Конспект урока "Join the Smile Club" 4 класс

ГБОУ СОШ 183 с углубленным изучением английского языка
Центрального района Санкт-Петербурга
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 4 классе
Join the Smile Club
учитель английского языка
Старосветская Ольга Александровна
Учебник: Way Ahead 4 авторы Printha Ellis and Mary Bowen
Тема урока: Food, подтемы –модальный глагол should, much и many с исчисляемыми и
неисчисляемыми существительными
Тип урока: Комбинированный
Цель: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся
Общеобразовательная цель: Расширение кругозора учащихся, повышение их культуры
Развивающая цель: Развитие памяти, внимания, наблюдательности, мышления, развитие
мотивационной сферы, творческих способностей учащихся
Воспитательная цель: Воспитание интереса учащихся к стране изучаемого языка,
серьезного отношения к своему здоровью
1. Формирование фонетических и лексических навыков
2. Формирование умения выразительного чтения и понимания прочитанного
3. Формирование грамматических навыков
4. Формирование умения говорить на основе прочитанного
5. Формирование умения воспринимать речь на слух
Оснащение урока:
- Классная доска, раздаточный материал, звуковое пособие, картинки с изображением
еды, карточка члена «Клуба улыбки»
Ход урока
1. Орг.момент. Приветствие и сообщение целей урока. (2минуты)
Good morning children. I’m glad to see you. Let’s start our lesson. Who is absent today?
What’s the weather like today? Today we are going to speak about food which is good
(bad) for your health, listen and read a story about Jack and Becky, and you’ll join the
Smile Club.
2. Речевая разминка. (1 минута)
Open your books p.6-7. Where’s Jack? Is he a pupil? Find Becky. Where does she live? Is
she a pupil?
Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Дети находят персонажей на картинке.
3. Введение лексики по теме “Еда» (3 минуты)
На доске записаны слова с транскрипцией:
Chocolate bar, toothache, toothbrush.
Do you like chocolate? I like chocolate. This is a chocolate bar. When you eat much
chocolate you usually have a toothache. It you don’t want to have a toothache, you
should brush your teeth with a toothbrush.
Repeat the words, can you guess the meaning of these words? Для семантизации слов
используются карточки.
4. Формирование грам. навыков (16 минут)
4.1 Ознакомление с модальным глаголом should и первичное закрепление.
You should brush your teeth twice a day.
You shouldn’t eat too many sweets.
Do you brush your teeth? Yes, we do. When do you usually brush your teeth? I brush my
teeth twice a day. Look at the blackboard. Read and translate the sentences.
- Look at the picture p.38. What’s wrong with Jack? What’s the matter? He is ill. He has
a toothache.
- Listen and point to the characters as they speak. (аудиопособие)
- Read out the story. 4 человека читают по ролям. Other students raise your hands
whenever you hear the word should or shouldn’t.
- Read and find the missing rules:
2) You should see your dentist twice a year.
3) You should brush your teeth twice a day.
4) You should drink milk.
5) You shouldn’t eat sweets and chocolate.
6) You shouldn’t drink sweet drinks.
- Would you like to join the “Smile Club”? This member’s card is for you. Write down your
name. Then in pairs write down the rules. Read the rules.
4.2. Активизация употребления much/many с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми
The members of the «Smile Club” should know what food is good or bad for your teeth. Is sugar
good for your teeth? Are biscuits good for your teeth?
- Look and say (p.39)
I think sugar is bad for your teeth….
- Listen and write V or X. What is good(bad) for your teeth?
Good for your teeth V
Bad for your teeth X
- Make up sentences:
You shouldn’t eat much sugar.
- Remember that we use much with uncountable nouns (sugar, butter) and many with
countable nouns (apples, sweets) Раздаточный материал упр.1.
5. Физкультминутка. (2 минуты)
6. Развитие умений и навыков использования грам. структур в устном и письменном
общении. (10 минут)
- Let's play (p.39) Ask and answer. Divide into 2 teams. Variant A read your task. Variant B
read your task and turn your books upside down. Reverse your roles to complete both
Shouldn’t + verb + many(much) + noun
You shouldn’t eat many sweets.
Take the card and make up sentences. (Раздаточный материал упр. 2,3)
p.41 Look at how advice is given. Read out examples. Ask and answer. Should you drink
cola? No, you shouldn’t. It’s bad for your teeth.
7. Ознакомление с песенкой “Smile” (8 минут)
The members of the «Smile club” should know the song “Smile”. Let’s sing it together.
(звуковое пособие)
It isnt any trouble это не так уже и сложно
It will vanish like a bubble она исчезнет как пузырь
Read the sentences. Pronounce them quickly. Repeat the words. Listen , read and sing.
8. Поведение итогов урока и сообщение домашнего задания (3 минуты)
PB p.40 read and answer the questions, Wb p39-40 write
Now you are the members of the Smile Club, you know the song “Smile”, you know the
rules. Don’t forget to smile and your troubles will vanish like bubbles. Our lesson is over.
Smile Song
It isn't any trouble just to S-M-I-L-E
It isn't any trouble just to S-M-I-L-E.
So smile when you're in trouble. It will vanish like a bubble
If you only take the time to smile.
It isn't any trouble just to G-I-GG*-L-E.
It isn't any trouble just to G-I-GG*-L-E.
So giggle when you're in trouble. It will vanish like a bubble
If you only take the time to giggle.
It isn't any trouble just to ha, ha, ha, ha, laugh.
It isn't any trouble just to ha, ha, ha, ha, laugh.
So laugh when you're in trouble. It will vanish like a bubble
If you only take the time to laugh.
(* Pronounced like "gig")
Cписок литературы:
- P. Ellis, M. Bowen Way Ahead 4 Pupil’s Book, Macmillan 2003;
- Teacher’s Resource Book Way Ahead 4. - Way Ahead 4 Teacher's Book CD
Раздаточный материал:
1. Much/many?
You shouldn’t eat ___________ chocolate.
You shouldn’t eat ___________ biscuits.
You shouldn’t drink ___________ sweet drinks.
You shouldn’t eat _________ sugar.
You shouldn’t eat __________ sweets.
2. Yes, we should./ No, we shouldn’t.?
Should we help our mother?__________________
Should we get up late? ____________________
Should we drink cola?______________________________
Should we do our homework? ________________________________
Should we see our dentist twice a year? _________________________
3. It is / They are ?
_______________ bad for your teeth.(sugar)
_______________bad for your teeth (sweet drinks)
_______________ good for your teeth. (milk)
_______________ good for your teeth. (apples)