Конспект урока "What Is Conflict" 9 класс

Урок по английскому языку
"What Is Conflict" (Конфликт). Косвенная речь
УМК Биболетовой "Enjoy English-9"
Верхозина Ольга Васильевна, учитель английского языка
Тип урока: комбинированный
Форма работы: фронтальная, парная и групповая
Программное обеспечение: презентация MSPowerPoint
Цели урока:
Развивающая: развитие лексических навыков по теме “Конфликт”, развитие
навыков диалогической речи, развитие памяти, внимания и мышления.
Учебные: закрепление знаний учащихся по теме “Способы словообразования:
конверсия”, развитие навыков изучающего чтения, совершенствование навыков
аудирования по теме “Конфликт”, активизация и обобщение грамматического
материала по теме “Косвенная речь”.
Воспитательные: воспитание культуры общения в парах, воспитание
толерантного отношения к родным и взрослым, выражать свою точку зрения.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, слова на карточках по теме “Конфликт”,
таблицы по темам “Косвенная речь” и “Словообразование”
I. Организационный момент. Сообщение темы и целей урока. (Слайд 2)
Teacher: Good day guys! I’m very glad to see you again. (Дети приветствуют учителя в
ответ)Well, sitdown,please! Today we’ll have a talk about different reasons which can cause
conflict and also we’ll learn a new grammar rule “Reported speech”.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: And first of all let’s begin to repeat the lexical material. Look at the board, and listen
to it and do it, please. (Слайд 2)
III. Речевая разминка.
All right, what can you tell about Conflict? (слайд 4,5,6 )
How do you understand it? What is it about?
Do you agree with this?
How can you explain this saying: “Conflict is punishment, paying the price...”, “Conflict makes
people with heart of ice”, “Conflict tears our minds apart”?
IV. Основной этап урока.
Систематизация знаний учащихся по теме “Способы словообразования: конверсия”
1.Teacher: Children, please, look at the board. Here you see two columns of words. (Слайд 7)
a play to play
a finger to finger
water to water
escape to escape
wish to wish
shape to shape
As you have already understood this is one way of word formation and we’ll call it –
conversion. Certainly you’ve noticed that all these words didn’t change. Can you tell me their
parts of speech?
You are right, they are the nouns and the verbs. Nice and now, please, open your textbooks at
page 108, ex. 21. There you can see different words. Please, read and translate them in chain.
(Детичитаютслова) Excellent! May be someone gives us other examples?
3. Закрепление навыков монологической речи.
Teacher: Wonderful, guys! So, and now let’s go to ex.22 at page 109. Now you’ll work in
groups and describe the pictures. In 3 minutes we shall listen to your stories. (В завершении
задания, ребята выбирают лучший рассказ) (слайд 8)
V. Динамическая пауза.
VI. Обобщение и активизация грамматического материала по теме “Косвенная
Teacher: Every day we talk to someone and retell something to our parents, friends and others.
And all the time we try to say it using Past Tenses. If we want to be understood, we have to
know the rules of the Reported Speech. Now look at the table (Слайд 9) and let’s read the
examples of the reported statements in your textbooks at page 107. Read and translate it. please.
Teacher: Ok and now open your exercise books, write down the date and ex. which is on the
1. Steve: We have never been to Europe.
2. Angela: I’m not going to quarrel now.
3. My mother (told George): George, it’s too late to visit the Browns.
4. They: You will have to promise me to finish the matter till tomorrow.
5. Nick: Our teacher didn’t like my answer yesterday.
VII. Развитие лексических навыков по теме “Конфликт”
Teacher: Today we’ll learn some new words. Look at the board.) ex.18, page 107. Now you’ll
listen to the sentences with these words. Your task is to guess their meanings. But first of all
repeat them after me, please.
Teacher: Great! And now let’s make up our own sentences with these new words.
VIII. Подведение итогов урока. (слайд 10)
Домашнее задание. page 109, ex 24 (слайд 12)