Разработка урока "Страна изучаемого языка" 9 класс

Урок 1.
Тема урока: Страна изучаемого языка
Цель урока: развитие собственно речевых умений учащихся.
Познавательный аспект:способствовать расширению общего кругозора школьников в
области истории и культуры страны, изучаемого языка;ознакомить их со страноведческим
материалом (на уровне восприятия, наблюдения, анализа, сравнения и обобщения);
Учебный аспект: научить учащихся:выражать своё мнение об увиденном и
прочитанном;задавать вопросы и отвечать на них;использовать изученное грамматическое
правило как в устной, так и в письменной речи
Социокультурный аспект:знакомство с историческими местами
Развивающий аспект:развивать у школьников речевые способности к наблюдению,
анализу, сравнению и обобщению;развивать у них психические функции, связанные с
речевой деятельностью: логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие;.
Воспитательный аспект:способствовать:развитию у школьников настойчивости в
достижении поставленных целей;формированию позитивного отношения к культуре
англоязычных стран;
1. аудиокассета с записью;
2. задания;
3. презентация на CD в Power Point;
Ход урока
I. Приветствие и оргпнизационный момент начала урока
Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about the English
speaking country the USA
II. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка
Ok, now let’s remember some ways of travelling and your task is to say what your favorite
kind of travelling is. Then you’ll speak about yourt ravellinhg this summer.
T: What’s your favorite kind of travelling?Where did you travel? Where have you been?
P1: My favorite kind of travelling is by car...
III.Сообщение задач урока
So, today, boys and girls, we are going to speak about the USA, its language, its capital and the
largest city - New York
1.First of all, we shall review our vocabulary. Listen and complete the sentences.
Ex1 on p. 4
1. The official name of the country is ….
2. The capital of America is …
3. America was discovered by ….
4. The Native Americans were ….
5. American money is …
2.Работа с рубрикой America in focuse on page 5
3. Аудирование, отработка в речи новой лексики
Ex. 3,4 on p.5
4. Работа над текстом прослушанного текста.
Ex. 5 on p.6
What is the largest city in the country?
Have you ever been to New York?
What do you usually imagine when you think of New York?
Примерные варианты ответа: New York , a skyscraper, Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty..
IV. Дополнительный материал
It’s New York, one of the largest cities in the world. It was founded three hundred years ago in
the mouth of the Hudson River. New York is in the state of New York. New York is America`s
Big Apple.
It consists of 5 boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx. The
center of New York is Manhattan Island.
Today Manhattan is the center of business and commercial life of the country. Broadway begins
It is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan. It is also famous for the small area near Time
Square. This part of Broadway is also known as "the great White Way" and it’s always full of
. There are many interesting places and sights in New York. For example, the Empire State
Building, which became the tallest skyscraper in New York.
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be higher until September 11 2001. It was
destroyed by terrorists.
The millions of immigrants who had to come to America by sea were welcomed by a very tall
woman. She was wearing a robe and her right arm was holding a torch high in the air. The
woman is still there looking out to sea. She is the Statue of Liberty, one of the famous symbols
of America.
The Rockefeller Center is the world's finest Art Deco commercial complex and best private
urban renewal project. The Rockefeller Center Christmas trees are the largest and the most
beautiful in New York.
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is one of the world’s most extravagant museums. This is
an architectural masterpiece, which has not lost its ability to excite and surprise. It is in fact
better known for its amazing building, which was opened in 1959 and immediately became the
focus of critics.
V. Подведение итогов. Объяснение домашнего задания
Рассказать о Нью-Йорке (8-10предложений)
So our lesson is coming to the end. I hope you will remember all information about the USA and
one of the largest cities in the world.
Thank you for your good work today. The result of this is your knowledge and successful
answers during the lesson. It was a real pleasure to work with you.