Конспект урока "What profession to choose?"

Муниципальное Бюджетное Общеобразовательное Учреждение
Бутурлиновская Средняя Общеобразовательна Школа
Открытый урок по теме
“ What profession to choose”
Колодиёва О.В.
Тема урока: «What profession to choose?»
Тип урока: урок-соревнование между двумя группами обучающихся
Цель урока: развивать творческую деятельность обучающихся, способствовать
формированию профессионального самоопределения .
Для достижения поставленной цели определены следующие задачи.
Предметные задачи:
активизировать употребление в речи учащихся лексику по теме “Выбор профессии”
через разные виды речевой деятельности: чтение, говорение, аудирование, письмо;
- развитие речевой деятельности учащихся
активизировать употребление лексико-грамматических структур;
формировать компетенцию речевого высказывания;
проконтролировать и закрепить лексику по теме “Выбор профессии”.
Метапредметные задачи:
развивать у учащихся умение анализировать свои личностные качества, применительно
к той или иной профессии;
способствовать развитию умения определять профессиональные качества личности;
- развитие активного самостоятельного мышления, языковых и познавательных
способностей школьников, ценностных ориентаций.
- развивать умения вести дискуссии.
- развивать навыки аудирования и диалогической речи.
Личностные задачи:
способствовать воспитанию понимания у учащихся важности и необходимости
реализации своих умений и способностей через выбранную профессию.
- воспитание культуры общения, потребности в практическом использовании языка.
- воспитание сознательного отношения к выбору будущей профессии.
- формировать культуру общения, уважения к труду, интерес к различным
- учить правильной самооценке своих способностей и интересов.
Предполагаемые формы и методы работы:
фронтальный опрос;
монологическая речь;
парная работа;
диалогическая речь.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация урока, раздаточный
Ожидаемые результаты обучения:
В результате изучения темы учащиеся:
1. Должны уметь
- вести разговор о профессиях;
- отвечать на вопросы учителя и одноклассников;
- высказывать своё мнение по теме урока, опираясь на изученный лексико-
грамматический материал;
- участвовать в групповой работе;
- давать советы;
- делать краткое сообщение по теме урока;
- давать оценку прочитанного;
- понимать речь учителя и одноклассников;
- читать текст с пониманием основного содержания и выполнить задания по тесту;
Структура занятия:
- оргмомент.
- Целепологание и мотивация.
- Актуализация (повторение ранее изученной лексики по теме)
- Систематизация и обобщение
- Применение учебного материала в знакомой и новой учебных ситуациях ( в ходе
решения учебных задач)
- Проверка уровня обученности (в ходе соревнования)
- Информация о домашнем задании
- Рефлексия ( подведение итогов)
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.
I. Орг.момент. Приветствие. Режим работы T- Cl, T P on duty
Teacher - Good morning, boys and girls!
And I’m glad to see you!
How are you? Who is absent today?
Now tell me, please:
What date is it today? What day is it today?
T.: Open your ex-books, write down the date and the day.(ученики открывают тетради и
записывают дату и день).
Our lesson is unusual today. The lesson of competition.So, we’ll work in two groups, each team
should have a captain to coordinate your work. Your team will compete and get points for your
answers. Let’s start.
Yesterday I read the book and found the proveb, which has deep meaning. But you should try
to guess this proverb.
Your task is look at the words and make up the proverb in original way. Please take the
card,read them.
What does the word “blacksmith” mean? It means -кузнец
Now let’s read your variants. let’ try to translate it. Всякий человек своему счасть кузнец.
And I hope you guess the topic of our lesson. That’s right today we are going to talk about your
future jobs. So the theme of our lesson is “ What profession to choose?”
T.: Well, today we will continue to speak about different jobs. You are going to revise the
material taken at previous lessons , work in pairs and groups, play games, read, write and speak
about what profession to choose. (слайд 1)
I would like our day to be wonderful, so let’s start the lesson with saying compliments. (P1-P2,
P2 P3)
P1 - Ira, you look wonderful today!
P2 - Thanks, you are very kind. Valya, your smile is so charming!
P3 - Thanks a lot. I’m pleased to hear that. Dima, you are so polite!
P4 -Thank you. Vadim, you are so confident! …
T.: Thank you, children, your compliments are so nice.
2.Фонетическая зарядка
T.: Read the limerick and say whether it is easy or difficult for young people to choose their
future career. (слайд 2)
If we could know which road to take,
If we were told which choice to make,
We wouldn’t need to hurry,
And nobody would worry,
Life would be just a piece of cake
T.: What can you say?
P1: I would like to say that it is difficult to choose a career, because there are very many ones.
(P2, P3 …)
T.: Yes, I agree with you.
One of the most difficult problems for you is to choose you future profession. You are in the 9th
form and you should decide what to do after finishing the 9th form: to leave school or to
continue education at school in the 10
form. It is not an easy task to make a right choice.
Today at our lesson we try to learn how to choose a profession, which makes you to be happy.
I Want to Ве
Some people often say to mе:
"Have уоu decided what уоu want to bе?"
I usually answer, "I don't know,"
But it isn't really so.
I want to win аn Olympic race,
I want to see the Earth from space,
I want to travel to Katmandu
I want to bе rich and famous, too.
I want to bе оn Hollywood's screen,
I want to invent а new machine,
I want to bе very clever and wise,
I want to win the Nobel prize,
But most of all, I want to bе
Healthy and strong, and nice.
3. Речевая разминка.
Учитель: First of all, I`d like to remind you of the difference between the
words: profession, job and occupation.
Profession a job that needs a special education and training.
Study the combination: by profession/choose smth as a profession.
Here are the examples: What is your mother by profession? Will you choose law as a profession?
Job the regular paid work that you do for an employer.
Study the expressions: get/find, take/accept, Saturday/summer/holiday job
Study the examples: Did you work a holiday job this summer?
Occupation a job or profession. What is your mother’s occupation?
Work to do the job that you are paid for.
Here are the examples: work for the company/work as a secretary. What company does your father work
Учащиеся тренируются в употреблении данных словосочетаний, выполняя вопросно-
ответное упражнение.
Учитель: Now answer the questions.
1. What is your mother by profession?
2. What is your father by profession?
3. What company does your father work for?
4. Is it an easy matter to get a job nowadays?
5. What profession will you choose?
3 Актуализация имеющихся знаний заполнение кластера “Professions”. (слайд 4)
Teacher: students, let’s revise all the professions you know.Write down the names of professions
in your word-web. (ученики делают записи в тетрадях, затем по цепочке читают название
профессий, которые они вспомнили).
4. Активизация использования лексики. Игра «Угадай профессию»
Учитель: Now it`s time for a guessing-game “What profession is it?” I`ll describe you a profession and
you will give me the word.
1. Here are some professions: journalist, bricklayer, accountant, physicist, sports instructor, interpreter,
architect, manager, pharmacist, physician, announcer, receptionist, cashier, conductor, interior
decorator, programmer, fashion designer.
Учитель описывает профессии, используя слова на доске.
Listen to the definitions of professions, try to guess and name them.
1. someone who can count well and keeps the money records of a business
2. someone who makes walls with bricks
3. someone who designs clothes
4. someone who writes computer programs
5. someone who stands in front of the group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing
6. someone who gets cash or pays out money in a shop
7. someone who works at the reception desk of a hotel
8. (Am.) a doctor
9. someone who changes spoken words from one language to another
10. someone whose job is to design buildings
11. someone whose job is to manage a company
12. someone who studies or works in physics
Teacher: Now, answer my questions, please.
1. What professions are popular among the young people? (a manager, a designer, an
accountant, a lawyer …)
2. What do you want to be? (I want to be a doctor)
3. Who helped you to choose a profession? (My parents, teachers, friends help me to choose
a profession)
4. Do you find this profession interesting (important)? (Yes, I do. I find this profession
important and useful )
5. What subjects are important for your profession? (physics, chemistry, biology, Russian
6. What is the best way to prepare for any job? ( to study well, to read more books, learn
more about the chosen profession…)
7. What is important in choosing a profession? (P1:I want to have a well-paid job, exiting
job, creative job, …)
8. What is your mother (father) by profession?
Teacher: By the way, every job has its positive and negative things. Think it over and tell me
what positive and negative about any job is. (P1, P2, P3, …) Here are the phrases. But first of all
let’s read them in chorus and then one by one.
Gives you an opportunity to travel, long working hours, means meeting new people, low - paid,
dangerous, regular working hours, important, creative, tiring, working in bad weather, every day
is different, well-paid, boring, exiting, stressful
5. Обучение навыкам говорения с использованием речевых опор. (учащиеся
отвечают на вопросы, составляя мини-монологи, используя речевые опоры).
(P1,P2,P3 …)
T.: I think some of you have already chosen your future profession.
What profession would you like to choose? Why?
P1: I would like to choose the profession of a teacher, because I think it is very interesting and
noble, though this job is low paid. I am sociable, patient, accurate and curious. To my mind I can
be an excellent teacher.
P2: I would like to choose the profession of a fireman, because I think it is very important,
firemen fight with fire, save people’s lives, they are courageous, strong, brave and they have got
the ability to make decisions quickly.
What do you want to be? And why?
P3: As for me I want to be a hairdresser. This job is very creative and gives an opportunity to
meet new people.
P4: I want to be a model, because this job is creative, beautiful, and I like to pose before
P5: I would like to choose a profession of a mechanic, because I fix cars, motorcycles and know
engines very well.
P6: I would like to be a journalist, because I want to write articles and reports for newspapers
and magazines.
P7: I would like to be a doctor, because it is a very important job and a lot of people need it.
P8: I would like to be a street cleaner, because I want our streets be clean.
P9 Then I would like to be a plant designer, because I want our streets be beautiful.
. Во многих странах люди начинают работать еще будучи подростки, например во время
каникул. А какие варианты есть у российских ребят и у вас? Перед вами несколько
английских объявлений. Прочтите их и попытайтесь заполнить таблицу (работа в парах).
- I have some job adverts from British newspapers. Read them and try to complete this table.
You can work in pairs. I give you 2 minutes.
A. WAITER/WAITRESS wanted for a small cafe, Saturday and Sunday. Must be friendly and
clean. Non-smokers only, please. Phone 023345882
B. EARLY MORNING cleaners wanted in Poole area, must be over 18. Start at 6.00 a.m.
Contact (07903)3224.
C. CALLING ALL KIDS! We want you to deliver our leaflets. You must be honest and hard-
working, under 18 only. You don’t have to work full time, and we pay well. Phone 678 3452.
D. Odeon cinema needs young people to sell programmes and ice cream. You must be smart and
clean (you don’t have to wear a uniform); you mustn’t be late or sit and watch the films.
Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Telephone 02231 4657.
Have you found all the information? What have you found?
6 физкультминутка
7 Работа в группах.
Ученики делятся на 3 группы по 5 человек, и каждая группа выбирает карточку с
T.: The task is you should advise your classmate to make the right choice. You should consider
the personal qualities of your classmates and the traits of character. Discuss the task in groups.
Card № 1.
Dima wants to be a computer programmer.
What personal qualities should he have?
Group 1: Dima, we advise you to be a computer programmer, because you know computers very
well, you can work in such programmes as Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel,
Microsoft Office Power Point, you are very educated, creative, curious, patient. We ask you to
follow our advice.
Card № 2.
Sveta wants to be a dress designer.
What personal qualities should she have?
Group 2: Sveta, we think, that the best profession for you is the profession of a dress designer.
You have got taste, you can draw, you are creative, imaginative, energetic, ambitious, confident
and responsible. If you want to be happy choose this profession.
Card № 3.
Ira wants to be a journalist.
What personal qualities should she have?
Group 3: Ira wants to be a journalist and we agree with her choice, because she is sociable,
educated, courageous, her English and Russian are not very bad and her compositions were
always the best ones.
(Ученики выполняют задания в группах 3-4 минуты. Затем отвечают вслух)
Teacher: Well done.
11. Развитие творческой деятельности.
T.: I think you know the Russian and English proverbs and statements about professions and
works. Match them. (учащиеся читают пословицы и подбирают их русские эквиваленты)
“The early bird gets the worm” “God helps
those, who help them-selves” “Live and
Learn” “It takes the character, the never say
quit spirit to succeed in business”
“Для того, чтобы преуспеть в бизнесе,
требуется характер и умение не сдаваться”
“Кто рано встает, тому Бог дает” “Век живи
век учись” “На бога надейся, а сам не
9.Этап учебного занятия
Предлагает учащимся прочитать письма двух выпускников нашей школы, которые в
своей деятельности нуждаются в знании английского языка. После прочтения писем
задать выпускникам свои вопросы ( не менее 3х вопросов)
Some days ago I received letters from my former students Elinor Loktina and Kirill
Mitugin. I would like you to read these letters and ask them questions to learn more about
Hello, friends!
I am Ira Gueva. Now I’m 20 years old and I’m a third-
year student of the faculty of foreign languages at the
Orel State University. My future profession deals with
linguistic science. I love studying! Now I can’t imagine
myself without languages. At school I studied English,
but now I’m studying English, German and Chinese. I
think studying languages is very interesting. The more I
learn the more I understand different cultures and
traditions and compare them with Russian ones.
I think every person should know any foreign language in order to communicate
people while travelling, to read books in the original languages for better
understanding the cultures of the nations. I have never regretted entering this
Kirill Mityugin
Hello, I am Kirill Mityugin, the leaver of Kokino school. I graduated from Bryansk Technical
University and now work as a system administrator in a large Moscow company. The company
has clients not only in Russia but in other countries as well. It is me who unites all the company
computers in the local net and secures their proper functioning. It’s very interesting and creative
work. I communicate with many people both in our company and abroad. So I must perfectly
know the technical characteristics of all the computer systems, be ready to eliminate some
defects and troubles in the system. I have to read articles, certificates and documents in English,
send e-mails and communicate with my colleagues. So knowledge of English helps me to do my
work properly.
If you want to learn more about our company you may read http://www.rosno.ru/en/about/