План урока "The Passive Voice. Страдательный залог, формы глагола в страдательном залоге" 9 класс

План урока.
9 класс.
Тема: The Passive Voice. Страдательный залог, формы глагола в
страдательном залоге
Образовательная цель: организация усвоения и введение нового
грамматического материала «Страдательный залог, формы глагола в
страдательном залоге».
Развивающая цель: формирование умений применять такие приемы,
как сопоставление, перенос знаний в новую ситуацию.
Воспитательная цель: показ важности и практической применимости
знаний из области данной науки.
Новый языковой материал: страдательный залог.
Материал для повторения: видо-временные формы глагола.
Оснащение урока: УМК Enjoy English 9” (учебник английского
языка для 9 классов, Биболетова М. З., Трубанева Н. Н), интерактивная доска
Smartboard, Презентация на темуThe Passive Voice.
Ход урока.
I.1. Организация класса – 2 минуты.
- Class, please, get ready for the lesson. There are only book, copybook,
dairy and pen on the table. Stand up, please.
- Good morning, boys and girls!
-How are you today?
- Sit down, please!
-Who is on duty today?
-Tell me, please, what is the date today?
-Very good, then what is the day of the week today?
-What is the weather like?
-Do you like such kind of weather?
-Thank you, for your full and correct answers.
2. Фонетическая зарядка 2 минуты.
-Now, let’s remember our tongue-twisters. Today we repeat the sound [∫].
(Ученики слушают скороговорку с аудио-носителя и читают её с доски).
Презентация The Passive Voice”, Слайд 1.
3. Проверка выполнения домашнего задания – 1 минута.
-Your homework was Ex. 106 at page 48. Tell me, could you do it?
-Very good! Then give your copybooks. I’ll check them and then tell you
your marks.
(Ученики сдают тетради с домашней работой).
II. Основная часть урока – 35 минут.
1. Актуализация темы.
-First of all, I want you to remember some forms of the irregular verbs. It
will be useful for our lesson. (Ученики выходят к доске и пишут все формы
неправильных глаголов). Слайд 2.
2. Сообщение темы и цели урока.
-How do you think why I ordered you to write down these verbs? Do you
think that the Past Simple and Participle are so widely -spread forms in everyday
life? You are right, these forms are very useful. Especially, it is needed for our new
theme where we can’t do anything without these forms. So, today we begin new
theme called The Passive Voice”. Слайд 3. Today we will learn why and when
we use the Passive Voice. It’s a new grammatical theme for you that’s why open
your Grammar copybooks and let’s write down the main points. (Ученики
открывают тетради по грамматики).
3. Введение нового грамматического материала.
-Look at the Smartboard, let’s read and write down the main sentences.
Слайд 4. (Один ученик читает вслух, и весь класс записывает главные
предложения в тетради по грамматике).
Pupil: The Passive Voice serves to show that the person or thing denoted by
the subject of the sentence is not the agent (the doer) of the action expressed by the
predicate verb but the object of this action.
-So, what is the main point of this sentence?
Pupil: That the thing or person undergoes an action.
-That’s right. The Passive Voice is built up by means of the auxiliary verb to
be in the required finite form and the participle of the notional verb.Слайд 5.Let’s
look at some examples. Слайд 6. There you can see the differences between the
active and the passive voices. Ask each other which differences exactly can you
tell. (Ученики спрашивают друг у друга, сравнивают ответы).
-So, now you see the differences of the translations of active and passive
voices. Let’s look through the whole tenses of the passive voice. Слайд 7.Now,
let’s look at the table. There you can see all the forms of the Passive Voice. So,
now, one pupil tell me the exact form of the verb in the active voice and then this
pupil ask from the other pupil the passive form of the same tense. (Ученики
спрашивают друг у друга видо-временные формы глагола в активном и
страдательном залоге).
- Слайд 8. Now, look at these columns. Read the examples and try to make
up a rule when we use by and with. (Ученики читают примеры и выводят из
них правило).
-Very good!!! I see you cope with this theme quite well. The last one we
should know at this lesson is the forms of the passive voice in interrogative and
negative sentences.
-Слайд 9. The interrogative form is built up placing the First (auxiliary)
verb before the subject of the sentence. Please, read the examples.
- Слайд 10. The negative form is built up by placing the particle not after
the first verb. Look at the examples, please. Pay your attention to the order of the
4. Выполнение тренировочных упражнений на закрепление нового
грамматического материала.
- So, today we’ve begun a new theme The Passive Voice. This issue is rather
difficult but you showed your good knowledge during the lesson. Now, let’s check
how you understand the theme. Let’s make some quiz. You can see some questions
with multiple choices.
Слайды 11-13. (Ученики выполняют тест).
- Now, let’s check your answers with the right ones.
Слайд 14. Проверка ответов.
III. Завершение урока – 3 минуты.
1. Подведение итогов – 1 минута.
-So, dear pupils, today we’ve learnt new theme. It was unknown for you. But
now you know why and where we should use the Passive Voice. Today it was just
an introduction. Then we’ll do a lot of exercises not to forget the different forms of
the Passive Voice.
2. Сообщение поурочного балла 1 минута.
-Today youve done a great job. That’s why all of you get good marks.
3. Запись домашнего задания 1 минута.
-Now, open your dairies and write down your homework. You’ll have to
make up sentences to each of the tense. Be careful! Don’t make mistakes. I wish
you a good day. The lesson is over. Good bye!!!