Контрольная работа "События прошедшего дня" 4 класс

Name_____________________ Surname ______________________________ Form _________
Control work7
I. Write the second form of the verbs and translate.
1. paint -
2. walk
3. open -
4. look -
5. close -
6. want -
7. carry -
8.talk -
II. Read, then put the words in the right column.
Passed, closed, opened, added, started, talked, lived, painted, watched, played, walked,
climbed, visited, studied, served, listened, clapped, shouted.
III. Read, then write the sentences.
1. My mother (not\cook) a nice cake last Sunday. ____________________________
2. I (not\help) my parents yesterday. _____________________________________
3. Our family (not\travel) travelled much last summer._______________________
IV Put the questions and answer.
4. She played the piano last week.(+) ___________________________________
5. They walked in the park last Saturday. (-) ________________________________
6. We visited our granny yesterday.(+)_____________________________________
V. Answer the questions.
What did you do yesterday?_________________________________________________
What did you do last summer?______________________________________________
Were you at the circus last week? _____________________________________________
Was your mum at home in the evening yesterday?_____________________________
Did you clean your room last Saturday? ________________________________________