Конспект урока "Robots as teachers" 9 класс

Урок английского языка
«Robots as teachers »
c использованием структур кооперативного обучения.
Учитель: Дамдинова Д.Б., учитель английского языка.
Место работы: Республика Бурятия, г, Улан-Удэ, ГБОУ лицей-интернат №61.
Класс: 10a.
Уровень : upper intermediate.
Тема: «Роботы-учителя. Могут ли они заменить живых учителей?»
Цель урока: научиться вести дискуссии по теме «Роботы-учителя».
Планируемые результаты:
Предметные: уметь читать текст публицистического характера, уметь говорить по теме.
Метапредметные: уметь извлекать информацию из различных источников, в том числе
из ЭОР.
Уметь выделять главное, строить логические цепочки.
Личностные: умение оценивать деятельность других членов группы.
Регулятивные УУД: умение планировать, ставить цели, организовать рабочее место,
Познавательные УУД: поиск и применение информации, умение доказывать, находить
аргументы, осознанно строить речевое высказывание с целью решения коммуникативной
Коммуникативные УУД: планирование учебной деятельности для выполнения заданий в
группе, в паре, умение инициировать общение, поддерживать разговор, умение
корректно исправлять ошибки у членов группы.
Тип урока: изучение нового материала.
Формы работы учащихся: работа в группах, в парах, самостоятельная работа.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, ЭОР (интернет), раздаточный материал
(тексты), таймер.
Учащиеся работают в группах по 4 человека. У всех свои порядковые номера и цвета.
Столы имеют свой цвет. На них менеджмэты. На уроке используются структуры Warm-
up (ice-breaker), Jot thoughts, Jigsaw Reading, Corners, Round Robin, Timed Share. Feedback.
Во время урока идет презентация по этапам. Показываются опоры для учащихся.
Ход урока:
1. Greeting. Ice breaker. Ask me any questions you like. Try not to be too personal. 2
minutes. Could you speak to a robot in this way? What are we going to talk about at
today’s lesson?
Students say that they are going to talk about robots.
2. Anticipation reaction Guide. Let’s compare your thoughts and ideas about robots as
teachers before reading the text and after reading the text.
Round Robin. Write down on the sheet of paper all the advantages of robotic teachers in chain.
You can use carbon paper. - 3 minutes
3. Corners and jot thoughts. All the numbers 1 go to your corner and share your ideas. All
the numbers 2 and 3 also go to your corners and share your thoughts. Write down new
ideas if you didn’t have them. 2 minutes.
4. Timed share. Go back to your home groups and share new ideas with your left-hand
neighbour, then with your right-hand neighbour. 3 minutes..
5. Write down all the disadvantages in chain. 3 minutes.
6. Corners and jot thoughts Go to the corners, share the ideas and go back to your home-
groups. 3 minutes
7. 7. Read the text about the advantages and disadvantages of robotic teachers.
Add more ideas to the list. 5 minutes.
8. Debating. 15 minutes.
Let’s vote first.
Who is for robotic teachers at school?
Who is against robotic teachers at school? Let’s see whether this proportion will change
after the debating.
Let’s cast a lot.
All the “A”s go to the right. All the “B”s go to the left.
Let’s start. The first round. Express your general idea.
The 2
round. Everyone should say their own ideas. Opponents should take notes not
to forget the arguments and to prepare counterarguments.
The 3d round. Debating itself.
Сhildren can find them interesting and it can inspire their learning. Learning becomes fun.
Robots are very helpful to concentrate on a subject in class.
Children feel the robot is their friend
The educational robot system indeed helps increase students' interest and self-motivation
in studying English and improves their English skills.
Students may find a lot of other arguments for
Robots cannot completely replace human teachers.
If children are looked after by robots for too long, it would give them problems in
There is no understanding in robots, there is just processing.
Robot will never be better than a person. Teaching is probably the most challenging
(difficult) role for artificial intelligence.
Students may have quite a few counterarguments.
Their teacher may help them add more arguments and counterarguments.
Conclusion. Вывод.
Let’s vote again. Who is for robotic teachers at school?
Who is against them?
9. Feed Back.
What was the most interesting part of the lesson? Why?
What was the most difficult thing to do?
How did you overcome the difficulty?
Evaluate each student showing your cards. Red card is for “excellent”
Green card is for “good’
Yellow card is for satisfactory
10. Your homework is to write an essay about robotic teachers.