Конспект урока "Money in our live" 8 класс

Урок 1. Тема: «Money in our live»
Урок с использованием интегрирования предметов «английский язык» и
«начала экономики», а также специальных вопросов (WH-questions) и
инференциальных вопросов (inferential questions), «провокационные утверждения»
(provocative statements) по теме: «Money in our live»
1. Изучение и закрепление лексики по теме «Money in our live».
2. Стимулирование развития творческих способностей.
Воспитательная: увеличение интереса учащихся к проблеме денег в жизни
Развивающая: Развитие творческой активности, языковой догадки и
ассоциативного мышления, развитие прогностических умений.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Переключение на аглийскую языковую
Good morning, boys and girls!
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
Now repeat the tongue-twister after me:
She sells sea shells on the sea shore,
The shells that she sells are sea shells I’m sure.
So if she sells sea shells on the sea shore,
I’m sure that the shells are sea shore shells.
2. Основной этап.
Now, let’s read the text «Money in our live» and then discuss it.
We all know how important money is. Without money we cannot do anything...
However, if we only care about making money and nothing else, many parts of our lives
remain unsatisfied, which can bring us various problems.
Money is not a purpose in life, but a way to manage living. It should not be more
important for you than your dignity and your moral principles, and you had better
accepting living poorly than steal money from other people or do dishonest things to
achieve your goals.
On the other hand, you should not despise your personal life because you are too
busy working in order to pay the bills, otherwise you won't have any family. For what
would you work so hard, if in the end you would be left alone? Your wife or husband
needs your attention too. Your children need your presence and advice.
If you care only about having money, without dedicating any time to the people
you love, they will abandon you. And in case you do make such mistake, your mental
health will be damaged too. You'll start feeling depressed, and your depression could
easily become a neurosis.
The importance of money in your life has to be very well defined.
If you are obsessed about being rich and about keeping your position, you are in a
very dangerous area.
Pay attention to the way you use your money if you are too rich and powerful,
because you may make many serious mistakes without understanding what you are
doing, and nobody will correct you. Nobody will dare to go against you if you are a
millionaire, and this means that you are free to do the most horrible things, without being
prevented or punished for that.
Do you think that this position is a privileged one?
You are quite wrong if you do, because when you have the power to do whatever
you desire, you let your selfishness dominate you. Besides that, the people that are near
you may envy you and try to take your place, betraying you.
Never abandon your moral principles! You need them in order to keep your
If you are too selfish and greed characterizes your life, learn how to be generous
and help the poor. They need compassion because they haven't had the same
opportunities that you had to make money, and they are not as talented as you are.
Now, in case you are like most people in this world, and you have no money, don't
feel sad about that. Be patient and work, and you'll manage to make enough to pay for
what you need. Don't let the lack of money become a nightmare in your life.
Make a plan and try to stick to it.
The lack of money is not the worst problem you could have. Be grateful for your
health, and work without resentment.
Always keep in mind that the psychological problems provoked by immorality and
greed are worse than poverty, and never complain about anything.
3. Этап критического обсуждения текста.
Let’s discuss the text «Money in our live».
Организация критического обсуждения текста происходит с привлечением
образовательных технологий: специальных вопросов (WH-questions) и
инференциальных вопросов (inferential questions), «провокационные утверждения»
(provocative statements).
I этап
Цель учить воспроизводить, систематизировать, анализировать
информацию. Выполняются следующие задания:
1. Analyze the text «Money in our live» and describe the main idea.
2. Think of a pivotal moment inthe text. Single out the sentences which convey the
main and secondary ideas. Find out the reasons. Express your personal opinion. Prove
smth. using the proper argument: If you ask me,... Actually, I think that... I entirely agree
that ... They say... Im sure that... It is generally considered that.... etc.
Планируемый результат умение выделять главное и второстепенное,
устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, аргументировать свое или чужое
II этап
Цель учить видеть проблемы и противоречия, проявлять оригинальность
мышления. Можно предложить следующие задания:
1. Choose a problem in the text «Money in our live» and discuss it. Think of the
questions on the problem...Explain the problem, (the difference) state your point of view
(express your opinion). Do you believe in? Give good reasons. Where is the collision?
Bring out contradictions. Etc.
Планируемый результат способность видеть проблему и противоречия.
2. If you were a critic, what would you say about the text «Money in our live»?
Suppose you are the expert. What would you do? What advice would you give? Etc.
Планируемый результат умение дать критическую оценку.
3. Choose any statement in the text «Money in our live» with which you disagree.
Планируемый результат умение проявить оригинальность мышления.
4. Завершающий этап урока.
I’m sure that you have found out something new and interesting for you during the
lesson. Say what you have learnt.
Today I have found out that …
During today’s lesson I have discovered that …
Thank you for being active. Have a good day
Урок 2. Тема: «An interview with an author» («Интервью с автором»)
Урок с использованием технологии ролевых игр.
Цели урока:
Образовательная: обучение восприятию и пониманию иноязычной речи,
активизация грамматического материала(word order in special questions)
Развивающая: развитие навыков диалогической речи, развитие языковой
догадки, памяти, внимания, мышления, стимулирование развития творческих
Воспитательная: воспитание уважительного отношения к книгам и
повышение интереса к литературе родной страны;
Тип занятия: комбинированный
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент
Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. At first I want you to greed each
other, turn to your neighbour shake hands and smile. OK, let’s start our work.
II.Постановка целей и задач урока
Today we are going to speak about the famous dramatist Alexander Ostrovsky.
We will learn some facts from his life, listen to the conversation with him and discuss it.
Besides you will learn some new words and we will revise the word order in special
III. Фонетическая зарядка
But at first look at the screen. Here you can see an uncompleted proverb:
Choose an author as you choose… (a friend)
- Guess the ending of this proverb.
Well now you can see the right variant.
Choose an author as you choose a friend
- Pay attention to the long sound [u:]
- Listen to me and repeat after me all together.
Now one word will disappear. Let’s check who is the most attentive.
- Say the whole proverb.
IV. Речевая зарядка
- Now please answer some questions!
Do you like reading books?
Do you have your favourite book?
Do you have your favourite author?
What Belarusian authors do you know?
As we are talking about books, I would like to know with what you associate the
word “book”.
-Now make up one sentence with any association you like.
V. Обучение учащихся пониманию речи.
1. Предтекстовый этап:
-Now we will start speaking about the famous dramatist Alexander Ostrovsky.
Let’s learn some fact files from his life.
At first look at these words, let’s read them and try to translate.
-Listen to me and repeat after me:
Scriptwrighter сценарист
Laureate лауреат
Dramatist драматург
Screenplay сценарий
-Let’s read the text about the dramatist (приложение 3)
-Now look at the board. There are some questions which the journalist can ask
Alexander Ostrovsky. But the words in them are messed up so you should make the
questions and write them down in your copybooks.
1. you\Did\becoming\a dramatist\in your\dream of\ childhood?
2. was\ favourite\your\subject\at school\What?
3. education\What is your?\
5. your\What\are\writers\favorite?
6. are\What\music\preferences\your\in?
7. What\ favourite\ your\are\films?
8. would\Where\you\to live\like?
9. What is\ for you\family?
10. work\What is\ for you?
11. prefer\kind of\ rest\ What\ do\you?
12. for\ What is\ you\ happiness?
-Now let’s check.
Did you dream of becoming a dramatist in your childhood?
What was your favorite subject at school?
What is your education?
How did you begin writing plays?
What are your favourite writers?
What are your preferences in music?
What are your favourite films?
Where would you like to live?
What is family for you?
What is work for you?
What kind of rest do you prefer?
What is happiness for you?
-What do you think the author’s answers to the first four questions are? Discuss in
groups and inform the class.
-Let’s divide into groups! You will be given the names of well-known authors and
I will show you pictures with the heroes of their the most famous books. (детям
раздаются карточки с именами известных авторов)
-Who wrote this? Right. It is Shakespeare. Those who have this name you are the
first team. (дети делятся на команды)
-What do you think the author’s answers to the first four questions are? Discuss
in groups and inform the class.
- Let’s have a break. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, imagine that you are at the
seaside, you are admiring the sea, the sun is shining, the warm wind is gently blowing,
you are relaxed and calm.(30 сек) Now open your eyes and let’s continue our work.
2.Текстовый этап:
-Now we are going to act this interview out. It will be a press conference. Let’s
choose one person who will be Alexander Ostrovsky. All the rest will be journalists.
AskAlexander Ostrovsky questions in groups. Use your notes and the questions. (дети
разыгрывают интервью)
-Write 5-7 questions you would like to ask your favourite author.
VI. Подведение итогов урока
Today we have acted to the interview with Alexander Ostrovsky and you’ve
learnt some information about him.
VII. Выставление отметок
Well we finish our work for today and you’ve got the following marks…
VIII. Объяснение домашнего задания
-Make up an interview with a celebrity (decide in which sphere). Use the
questions you’ve made at this lesson.
IX. Рефлексия
Now I’ll give you cards and you should express your attitude towards the lesson.
Here you should put a tick opposite one of these three faces. In this column you’ll put a
mark which expresses your work at the lesson. And here you should answer two
Now our lesson is over, goodbye.
Урок 3. Тема: «Climate and weather»
Урок с использованием интегрирования иностранного языка и с географией.
Цель урока: закрепление и активизация пройденного лексико-
грамматического материала, развитие творческих способностей.
- отрабатывать лексику по теме «Climate and weather»
- активизировать употребление в речи лексического и грамматического
материала (лексика по теме «Climate and weather», грамматический материал по
теме «Безличные предложения» с Its…..)
- ознакомить с новой лексикой и английскими идиомами по теме «The
-воспитывать культуру общения на английском языке;
- воспитывать у обучающихся познавательный интерес к окружающему
миру, потребность расширять свой кругозор;
- развивать умение воспринимать англоязычную речь на слух ( с опорой и
-развивать навыки говорения и чтения;
-развивать интеллектуальные и творческие способности учащихся;
Ход урока
I Организационный момент.
1. Приветствие.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! How are you today? Sit
down, please!
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
-Who is absent today?
-Thank you. Sit down, please!
2. Сообщение темы и плана работы на уроке.
T: The topic of our today’s conversation is «The weather». Today we are going to
learn some more new words, speak about the weather forecasts and learn English
Idioms. We’ll read the text and
speak about the weather, listen to the weather forecast and watch videos.
So, let’s start our lesson.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
T: Listen and learn the patter:
Whether the weather be fine
Or whether the weather be not?
Whether the weather be cold
Or whether the weather be hot?
Well whether the weather what ever the whether
Whether we like it or not.
T: - Now let’s translate this drill.
- Now let’s read this drill all together.
- Let’s read this drill one by one.
OK. Thank you.
III. Речевая зарядка.
1. T: And now, children, answer my questions:
- What season is it now?
- Is it cold in autumn?
- Does it often rain?
- Is it snowing?- Warm today, isn’t it?
- What’s the weather like?
What was the weather like?
What will the weather be like tomorrow?
2. T: Translate from Russian into English:
- Ветреный денёк.
-Было очень холодно.
-В Москве сейчас идёт дождь.
- Иногда бывает ветрено.
-Будет жарко.
-Осенью часто идёт дождь.
IV. Аудирование текста (аудиозапись прогноза погоды)
T: Listen to the weather forecast and be ready to answer the following questions:
1. What is this text about?
2. What’s the weather like in Scotland?
3. What’s the temperature there?
4. Is it windy in the Midland?
5. When is it raining?
6. What’s the weather like in Brighton?
7. What’ the maximum temperature?
V. Введение и закрепление новой лексики по теме «Climate and weather»
1. Фонетическая отработка новой лексики, контроль понимания
T: Look at the board and repeat after me:
a.) drizzle-моросящий дождь
shower ливень
heavy rain - сильный дождь
gale, strong winds - сильный ветер
weather forecast - прогноз погоды
damp сырая
sultry - душная
stuffy знойная
chilly промозглая
bad, nasty ненастная
wretched скверная
dull - пасмурная
It looks like rain. - Похоже, пойдет дождь.
It is raining cats and dogs! - Льет как из ведра.
to get wet to the skin / to get wet through - промокнуть насквозь (до ниточки)
I can't stand heat. - Я не могу выносить жару.
Spring sets in March.-Весна наступает в марте.
It thunders. - Гремит гром.
It lightens. - Сверкает молния.
T: English people like to speak about the weather. Almost all their conversation
they begin like this:
- Lovely day, isn’t it? Or when the weather isn’t nice:
- Nasty day, isn’t it?
Work in pairs. Make up a short conversation about the weather, using new words
and phrases.
T: Work in pairs. Discuss what you would say about the weather in Russia to your
British partner. Share your opinion with your classmates.
VI. Просмотр видеосюжета. (Аудирование с текстовой (зрительной)
опорой). Знакомство с английскими идиомами по теме «Climate and
weather». (Видеоролик “Weather”)
a). T: Watch the video about the weather. Match the English Idioms and their
1. The break of day - the time early in the morning when it
starts getting light.
2. A breath of (fresh) air - a slight movement of air.
3. King's (Queen's or royal) weather - very nice, beautiful weather.
4. Wind and weather - bad, windy weather.
5. Fine weather for the (young) ducks - rainy weather.
6. It looks like rain - it is probably going to rain.
7. Pour with rain - to rain very hard.
8. It's raining cats and dogs - it is raining very hard.
9. Rain or shine- whatever the weather is like.
10. In all weathers - in all types of weather.
11.A break in the weather - a short period of good weather.
12.Weather forecast - a report saying what the weather is expected to
be like in the near future.
13.High summer - the hottest part of summer.
14.Green winter - mild, snowless winter.
15. (In) the depths of winter - the coldest time.
16. In the dead of winter - in the middle of winter.
b). T: Read and translate the sentences (one by one), using idioms and their
1. I arrived there in the dead of winter.
2. The break of day was beautiful
3. We're having royal weather.
4. It is fine weather for the ducks.
5. It looks like rain, so let's go home.
6. We’ll go for a walk - rain or shine.
7. I walk in all weathers.
8. There was a break in the weather.
9. Have you read the weather forecast yet?
10. I'll go on holiday in high summer.
Формирование навыков монологической речи.
T: Try to describe the pictures, using words and phrases you’ve learnt at the
VII. Домашнее задание.
Подведение итогов урока, оценки.
The famous dramatist Alexander Ostrovsky
Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky was a Russian playwright, generally
considered the greatest representative of the Russian realistic period. The author of 47
original plays, Ostrovsky "almost single-handedly created a Russian national repertoire."
His dramas are among the most widely read and frequently performed stage pieces in
Alexander Ostrovsky is considered one of the most important Russian playwrights
of the 19th century, credited with bringing dramatic realism to the Russian theatre stage.
His best-known plays, in which he meticulously portrayed the Russian society of his
time, focusing on the morals and manners of the newly emerging merchant class, were
extremely popular during his lifetime and remain an integral part of the Russian
repertoire. They are esteemed for their skillful characterization and use of dialect.
Ostrovsky wrote 47 original plays featuring 728 characters, "a real word of its own
where some figures might seem similar, but no two of them are the same," according to
Y. Kholodov. "Ostrovsky's world was exceptionally diverse, as was his set of formats:
he's written dramas, historical chronicles, scenes of Moscow life, a spring fairytale and a
dramatic etude… His legacy could be seen as one endless play set on one stage, that of
Russia, of the last three centuries," the critic continued. Never restricting himself now
with merchants' life, Ostrovsky in the 1850s started to portray state officials, land-owners
and Russian nobility. His work divided the critics, and while Apollon Grigoriev enthused
about their originality and Nikolai Dobrolyubov praised their social straightforwardness,
some (like Nikolai Chernyshevsky) criticised the author of being maudlin and
sentimental as regards patriarchal habits and ways. Politically neutral critics and the
theatre community especially, though, loved his work and the best Russian stage stars,
like Sadovsky, S. Vasiliev, Stepanov, Kositskaya and Borozdina were totally on his side.
Some scholars doubted the existence of the piece of paper on which allegedly
Gogol had allegedly scribbled words of encouragement to the young dramatist, but in
retrospect most of them agreed that regardless of that Ostrovsky came as a direct heir to
Gogol's tradition of realism, humanism and closeness to folk culture and language.
Ostrovsky was foreign to pastel colours and undertones, subtlety was not his thing.
Critics used to compare his scenes to paintings by Pavel Fedotov. His was juiciness of
natural brightness, dramatism, strong emotions, bright humour and unforgettable, lavishly
painted characters. Ostrovsky was regarded as a real master of language. Back in 1859
Nikolai Dobrolyubov (in his Realm of Darklness essay) remarked that many phrases he
coined were being eagerly adopted by people and attributed the quality of folk sayings,
common people talk. "Nobody has had such glorious, tasteful and clear Russian language
before Ostrovsky," Turgenev wrote.
Ostrovsky is considered a master of the realistic drama, being praised in particular
for his insight into the psychology of the Russian people, and many of his well-drawn
characters are favorites among Russian actors and audiences. While international
recognition of his talent has been limited by the difficulties of translating his heavily
idiomatic dialogue, his contributions remain central to the development of modern
Russian drama. Detractors often referred to Ostrovsky as a vain man but this has not been
corroborated by facts. He's failed to write a comprehensive autobiography and did
nothing to present himself in a 'winning' way to the posterity. He's never kept diaries and
his letters were informational, obviously never meant to be preserved. In 1879, answering
Russkaya Starina’s Mikhail Semevsky who was asking for memoirs, Ostrovsky replied:
I've been for quite a while cherishing a dream of how after all I'll start a book of
memoirs and relax a bit, enjoying myself, but now I know for sure that this will only be
dreams, nothing more. To put my reminiscences in order I need some rest and peace -
two things I haven't got and never will have... Every moment of my life I do my work for
theatre or thinking ahead, making plans for new plots, dogged by this chronic fear of
finding myself without new plays - in other words, without a piece of bread for my
family. So memoirs is the last thing that's on my mind.”
Most of Ostrovsky's letters (including those to Nikolai Nekrasov, biographer S.
Maksimov and friend Ivan Gorbunov) disappeared. The dramatist's son S.A. Ostrovsky
when he was going to the World War I promised to hand to Knyaznin (Apollon
Grigoriev's biographer) all the Ostrovsky's letters he had in his disposal, but never did so.
In Shchelykovo huge amount of papers has been destroyed through negligence. The first
academic works dealing with Ostrovsky and his legacy started to appear only in the
Soviet times, via scholars N. Kashin, N. Dolgov, A. Revyakin, A. Lotman, E. Kholodov,
V. Lakshin. Still, there are many gaps in his biography, unconfirmed dates and
uncorroborated facts, according to Lakshin.