План урока "Designing a poster about the place you live in"

План урока
Тема: «Designing a poster about the place you live in»
(постер- (англ.) плакат, рекламное средство в виде афиши, плаката, которое
вкладывают в периодические издания)
Цели: Развивать навык аудирования,
тренировать разговорную речь
Задачи: познавательная развитие социокультурной компетенции через
знакомство уч-ся с достопримечательностями и природой родной
развивающая развитие психических функций, связанных с
речемыслительной деятельностью;
воспитательная воспитание любви к родному краю;
Оснащение: картинки с видами города, карточки-задания, раздаточный
материал, учебники
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Постановка цели.
- Good morning, everybody!
- I am glad to see you. Who is absent today?
- OK. The topic of our lesson is «Designing a poster about the place
you live in» and we`ll talk about our town, about its history, nature,
culture and its famous people. Then we shall train grammar - Present
Perfect Tense, and do some tests. Be attentive, please and let`s start.
2. Речевая разминка. Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения.
First I`d like to tell you about Ossetian flag and coat of arms.
White-red yellow colored Ossetian flag. These three colours symbolise
moral purity (white), military valor (red), abundance, wealthness (yellow).
Ossetian coat of arms consists of a mountain range and a white leopard with
black spots on its body. Symbolically this means that the ossetian people is as
brave as leopard in the fight with the enemy.
3. Основная часть урока. Знакомство с некоторыми досто-
примечательностями города и региона
На доске слова: gorge, unique, pearl, coat of arms, hospitable
ever, never, already, just
Vladikavkaz is the capital of Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, one of the most
beautiful cities of Northern Caucasus, large industrial, scientific and cultural center
of Russian South. Spread out the northern slopes of Central Caucasus, at the foot
of the rocky and snowy mountains, on the shore of stormy Terek, Vladikavkaz is
not only one of the strategically important cities of the Southern Federal region,
but also intellectually cultural center of the Northern Caucasus.
Nature has generously endowed Ossetia. Majestic mountains covered with
snow, rapid rivers, beautiful waterfalls, deep gorges, and crystal-clear ringing swift
springs. All this creates an amazing beauty of the picture.
The amazing mosaic of colours, unique aroma of nature fills gorges and
valleys. The people are hospitable here. A friendly smile is a common thing in the
Curtat gorge.
Fiagdon is a quiet village surrounded by fields and mountains. The countryside
around the village is green with fields. Through the village flows a wide, quick
river. It is lovely for swimming. The fishing is said to be excellent, too. This place
is for those people who are looking for peace and a lovely rural enviroment.
Tsey gorge is called a pearl of North Ossetia. The surface of it is mountainous;
the highest mountain is Wilpata (4649m). Due to its unique nature, this region
attracts a lot of tourists and mountain skiers.
The musical life of Ossetia and Vladikavkaz is full of different concerts and
festivals. On the stage of the oldest in the North Caucasus State Philharmonic, such
festivals as “Valery Gergiev invites”, “Golden voices of Russiaare held. Young
T. Sokniyev and 8-years old T. Zangiyev successfully follow conductor traditions
of V. Dudarova and V. Gergiev.
Great attention is paid to the creative development of children. There are
over 30 musical and artistic schools, unique Lyceum of arts.
The city is renovating. All the buildings are unique and very beautiful, and though
new buildings are created in “modern” style – it does not prevent from keeping the
historical spirit.
Beautiful hotels and restaurants, comfortable cafes, theatres and concert
halls let fully enjoy the life of hospitable city. Famous resorts, boarding houses,
tourists’ bases on the southern outskirts the whole year give the quests the
opportunity to recover and get closer to the world of Ossetian culture and rest.
The dramatic art of Ossetia is recognized and polyhedral. The traditions of
classic theatre are kept and saved in Vladikavkaz. There are several theatres there:
Russian Dramatic Theatre (found in 1869), North-Ossetian Dramatic Theatre,
Digorsky Dramatic Theatre, Children puppet-show “Shabi”, ritual theatre
“Arvaidan”, which became the laureate of bonus “Golden Mask”.
4. Ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом Present Perfect
Tense. Объяснить правило.
5. Карточки-задания. (Закрепление темы)
Работа над пословицей по тексту.
6. Подведение итогов. Оценки. Д/з. (приготовить постеры)
Прочитайте текст. Найдите предложения с Present Perfect Tense и
подчеркните их.
I don`t want to live anywhere else but in Russia. I was born here and I`m not
going to leave it. However, many countries attract me as a traveller. I have read
much about European countries and I like Spain. Firstly, I like its climate. Another
reason for my choice is Spanish food. Many exotic fruits that I have never seen in
Russia grow there. What attracts me most of all to Spain? Of course, people.
Unfortunately, I haven`t got any Spanish friends but I believe the Russians and
Spanish have much in common.
If I happen to live in Spain, I`ll live in a small provincial town, far from big
cities. My house will be in the mountains where nature is wild and magic. Still it is
a dream, and perhaps some day I will visit Spain, but I will only visit. I am not
going to live there. EAST or WEST, HOME is BEST. I can`t imagine my life in
another country without my friends, my native language and Russian cookery…