Фрагмент урока английского языка "Страхи и фобии" 9 класс

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
«Стахановская гимназия № 2
Фрагмент урока английского языка в 9 классе
(ролевая игра)
по теме «Страхи и фобии»
учитель английского языка
Тарновский Евгений Борисович
г. Стаханов
Фрагмент урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме «Страхи и фобии»
Вид работы: ролевая игра, направленная на интенсификацию речевой
деятельности (устной монологической и диалогической речи).
Конкретная практическая цель: отработка в речи идиоматических
по теме и модальных глаголов should, have to,
must, can
Ролевая игра проходит в виде «консультации», которую проводят два
«психолога» из числа учащихся. Остальные учащиеся рассказывают о своих
«страхах и фобиях», при этом должны в своем рассказе обязательно употребить
одно или более из написанных на доске идиоматических выражений:
- spine-chilling
- to be shaking like a leaf
- hair raising
- to turn (one’s) legs to jelly
- to have butterflies in (one’s) stomach
- to be scared to death
- to feel uneasy
- to go into pieces
- to feel jumpy
- to make (smb) scream of horror
- to faint
- to make (smb) want to run away.
Teacher: - Students, at our lessons we have been speaking about fears and phobias.
And today we invited two famous scientists, Doctor of Psychology Mr. Simon and
Doctor of Psychology Mr. Wilson. You can ask them about your fears and I hope they
will give good pieces of advice. But first I would like to ask them some questions. So,
what is fear, Mr. Simon?
Dr. Simon: - First of all, we all must know that fear is absolutely natural. Fear is one
of the basic human emotions. In fact, it is necessary for survival, physical and social.
In case of danger fear gives us a signal about possible risks and in this way it helps us
to be prepared to face possible or real danger. On the other hand, fear can have a
negative effect, for example, too big fear can lead to panic or stress, or sometimes
even to a phobia.
- How can we fight fear?
- It is not easy, but possible. There are some ways.
1) First, you should study the source of your fear well, it will help to understand that
there is maybe not much to be afraid of.
2)You may also watch what other people do in difficult situations.
3)Try not to avoid stressful situations.
4)And the main thing don't be afraid of your fears, fight them.
Teacher: - Thank you, Mr. Simon. And what about phobias, Mr. Wilson?
Dr. Wilson: - Yes, as my colleague says, phobia can be a result of a repetitive or a
very strong fear.
More than 80% of phobias have their origin in our childhood. For example, a person
who burned his hand as a child, may have a pyro-phobia (or fear of fire). Or a person
who was bitten by a dog, may be afraid of dogs all his life.
So we can say that a phobia is a continuous and often unreasonable fear, and it is
more difficult to treat than a fear. It often needs a specialist to fight a phobia.
Teacher: - Thank you, Mr. Wilson. And now, students, you can ask your questions.
Dr. Wilson: -Well then, who will be the first? Maybe, you?
Student 1:- No.
Dr. Wilson:-Why?
Student 2:- Excuse me. She will not speak. She never speaks first.
Dr. Wilson: - It's interesting. What do you think, dear colleague?
Dr. Simon: - I think, that this is just a fear of leadership.
Student 2: - Can I tell about my fear? I am afraid of ghosts.
Dr. Wilson: - It's a rare phobia, I should say. How did it begin?
Student 2: - When I was 9, I watched a horror film about ghosts, and I was very
scared... (Учащийся выбирает одно из написанных на доске идиоматических
выражений. e.g. «It was hair-raising»). And now it seems that there are ghosts all
around me.
Dr. Wilson: - I think, young man, you should not watch TV channels with different
paranormal stories.
Dr. Simon: - And I think you should watch a film about some funny and kind ghosts,
like “Casper”, for example.
Student 2: Thank you, I will try.
Student 3: - I'm afraid of darkness.
Dr. Simon: - Many people are afraid of darkness. This fear comes from ancient times
when people were afraid of monsters and demons and so on.
Student 3: - But I am not afraid of monsters, I'm afraid of darkness itself. I always
sleep with lights on. When there were problems with electricity once, I was really
scared... ( Учащийся выбирает идиому).
Dr. Simon: - Well, I have some pieces of advice for you. First of all, ask your parents
to buy an electrical-relay lamp. Night by night you can make the light in your room
dimmer and dimmer. And finally you will get used to sleep in the darkness. Or you
can also try to turn off the light and listen to your favourite music, or talk to a good
friend on the telephone. These methods have helped a lot of people.
Student 3: - Thank you, I hope it will help.
Student 4: - I'm afraid of exams. This year we are passing some exams and I'm really
scared... ( Учащийся выбирает идиому ).
Dr. Wilson: - This is called testophobia. It means that you are afraid to fail the exam.
Do you study well?
Student 4: - Yes, I do.
Dr. Wilson: - Then you don't have to worry. The main thing for you is to have a good
rest before the exam and to sleep well. You can even watch a comedy or read a funny
book. Imagine that you are going to have not an exam, but a party.
Student 4: - I will do it. Thank you for your advice.
Dr. Wilson: - And remember: every teacher wants you not to fail, but to pass the
exam well.
Student 5: - As for me, I am afraid to travel by plane.
Dr. Wilson: - Well, have you ever travelled by air before?
Student 5: - No, never. But when I only think about it I get very scared... (Учащийся
выбирает идиому). There have been many reports about air plane crashes recently
and I am afraid it may happen when I am on the plane.
Dr. Wilson: - This fear is quite common, it's called aerophobia. Well, maybe you will
never need to travel by plane?
Student 5: - But I am going to be a journalist and journalists travel a lot.
Dr. Wilson: - All right then, first of all, I think that you are not afraid to travel by car
but according to statistics travelling by car is 4 times more dangerous than by plane.
Student 5: - Really?
Dr. Wilson: - Yes. And next, you should find something really interesting to do
during the flight: your favourite book or your favourite music. And you should learn
to relax, and I'm sure your fear will melt away.
Student 5: - Thank you.
Student 1: - Can I speak?
Dr. Simon: - So, I see you are ready now. Now, what’s your problem?
Student 1: - I am afraid of spiders.
Dr. Simon: - Well, arachnophobia is rather common. Do you remember how it
Student 1: - Some years ago I went to the country to visit my grandparents. Once we
were playing with other children and they played a trick on me. They locked me in a
wooden shed. And there were millions of spiders there. It was so scaring...
(Учащийся выбирает идиому ).
Dr. Simon: - I see. I can tell you a secret when I was a boy I was afraid of spiders,
too. But then one day I thought: Why? I am big, the spider is small. I am stronger.
Besides, there are no poisonous spiders in this country. I can also advise you to watch
some cartoon about kind and funny spiders.
Student 6: - Can I? I am afraid of height.
Dr. Wilson: - Oh, many people are afraid of height. Do you often have these fear
Student 6: - Yes, every time I look down from my balcony I am very scared...
(Учащийся выбирает идиому ).
Dr. Wilson: - You can fight the fear of heights in some steps. First, when you are on
the balcony, don't look down, but look around and enjoy the view. When you are at
the sea-side, climb some hill with a beautiful view of the sea. And every time when
you are at some height, always think about something pleasant. I hope, this will help
Dr. Simon: - And why don't you say anything, young man?
Student 7: - Because I am afraid to speak in class.
Dr. Simon: -There is an easy but good advice you should learn the lesson perfectly,
then repeat several times your answer at home. At the lessons try to answer the first.
It will help you, I'm sure.
Dr. Wilson: - So, any more questions? All right. We hope that our advice will help
you to get rid of your fears and phobias.
Dr. Simon: - Well, thank you for your attention, we wish you good luck and good
Teacher: - Thank you very much, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Simon for your interesting and
useful information. And thank you, students. Our meeting is over.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Ю.Е.Ваулина, В.Эванс, Дж.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко. Spotlight 9. Student’s book. -
М.:Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2010.
2. Ю.Е.Ваулина, В.Эванс, Дж.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко. Spotlight 9. Workbook. -
М.:Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2010.
Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы:
1. Spotlight 9. Аудиокурс к УМК для 9 класса.
2. www.ru.wikipedia.org