Конспект урока "Stative Verbs" 9 класс

Stative Verbs
Stative, or state verbs as they are often called, describe a state rather than an
action and do not normally have continuous tenses. These include:
- verbs which express likes or dislikes: like, love, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer, etc.
- verbs of the senses: see, hear, smell, taste, feel, look, sound, etc.
- verbs of perception: know, believe, understand, realise, remember, forget,
notice, think, see (= understand), etc.
- some other verbs such as: be, contain, include, belong, fit, need, matter, cost,
mean, own, want, owe, have (= possess), weigh, wish, keep (= continue), etc.
Some of the verbs above are used in continuous tenses when they describe actions
and not states.
Present Simple
Present Continuous
She is very polite. (= character -
permanent state)
I think his car is fantastic. (= I believe)
They have (got) a sailing boat. (= they
Your mother looks very young. (= she
appears to be)
I can see a flock of birds in the sky. (= I
use my eyes)
I see what you mean. (= I understand)
This scarf feels like silk. (= it has the
texture of)
This sandwich tastes delicious. (= it has
a delicious flavour)
Your hair smells nice. ( - it has a nice
She appears to be very upset. (= she
Those trousers fit you perfectly. (= they
are the right size)
He is being very nice. (= he is behaving)
I’m thinking about going to Scotland. (=
I am considering)
They’re having a good time. ( - they are
enjoying themselves)
The mechanic is looking at my
motorcycle. (= he is
Are you seeing your brother tomorrow?
(= are you meeting?)
You’re seeing things. There’s no one in
the house. ( - you are imagining)
Mum is feeling Jo’s forehead. (= she is
She’s tasting the sauce to see if it’s OK.
(= she is testing the flavour)
She’s smelling the roses. (= she is
My brother’s band is appearing at the
Great Pallas.( - they are performing)
Sue is fitting new cupboards in her
kitchen. (= she is putting)
Note: a) The verb enjoy can be used in continuous tenses to express specific
I’m enjoying this play a lot. (specific preference) but: I enjoy going to the theatre,
(general preference) j
b) The verbs look (when we refer to sb’s appearance), feel (= experience a
particular emotion), hurt
and ache can be used in the continuous or simple tenses with no difference in
You look fabulous today. ■* You are looking fabulous today.
She feels sick. She’s feeling sick.