План-конспект урока для 3 класса "At the zoo"

Teaching active vocabulary
Topic of the lesson: Animals
Subtopic: At the Zoo
Lesson goals:
Practical: - to present the new words a lion, a tiger, a crocodile, an elephant, a giraffe and practice them at the sentence
Cultural: - to enlarge the pupils’ philological outlook, to form the idea of the language structure off the target language
Developing: - to develop pupils’ imagination, operational and long-term memory; to develop the skills logically express
their own ideas
Educational: - to develop positive attitude towards the target language culture; to develop tolerance, diligence, persistence
in overcoming difficulties
Teaching aids: a course book by Plakhotnyk V. M. English: Навчальний посібник для 3-го кл. – К.: Перун, 1996, Lesson 42-
43, p. 84-85
Pictures with animals (a lion, a tiger, a crocodile, an elephant, a giraffe)
Substitutional tables
Teacher’s speech
Pupils’ speech
Motivation of pupils’ action
Presentation of new lexical
Technique: demonstration
Technique of conveying the
meaning of the new lexical
items: direct visual
semantization ( pictures)
Comprehension check
Game “Clap your hands, if
I’m right”
T: Сьогодні ми відвідаємо Зоопарк у
Лондоні, столиці Великобританії.
Проте перш ніж ми туди вирушимо,
нам необхідно вивчити назви його
T: Now look at the pictures. Listen to
me carefully and repeat after me:
- This is a lion
- This is a tiger
- This is a crocodile
- This is an elephant
- This is a giraffe
T: А тепер давайте перевіримо, чи
добре ви запам’ятали назви тварин.
Я буду показувати вам малюнки і
називати тварин. Якщо назва буде
вірна, ви маєте плеснути у долоні
T: So listen to me attentively
- This is a lion
- This is a tiger
- This is a crocodile
- This is an elephant
- This is a giraffe
- This is a lion
- This is a tiger
- This is a crocodile
- This is an elephant
- This is a giraffe
Children listen to
the teacher
The teacher shows
pictures and
names animals
Pupils pronounce
words clear after
the teacher
Pupils listen to
statements and
clap the hands,
when she is right
1) Repetitive drill
Technique: demonstration
2) Substitution
3) Completion
Making up sentences out of
T: Now agree with me, if I’m right. Say:
“You are right” before true statements
and “You are not right”, if it false. Do
not repeat false statements
- This is a lion
- This is a tiger
- This is a crocodile
- This is an elephant
- This is a giraffe
T: Перш ніж вирушити до зоопарку,
нам треба зясувати, які тварини там
мешкають. А ось ця таблиця нам
a lion
a giraffe
There is a tiger in the zoo
an elephant
a crocodile
T: Complete my sentences, using words
given on the blackboard
- I can see a tiger (in the cage)
- There are a crocodile and an
elephant (in the zoo)
- I see a giraffe (in the picture)
T: Я сьогодні дуже поспішала до вас,
- Yes, you are right. This is
a tiger
- No, you are not right
- Yes, you are right. This is
a giraffe
P1: There is a lion in the zoo
P2: There is a giraffe in the zoo
P3: There is a tiger in the zoo
P1: - I can see a tiger in the cage
P2: - There are a crocodile and
an elephant in the zoo
P3: - I see a giraffe in the picture
given words
Technique: working in pairs
Producing the utterance on
their own
Summing up
і тому речення, котрі я підготувала
для вас переплутались. Чи
допоможете ви мені їх зібрати
1) A tiger//in the//can//we//zoo//see
2) Are//in the book//there//an
elephant//a crocodile//and
T: Зараз я пропоную об’єднатися у
пари та скласти речення із поданих
1) 1) Are//in the book//there//an
elephant//a crocodile//and
2) I//to see//a lion//in the zoo//want
3) There is//in the cage//tiger//a big
T: And now each of you will tell us,
what animal you want to see in the zoo
For example:
I want to see a giraffe in the zoo
T: Thank you,children. Well done.
Тепер ви знаєте назви усіх мешканців
лондонського зоопарку і ми можемо
сміливо вирушити туди
P: We can see a tiger in the cage
There are an elephant and a
crocodile in the book
P1: There are an elephant and a
crocodile in the book
P2:I want to see a lion in the zoo
P3:There is a big tiger in the
P1: I want to see a tiger in the
P2: I want to see a lion in the zoo
P3: I want to see an elephant in
the zoo
P4: I want to see a giraffe in the
P5: I want to see a crocodile in
the zoo
Teacher gives a
set of cards to
each pair of