Конспект урока "Жизнь и творчество Вильяма Шекспира" 10 класс

Конспект урока элективного курса по английскому языку в 10 классе.
Тема «Жизнь и творчество Вильяма Шекспира».
Учитель: Полукарова Екатерина михайловна
Цель урока: ознакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством В.Шекспира.
1.образовательная: тренировать учащихся в устной речи по данной теме
2. обучающая: совершенствовать умения учащихся в чтении с
извлечением конкретной информации
3. развивающая: развивать творческие способности учащихся.
4. воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся любовь к английской
Тип урока: комбинированный урок.
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент. Приветствие. Введение темы урока.
Сразу после того, как прозвенел звонок и учащиеся заняли свои места, на
экране показывается фрагмент из художественного фильма на английском
языке «Влюбленный Шекспир». Он идет в течение 5 минут до того момента,
как Шекспир после короткого диалога с одним из персонажей фильма,
подписывает документ и крупно выводит свою фамилию “Shakespeare…”
Выходит к доске учитель , приветствует учащихся, с помощью учащихся
формулирует тему и цели урока .
Teacher: Good morning, dear students! As you can guess from the short extract
from the film the topic of our lesson today is… (учащиеся с мест подсказывают
учителю) Yes? You are right. Today we are going to speak about one of the
greatest English writers William Shakespeare, his life and creative work. I know
that you have collected and prepared a lot of interesting information about this
famous person. Our lesson today is a project lesson, that is you are to show
computer presentations, discuss them, read and retell the texts, dramatize some
of his plays.
2. Основная часть урока.
Teacher:So, the topic is (спрашивает у детей и пишет на доске) “William
Shakespeare: life and creative work”. During our lesson we’ll develop such skills
as speaking, listening, acting, asking and answering questions.
Now I’ll give you sheets of paper with the text and questions, look through them
and be ready to answer them at the end of the lesson. You can make notes on
them.( Учитель раздаёт листы с текстом и заданием к нему).
I know that one of you prepared a presentation about Shakespears live.(Учитель
просит выйти ученика к доске и представить свою презентацию).
Thank you, my dear friend. It was so interesting.
Now you will learn some facts about his creative work. If you don’t know, he
wrote 37 plays and 156 sonnets in 23 years. (Учитель просит выйти к доске
следующего ученика с презентацией о творчестве Шекспира).
Thanks. It was great. I think our guests and students liked it very much.
Shakespeare is famous for his sonnets. Can anybody recite any of his sonnets?
(Два или три ученика читают сонеты Шекспира на русском и английском
1-й ученик:
When in the chronicle of wasted time
I see descriptions of the fairest wights,
And beauty making beautiful old rhyme
In praise of ladies dead and lovely knights,
Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's best,
Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,
I see their antique pen would have express'd
Even such a beauty as you master now.
So all their praises are but prophecies
Of this our time, all you prefiguring.
2-й ученик:
Когда в старинных рукописях вдруг
Встречаю песни трубадуров страстных,
Я слышу в них стихов чудесный звук
Во славу рыцарей и дам прекрасных,
Но вижу я, что, красоту любя,
Чело, уста, и очи, и ланиты –
Хотело их перо воспеть тебя,
В ком это все так нераздельно слито.
Да, наши дни пророчил их напев,
Провидело тебя поэтов чувство…
3-й ученик:
In loving thee thou know’st I am forsworn,
But thou art twice forsworn, to me love swearing;
In act thy bed-vow broke, and new faith torn
In vowing new hate after new love bearing.
But why of two oaths' breach do I accuse thee,
When I break twenty? I am perjur'd most,
For all my vows are oaths but to misuse thee,
And all my honest faith in thee is lost:
For I have sworn deep oaths of thy deep kindness,
Oaths of thy love, thy truth, thy constancy,
And to enlighten thee gave eyes to blindness,
Or made them swear against the thing they see;
For I have sworn thee fair, more perjur'd eye,
To swear against the truth so foul a lie!
4-й ученик:
Бесчестен я, к тебе любовь питая;
Меня любя, бесчестна ты вдвойне,
Быть верною обеты нарушая
И на вражду сменив любовь ко мне.
Но мне ль судить тебя за прегрешенья?
Я сам грешил не два, а двадцать раз.
Поклялся я раскрыть твое паденье
И клятву эту преступил тотчас.
Я клялся столько раз, что ты прекрасна,
Что нет любви сильнее и нежней!
Я ослеплял глаза свои всечасно,
Не видеть чтоб порочности твоей.
Я клялся: чище ты и лучше всех,
И эта ложь – мой самый тяжкий грех
Teacher: Of course, now you are ready to answer my questions I gave you at the
beginning of the lesson. Please, read the texts and after five minutes we’ll have a
The Man of Stratford
England's greatest poet was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon in that part of he country which is very
typical of England: green meadows , age-old trees, green hedges between fields, old beautiful houses,
white and black farm cottages.
William's father, John Shakespeare was born in a village three miles north of Stratford. He was the son of
a farmer. About 1550 he moved to Stratford. He vas a glove-maker . He married ' Mary Arden in 1556
and at that time they were living in a comfortable house in Henley Street, William's birthplace.
You can see the modest room where he was born with the dark furniture and small windows. Their
cottage and the furniture are reconstruction but so good, that you forget things aren't really old.
William Shakespeare moved to London soon after his marriage. Soon he joined the company of actors
and was acting in his own plays .
At that time he wrote Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar and Much Ado about Nothing. He wrote 37 plays
in 23 years.
W. Shakespeare died in 1616. You can see the place where he rests in the church not far from the house
where he was born.
Now people from every country of the world come to Stratford. They visit the house in Henley Street, the
grammar school where William first learned to read and to write and the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre
near the Avon River.
1) Where and when was William Shakespeare born?
2) What is that place like?
3) What do we know about his parents?
4) Shakespeare was born in a house in Henley Street, wasn't he?
5) What did Shakespeare do in London?
6) What places of interest can tourists see in Stratford?
7) How many plays did he write?
8) Can you name any of his comedies?
9) Can you name any of his tragedies?
10) How many children did he have?
(Учащиеся читают текст и готовят ответы на вопросы). Учитель показывает
презентацию с викториной.
Teacher: Thank you for your wonderful work. Now I want to give you the text
about Romeo & Juliet.( Учащиеся читают текст о Ромое и Джульете и отвечают
на вопросы к нему).
The Capulets and the Montagues lived in Verona. The two families hated each other. One day the
Capulets had a dance. Romeo, a young Montague, went to the dance wearing a mask, but he was
recognized. It was there that he first saw Juliet, Capulet's daughter. It was love at first sight.
After the party, Romeo went to hide in the bushes under Juliet's window. Juliet came out onto her
balcony. She, like Romeo, had fallen in love with her father's greatest enemy.
Romeo heard her talking to herself about her love for him, and he came out of the bushes. He stood
under the balcony and asked her to marry him. Juliet was afraid and begged him to leave, but first she
agreed to marry Romeo the next day.
Romeo and Juliet were married secretly by a priest called Friar Laurence. Juliet's cousin Tybaltwanted to
fight Romeo. Romeo refused because he had just married Juliet. Later, however, Tybalt killed Romeo's
best friend so Romeo fought and killed Tybalt. Romeo had to leave Verona because he had killed Tybalt.
While he was away, Juliet's father decided she had to marry another man in three days' time. Juliet did
not know what to do. She went to see Friar Laurence and together they made a plan. Juliet would pretend
to kill herself. Laurence would then take her 'body' to a safe place and Romeo would join her.
Romeo did not know about the plan and he was so upset when he received the news that Juliet was dead
that he bought some poison and rushed to Juliet's tomb. There he drank the poison. When Juliet woke
up, Romeo was already dead. Juliet took Romeo's knife and pressed it into her heart.
When they realized what had happened the fathers were very sad and ashamed. As a result of the
tragedy the two families became friends forever.
Answer the questions:
1. Why did Romeo hide under Juliet's window after the party?
2. Why did Juliet agree to marry Romeo?
3. Why did Romeo refuse to fight Tybalt at first?
4. Why did Romeo fight Tybalt?
5. Why did Romeo leave Verona?
6. Why did Romeo buy some poison?
7. Why did Romeo kill himself?
8. Why did Juliet kill herself?
9. Why did the Capulets and Montagues become friends?
3.Завершение урока.
Teacher: You are very talented and creative children. I am very proud of you and
sure that you will become really confident and inquiring people. Without doubt
everyone today gets excellent marks. But we are not going to say good bye to
Shakespeare. Your home task is to think of the plot about a pair of tragic lovers
today. Decide the answers to the questions.
1. Who are the families? What are their names?
2. What do they do?
3. Where do the young couple meet?
4. What is the problem that leads to the tragedy?
5. What is the tragedy?
6. How does the story end?
Write a short summary of your story.
(учитель раздаёт карточки с домашним заданием).
Teacher: Our lesson is over. Good bye.
Ответы на вопросы викторины:
The Man of Stratford
1) England's greatest poet was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon .
2) That part of the country is very typical of England: green meadows , age-old trees, green hedges
between fields, old beautiful houses, white and black farm cottages.
3) William's father, John Shakespeare was born in a village three miles north of Stratford. He was the son
of a farmer. About 1550 he moved to Stratford. He was a glove-maker. He married Mary Arden in 1556
and at that time they were living in a comfortable house in Henley Street, William's birthplace.
4) You can see the modest room where he was born with the dark furniture and small windows. Their
cottage and the furniture are reconstruction but so good that you forget things aren't really old.
5) William married at the age of 18 Anna Hathaway. She was 6 years older and she was the farmer's
6) They had three children: a daughter Susanna and twins: Hamlet and Judith.
7) William Shakespeare moved to London soon after his marriage. Soon he joined the company of actors
and was acting in his own plays . At that time he wrote Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar andMuch Ado
about Nothing.
8) Now people from every country of the world come to Stratford. They visit the house in Henley Street,
the grammar school where William first learned to read and to write and the Shakespeare Memorial
Theatre near the Avon River.
9) He wrote 37 plays and 156 sonnets in 23 years.
10) He wrote the following comedies:
The comedy of errors
A midsummer Night's dream
The Merchant of Venice
As you like it
Twelfth Night
All's well that ends well
11) His tragedies are
Romeo and Juliet
Julius Caesar
King Lear
12) W. Shakespeare died in 1616 in Stratford where he returned and spent his last years of life. You can
see the place where he rests in the church not far from the house where he was born.