План-конспект урока "The easy way to keep fit" 7 класс

План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме:
«The easy way to keep fit»
с применением технологии сотрудничества и здоровьесбережения
Цель урока: обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме:
«Здоровый образ жизни»
Задачи урока:
развитие умения использовать в речи лексический материал по теме
«Здоровый образ жизни»;
развитие навыков чтения с пониманием общей информации;
развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения нужной информации;
развитие внимания, памяти, познавательных интересов; мыслительных и
речевых способностей;
развитие навыков самостоятельной, парной и групповой работы;
развитие навыков работы с текстом, с информацией;
воспитание ответственного отношения к здоровью, полезных привычек
питания; совершенствование умений взаимодействия друг с другом,
сотрудничества, воспитание культуры общения и поведения в группе
Тип урока: урок закрепления знаний.
Оборудование: магнитофон, компьютер с мультимедийным проектором
Оснащение: учебник New Opportunity (Student’s Book), авторы М Хэррис,
В Моуэр, А Сикоржинска и др; Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику (Workbook); CD-
диск; карточки с ситуациями, видео физкультминутки
Lesson plan
1.Org. moment. Greeting. (1min.)
T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down, please. How are you? Let’s start our
lesson. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the
weather like today? Are you ready for the lesson?
2 .Lead in activity. (1 min)
Benefits of living a healthy lifestyle
T:Children, let`s watch a video about healthy way of life,now
T: Can you guess what the topic of our lesson is?
Ch: Health, sport, exercises, food etc.
3. Warm up activity. (6 min)
T: This lesson we are going to speak about how to keep fit without going to the
gym or sports club
By the way, how are you today?
Ch: Fine, thanks and you?
T: I`m fine too.
T:Is it important to do exercises, how do you think, why?
T: What should you do to keep fit?
T: Is dancing an aerobic exercise?
T: Is your breakfast healthy or not, why?
T: Is working in the garden help you to keep fit, why?
T: What physical activities do you do?
T: Is it better to get to school by bus, by bicycle or on foot?
T: Does tidying your room burn calories?
T: Are you fit, how do you think?
4. Vocabulary :( 7 min)
T: Children, look at the true and false statement on the next slide. Read and
translate them. (учащиеся просматривают предложения, учитель убеждается,
что вся лексика понятна)
T: Now work in pairs and discuss if you think each statement is true or false.
(учащиеся работают в парах, обсуждая ответы)
T: Let`s check your answers. Look at the slide:
5.Reading (group work): (10min)
T: Now we are going to work with the magazine article “Keep fit –the easy way!”
You will do the task in groups of four. All groups have the same text. Each person
in the group is responsible for his paragraph. The task is to match four paragraphs
with four headings and understand the general information of your paragraph.
Then discuss in groups all paragraphs and headings. Only one pupil will present
the whole group. Remember the mark of group depends on the presenter.
(Учащиеся работают в группах по 4 человека, заранее сформированных
учителем по способностям: 1-сильный, 1-2 средних и 1-слабый. Каждый
ученик отвечает за свой абзац в тексте и заголовок к нему. И далее знакомит
всю группу с содержанием его абзаца и заголовком. Все в группе помогают
друг другу, так как отвечает один ученик из группы на усмотрение учителя,
одна оценка ставится на всю группу)
T: Let`s check your answers.Group№1,please.
Ch: First paragraph is about exercising with your toe. Heading: Easy as ABC, you
have to write the letters of ABC in the air with your big toe.
T: Well done. Now group №2, please
Ch: Second paragraph is about jumping. Heading: Jump for joy
T: Right. Group №3
Сh: Third paragraph is about dancing. Heading: Dance to the music, as dancing is
an aerobic exercise
T: Yes. Group 4, please
Ch: This paragraph is about helping at home. Heading: Tidy your room.
T: Great job. Let`s have a rest now.
6. Physical exercises :( 1min)
T: Now let`s have a break and do some exercises with the boy on the video
(учитель включает видео физкульминутку, учащиеся повторяют движения
за мальчиком)
7. Listening (5 min):
T: Now you will listen to a radio presenter. The task is to put the statements in the
order the man talks about them.
a) don`t smoke
b) eat a balanced diet
c) have a good breakfast
d) eat lots of fruit and vegetables
e) do exercise
(Учащиеся слушают ведущего и ставят фразы в правильном порядке)
Answers: c,e,b,d,a
8. Listening and completing the function file:
Now, I`d like you to listen to the function file and complete the gaps in advice
Giving advice:
1.Don`t____ at your desk in school all day.
2._______around at break time.
3.Don`t _____ hours doing homework.
4._____ breaks and go for walks.
5.Don`t take the bus-_____or cycle.
6.Don`t ____lifts-use the stairs.
7.____a balanced diet.
8.____fruit and vegetables in salad.
(дети читают утверждения, пытаются сами заполнить пропуски, затем
слушают запись и заполняют пропуски)
T: Let`s check your answers
Giving advice:
Ch1: Don`t sit at your desk in school all day.
Ch2:Run around at break time.
Ch 3.Don`t spent hours doing homework.
Ch 4.Take breaks and go for walks.
Ch 5.Don`t take the bus- walk or cycle.
Ch 6.Don`t use lifts-use the stairs.
Ch 7.Eat a balanced diet.
Ch 8.Put fruit and vegetables in salad.
Ch 9.Don`t smoke!
T: Listen to advice and check.
9.Speaking: (7 min)
T: Work in pairs now. There are situation cards on your desks.
Student A is a person who tells about his problem and Student B is a person who
gives advice.
Card1:I`ve got flu every year.
Ch:You should do exercises
Eat a balanced diet
Put fruit and vegetables in salad
Card2:I`ve got a stomachache.
Ch: You should eat a balanced diet
Have a good breakfast
Don`t eat fast food
Card 3: I don`t have time to go to the gym.
Ch:Run around at break time
Don`t take the bus- walk or cycle
Don`t use lifts-use the stairs.
Card 4:I spend a lot of time in front of computer.
Ch: Take breaks and go for walks.
Run around at break time.
Don`t spent hours doing homework.
Card 5: I`m always tired.
Ch: Spend time in the open air
Don`t spent hours doing homework.
Don`t sit at your desk in school all day.
10. Homework: (1min)
Learn the advice sentences. Write 3 sentences with advice for you, your family,
your friends.
Ex:Don`t eat lots of chocolate!(me). Don`t smoke!(my dad). Eat more fruit.(my
friend)(учитель объявляет оценки за урок)