Разработка открытого урока "Customs and traditions of Kazakh people" 9-10 класс

ГУ «Отдел образования, физической культуры и спорта города Шахтинска»
КГУ «Общеобразовательная школа №14 акимата города Шахтинска»
«Customs and traditions of Kazakh people»
для учащихся 9-10 классов
учитель английского языка
Алькеева Алтын Касеновна
ГУ ОШ №14 г.Шахтинск
Карагандинской обл.
Данная разработка урока предназначена для учащихся 9-10 классов для
проверки знаний по изученным темам и для развития речевых навыков
учащихся по английскому языку. Наиболее эффективно проведение урока в
качестве обобщения материала после изучения темы. В разработке
представлены разные задания и упражнения на применение и закрепление
пройденной лексики. Задания выполняются как индивидуально, так и в парах и в
группах. Урок расширяет знания учащихся о традициях и обычаях казахского
народа, воспитывает уважение к своему народу.
(Разработка урока по теме «Обычаи и традиций народа Казахстана»)
Lesson theme: Customs and Traditions of Kazakh people.
Aims: Activate students’ knowledge and vocabulary on history and traditions of native
Develop interest to the subject
Develop abilities of working in team
Develop creative thinking.
Type of the lesson: lesson of generalization. (form-game competition)
Resources used: Interactive board, cards with tasks.
Course of the lesson:
1. Introduction.
Greeting. Good morning. How are you? Sit down please. Let’s begin our
lesson. Today we’ll speak about traditions of our people.
2. Phonetic drill: (You may watch a short presentation about Kazakhstan)
Mother country
One among many countries,
Native land mother,
Native land universe,
Native land - Kazakhstan.
3. Checking up the home task: Let’s divide into 3 groups.
Group A. Tell the class about ancient Kazakh games:
- who can ride the fastest
- who is the first to catch a maiden and kiss her
- who is the most agile at leaning down to pick up an article before the
others can reach and etc.
- Group B. Tell the class about Kazakhstan traditional foods. (eg.
beshbarmak, kuyrdak etc.)
- Group C. Tell the class about the customs which are connected with the
birth of baby. («Шілдехана», «Тұсау кесу» etc.)
eg. Қаз-қаз, балам, қаз, балам,
Қадам бассаң, мәз болам.
Күрмеуіңді шешейін,
Тұсауыңды кесейін.
(This is a good wish to a child)
4. Practice.
1)“Baiga. Answer quick-questioners about Kazakhstan:
a. When did Kazakhstan get its independence? (1991)
b. How many capital cities were there in Kazakhstan? (
c. How many countries does Kazakhstan share its border with? (5 Russia,
China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kirgyzstan)
d. Who is the famous Kazakh poet? (Abai)
e. Who was the first teacher of Kazakh people? (I. Altynsarin)
f. How many district regions in our country? (14)
g. When do we celebrate the Day of Independence in Kazakhstan?
2) “Visit card”.
Go on working in pairs. Groups A, B, C. “Visit card”.
Tell the class abut tourist attractions of our country. (You may use video
presentations made by students).
3) “Polyglot”. Read the riddles and say the answers in 3 languages (Kazakh,
Russian, English).
a. What tables have no legs? (оқу кестесі, расписание уроков, time-tables)
b. What is white when it is not clean and black when it is clean? (тақта,
доска, a blackboard)
c. I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees; rivers without water; what
am I (карта, a map)
d. Riddle me, riddle me, what is that, over the head and under the hat? (шаш,
волосы, hair)
e. What can live on paper, but will die on water? (от, огонь, fire)
f. What goes up when the rain comes down? (қолшатыр, зонтик, umbrella)
4) Do you know? Match the beginning with the endings of the following
a. every man has (4)
1. makes a bad ending
b. An Englishman’s home (house) (6)
2. that has only one hole
c. east or west (7)
3. learn
d. it is a poor mouse (2)
4.his weak side
e. knowledge is (8)
5. but do much
f. live and (3)
6. is his castle
g. promise little, (5)
7. home is best
h. a bad beginning (1)
8. power
5) “Kazakh beliefs”. Fill in the suitable words into gaps.
salt kettle visitor breakfast dog horse mane
1.______can not be left facing the entrance door. It is a bad luck if a
____slips and falls.
2. One should take care when putting a ________on the fire so as not to
let the boiling water escape on to the fire. Because the water salts will be
burnt in the fire.
3. If a ______follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not
try to force it back. The dog is devoted to its owner, and if it wants to go
with him it means he will have a happy voyage.
4. If you have a _______ during your breakfast, he or she must have some
of your food. There is saying: “One cannot ignore the morning meal”.
5. _______is the beginning of successful day.
6. Usually, __________and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the
horse’s owner enjoys good health.
7. Kazakh are always careful with ______.
Answers: (kazan
-1, salt -7, kettle -2, visitor -4, breakfast -5, dog-3,
horse mane-6).
5. End of the lesson. Thanks for the lesson. Our lesson is over. See you
later. Goodbye.
Использованная литература:
1. Баймаханова Т. Английские пословицы и поговорки и их эквиваленты в
русском и английском языках. – Алма-Ата: Мектеп,1998.
2. Аяпова Т. English. Английский язык, 10. Алматы: Мектеп, 2006.
3. Отетылеуов Е. Казахстан, моя Родина. – Алматы: Алматыкытап, 2009.
Ancient Kazakh games:
Ancient games are in progress, men ride about their horses. Almost all
games are fast and entertaining and they focus on the men and their
ability to master their horses.
Game competitions are the following:
- who can ride the fastest
- who is the first to catch a maiden and kiss her
- who is the most agile at leaning down to pick up an article before the
others can reach and etc.
eg. Game Who is the first to catch a maiden and kiss her: A young man and
a girl riding a horse, the girl tries to run away from the following her young man.
But if he catches the girl, he kisses her. Then it is the girl’s turn to overtake the
young man and if she does that, she beats him with her whip.
Kazakhstan traditional foods. (eg. beshbarmak, kuyrdak etc.)
The traditional Kazakhstan food includes mutton and horse-beef as well as
sour-milk products which are closely associated with nomadic way of life. The main
dishes of Kazakh cuisine are as follows: cooked mutton and horse beef
(beshbarmak), kuyrdak (fried mutton pluck), horse-beef (delicatessen (chuzhuk,
kazy, zhal, zhaya), sheep’s milk, cow’s milk and products (katyk, kurt, irimshik and
mare’s milk (kymyz).
Customs which are connected with the birth of baby.
(«Шілдехана», «Тұсау кесу» etc.)
In a Kazakh family there are some customs which are connected with the
birth of a baby.
One of them is «Тұсау кесу». This custom is a wish of grown ups, parents for
a child, who is doing his first steps. They wish him to walk straight, confidently and
clear future.
1) They tie up a coloured thread to his feet. And a woman with fast and nice
walk should cut off the thread.
2) That means that parents want their child to be like that respected person in
3) While cutting off the thread the woman is saying the following words:
- Қаз-қаз, балам, қаз, балам,
Қадам бассаң, мәз болам.
Күрмеуіңді шешейін,
Тұсауыңды кесейін.
(This is a good wish to a child)
4) Then parents give presents to that woman.
5) Two persons take the child’s hands and run with him round the room.
6) And the party devoted to the child’s first steps goes on with songs and talking.