Конспект урока "History of the Olympic Games" 7 класс

Ф.И.О.: Яговкина Екатерина Валерьевна
Идентификатор: 104-441-852
Тема: History of the Olympic games
Класс: 7
Цель урока:
Закрепить и провести контроль знаний учащихся об истории Олимпийских игр
Задачи урока:
Учебная совершенствовать навыки говорения, чтения и аудирования с видео опорой.
Развивающая развивать умение высказываться логично и аргументировать свою точку зрения;
расширять кругозор учащихся.
Воспитательная прививать нормы здорового образа жизни, любовь к спорту в рамках работы
по Олимпийскому образованию и гражданско-патриотическому воспитанию учащихся.
Оборудование: экран, проектор, лингафонное оборудование, презентация Power Point.
Ход урока
I. Начало урока.
1. Организационное начало урока.
T: (слайд 1) Dear students, we have already read some interesting information about the
History of the Olympic Games. Now you have known a lot and I am sure you will be able to
tell about them at the end of our lesson. But first I’d like to get to know your attitude to sport as
a whole. Here are the Olympic Rings with some questions behind them. Choose anyone you
like more, read and answer the question. (работа со слайдами 1-6: последовательно
нажимать на олимпийские кольца):
1. Blue - Are you interested in sport? -
2. Black - How often do you go in for this sport? -
3. Red - What is more interesting to watch or to play? -
4. Yellow - Do you watch the Olympic Games? -
5. Green - Are you going to watch the Olympic Games in Sochi? -
2. Warming-up:
T: (слайд 7) Now let us remember how it all began. Give the definitions of the first Olympic
sports. There is an example (описание вида спорта javelin дается к качестве примера).
S1: Running is a sport where athletes try to move on foot as quickly as they can.
S2: Long jump is a sport where athletes try to jump as far as they can and compare lengths of
their jumps.
S3: Throwing of discus is a sport where athletes try to throw a discus by spinning themselves
and then using their arm to throw a disk as far as they can.
S4: Wrestling is a sport where two unarmed athletes try to win in a hand-to-hand fight.
II. Основная часть урока.
1. Просмотр видеофрагмента об истории олимпийских игр.
T: Watch the film to find out the following:
1) What the abbreviation IOC mean.
S: IOC International Olympic Committee)
2) What these dates mean in the history of the Olympic Games.
S1: 8 century BC - the first beginning of the Olympic Games.
S2: 19 century AD - the revival of the Olympic Games and the IOC was born.
S3: 1896 - the first modern Olympic Games were held in Greece.
S4: 14 - the number of the countries participated in the 1
modern Olympic Games.
S5: 1924 - the first winter Olympic Games.
S6: 1994 -
S7: 1916 - the Olympic Games were cancelled because of the 1
World War.
2. Проверка индивидуального домашнего задания.
T: Helen made a presentation on the history of the Olympic Games. It has some mistakes. Look
and listen carefully and correct them.
S1: Slide 2 - The Olympic Games were one of the most revered public festivals of ancient
Greece but not Rome.
S2: Slide 3 -The Olympic Games were held every four years but not three.
S3: Slide 4 -The program of events didn't include swimming.
S4: Slide 5 -The winners of the Olympic Games were awarded with wreaths of olive branches
but not of birch ones.
S5: Slide 6 - It's Paris who hosted the International Sports Congress in 1894.
S6: Slide 7 -The program of games is not constant, it changes.
3. Физкультминутка.
T: Let us have a rest now.
Pick up, pick down
Stand up, turn round
Clap left, clap right
Clap up, clap down
Look left, look right
Look up, look down.
Turn round, sit down
Touch something brown.
4. Выполнение проверочной работы: QUIZ.
T: Do the quiz.
1) In the beginning the Olympic Games lasted …
a. one day
b. one week
c. two weeks
2) … were stopped by special heralds who rode in all directions of Greece.
a. all trades
b. all studies
c. all wars and feuds
3) The first athletes competed in
a. walking, long jumps, throwing of balls, javelin and chariot races
b. running, long jumps, throwing of balls, javelin and chariot races
c. running, long jumps, throwing of discus, javelin and chariot races
4) Winners, called “Olympionics” were awarded …
a. olive wreaths and cups of red wine
b. olive wreaths and cups of olive oil
c. olive wreaths and cups of water
5) Women weren't allowed to …
a. participate in the Olympic Games
b. watch competitions
c. participate in the Olympic Games and watch competitions
6) The Olympic Games were banned the Emperor Theodosius in …
a. 394 AD
b. 1394 AD
c. 934 AD
7) Pierre de Coubertin, …, caused the revival of the Olympic Games in 1892.
a. the President of france
b. a French teacher
c. a French student
8) The Open ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi begins on the … at … o'clock.
a. 1
February … midnight
b. 7
February … 8 p.m.
c. 7
February … 8 p.m. 14 min.
T: Let's check your answers.
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. c
5. Монологическое высказывание на тему “History of the Olympic Games”.
T: We have remembered how the Olympic Games began. Imagine how you will tell about them
to your friends.
III. Заключительная часть урока.
1. Подведение итогов.
2. Оценивание.
3. Домашнее задание:
1) Find the Olympic abbreviations.
2) Write the letter to your English-speaking pen friend. You have got two tickets to the
Olympic games in Sochi. Invite him to go with you. Don't forget to ask him (her) three
questions about the Olympic Games. Write 80-100 words.