Тест "Interrogative pronouns"

I Начальный уровень 1V
1. Make questions.
1. ____________did the film begin? At 7.30.
2. ___________does Mr Olson live? In Market Street.
3. ___________is the weather like in London? It’s cold and windy.
4. ___________much were the rollerblades? 100 pounds.
5. ___________did Jack feel? He feels OK.
6. ___________do you usually have for breakfast? Toast and coffee.
2. Put in right questions.
1.Sam_________________ 5. country_____________ 9. teacher_______________
2. London_____________ 6. they________________ 10. seven pounds__________
3. at 5 o’clock_________ 7. in the evening_________ 11. Dan’s cat____________
4. doctor______________ 8. tiger_______________ 12. my dad_____________
II Средний уровень
Answer the questions.
1. Who is your best friend?_________________________________________
2. What will you do next summer?___________________________________
3. How many horses has this farmer?________________________________
4. Who is the cleverest pupil in your class?____________________________
5. Whose pencils are there?________________________________________
6. Why is John jumping?___________________________________________
4. Make questions from these words.
1. (where /you/ from?)
2. (where/Jack/ now?)
3. (Who/in Poland?)
4. (Who/ your best friends?)
5. (How old / they?)
6. (Where/sister?)
III Высокий уровень
5. Ask questions .
1. Sailors work on the ship.________________________________________________
2. Cows and bulls live on the farm.__________________________________________
3. Her children are listening to music now.____________________________________
4. The books were in the bookcase._________________________________________
5. Mary and Roy mop the floor every week.____________________________________
6. Bob and Ben are firemen.________________________________________________
6. Translate
1. Когда приедет наш автобус?
2. Сколько было билетов?
3. Что у тебя в сумке?
4. Какая столица Англии?
5. Где находится пещера? ___________________________________________
6. Какого цвета глаза у Джона?_____________________________________________
I Начальный уровень 2V
1. Make questions.
1. ___________can speak French? I think Tom can.
2. ___________pullover is that? It’s Frank’s.
3. ___________does Mother get up? At 7 o’clock.
4. ___________is Mr. Jackson? He’s a dentist.
5. ___________ is your aunt’s telephone number? It’s 4729147.
6. ___________is Sally’s father? A pilot.
2. Put in right questions.
1.Bill and Ann____________ 5. Kate_________________ 9. at 2
2. at 10 o’clock___________ 6. in the morning_________ 10. sailor________________
3. baker_________________ 7. elephant______________ 11. bike_________________
4. 20 pounds_____________ 8. Sam’s dog____________ 12. every day____________
II Cредний уровень
3. Answer the questions.
1. Where is your diary?__________________________________________________
2. What is the name of our planet?_________________________________________
3. How many cups has your mom?________________________________________
4. Who is Claudia’s brother?_____________________________________________
5. When did Josh go last year?__________________________________________
6. Whose banner is on the wall?_________________________________________
4. Make questions from these words.
1. (Who/sister?)
2. ( Who/wears/glasses?)
3. (When/you/ go/ to the museum ?)
4. (Where/Sam/ go /last weekend?)
5. (When/Mom and Dad/ go/to / the restaurant?)
6. (Why/ they/laughing?)________________________________________
III Высокий уровень
5. Ask questions.
1. We usually have got a wonderful holiday.____________________________________
2. I’m reading a good book at the moment.____________________________________
3. They have so many children.____________________________________________
4. Ann’s going to China next week.._________________________________________
5. David likes owls.______________________________________________________
6. There are many penguins in the ocean.____________________________________
6. Translate.
1. Где твой компас?
2. Когда принесут наш багаж?
3. Где находится железнодорожная станция?
4. Какого цвета бабушкины шторы?
5. Сколько фонариков у твоей сестры?
6. Кто тот мальчик?
І Начальный уровень 3V
1. Make questions.
1. __________many brothers have you got? One.
2. __________ films do you like? About animals.
3. __________do you have lunch? At school.
4. __________do you come home on Mondays? -At 4 o’clock.
5. __________ old is Jim’s brother? — Twenty.
6. __________are your hobbies? Skiing and tennis.
2. Put in right questions.
1. captain____________ 5. eight tomatoes_____________ 9. at 3 o’clock___________
2. Bob______________ 6. Ukraine___________________ 10. torch_______________
3. balloon_____________ 7. yesterday________________ 11. sky________________
4. dad’s car___________ 8. 5 pounds________________ 12.John_______________
II Средний уровень
3. Answer the questions.
1. Who lives near his house?___________________________________________
2. What colour is your house?___________________________________________
3. When did you go to the ice skating ?___________________________________
4. How many flags have they got?_______________________________________
5. Where will the birthday of your dad?___________________________________
6. Whose car is next to the museum?____________________________________
4. Make questions from these words.
1. (When/they/ usually get up?)_________________________________________
2. (How many/Pete / dogs?) ___________________________________________
3. (Who/ likes/ playing/ football?) _______________________________________
4. (Where/Lilly/ usually /play/ with her dog?)_______________________________
5. (How old/this boy?)________________________________________________
6. (What/my mum/ watch/ in the living room?)_____________________________
III Высокий уровень
5. Ask questions.
1. Nelly lives at the seaside in summer.___________________________________
2. He is watching TV now._____________________________________________
3. She bought vegetables in the market.__________________________________
4. There are many flowers in the vase.___________________________________
5. I helped mother yesterday.___________________________________________
6. They clean their rooms on Saturdays.__________________________________
6. Translate.
1. Где находится городской банк?
2. У кого есть усы?
3. Когда начинаются ваши уроки?
4. Кто вчера поймал попугая?
5. Что наша семья будет кушать в кафе?
6. Сколько рыбы в озере?