cat? “- ask the little grey mice.
“A cat likes to have a mouse for her dinner” – says the teacher. “So, always run
away from a cat”. Then the teacher asks the mice: “Now do you know what a cat
is”. “Yes we do”- say the little mice. “A cat is a big animal and we must always
run away from her”.
I. Отметьте словом “True” предложения, которые соответствуют
The pupils are nine big mice.
The teacher puts the map on the blackboard.
A cat is a big and strong animal.
You shouldn’t run away from a cat as quickly as you can.
Ответы: 3, 4 True
II. Поставьте предложения в том порядке, в каком они следуют в тексте.
A cat has a large head, green eyes
They are at the desks
A cat likes to have a mouse for her dinner
It is a picture of a cat
Ответ: 1. They are at their little desks
2. It is a picture of a cat
3. A cat has a large head, green eyes
4. A cat likes to have a mouse for her dinner
III. Какое утверждение верно?
1. Their books, notebooks, pens and pencils are…
a) under the desks
b) on the desks
c) on the tables
2. A cat is a big and …
a) mouse must play with a cat…
b) mouse mustn’t always run away from a cat…
c) mouse must always run away from a cat…
Ответы: 1-в, 2- с
IV Ответьте на вопросы
1. Who is a teacher?
2. Where do cats live?
3. What color are the cats?
4. What must all mice do when they see a cat?
Ответы: 1. The teacher is a big grey mouse
2. Cats live in a house
3. Cats are yellow, black and white
4. Mice should run away from cat when they see it
V. Представьте, что Вы учитель, составьте руководство для
мышей, как спастись от кошки.