Разработка урока "Естественная и созданная человеком среда обитания. Словообразование: суффиксальный способ" 8 класс

Преподаватель: Гатиятова Гузель Ильдусовна
Школа: МБОУ «Лесхозская СОШ»
Класс: 8
Тема: Естественная и созданная человеком среда обитания. Словообразование:
суффиксальный способ.
Цель:закрепление и coвершенствование полученных лексических навыков по теме
«Еnvironment», отработка умений и навыков по их применению.
Образовательная задача: активизироватьзакрепить лексику по теме «Окружающая
среда», продолжать формировать у учащихся навыки общения в рамках речевой
данной ситуации, сформировать навыки словообразования.
Развивающая задача: развивать у учащихся навыки монологической, устной речи,
способствовать развитию критического мышления, развитию памяти.
Воспитательная задача: способствовать воспитанию у учащихся интереса к
английскому языку, веру всвой способности средствами урока,формировать умение
работать в коллективе и слушать друг друга.
I. Начало урока.
1. Орг момент.
- Приветствие
Hello boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Look at your manage mat and define who is your
face partner, who is your shoulder partner and what is your number. Great your shoulder
partner and smile to your face partner. (ученики приветствуют своих партнеров в
2. Речеваязарядка. Warming up.
I have a question for you. If an alien came to Earth what geographical feature would you
show it?
Think for 10 seconds. Now answer one by one. Use SINGLE ROUND ROBIN. Numbers
1 begin.
(Ученики проговаривают ответы один за другим. Затем учитель спрашивает по столам
их мнение)
- Now I want to know your opinion. Numbers 4 raise your hands please, I want you to
tell us about what geographical feature would you show to an alien.
(Все номера четыре поднимите руки, выскажите ваши предложения)
II. Основная часть урока
1. АктуализацияопорныхЗУН
- Good job! So as you guess today we will continue speaking about our environment and
you will learn to use different word expressions to talk about ecological problems. Besides,
we are going to learn to form new words with the help of suffixes and by transforming from
one part of speech to another. Here you can see Parking. If you don’t understand some
moments during the lesson you can write down your question and stick on the parking.
-But why do we speak about environment and environmental problems? Think a little.
Number 1 table 2. What is your opinion?
-Well done !On your tables everyone has the list of paper. The 1
task is to label pictures
with expressions from the box. Table 4 number 4 read the expressions, please.
- You are to complete the table one by one. Work with your shoulder partner. Use
RELLY-ROBIN. The first will be the student who has longer hair.(заполнить таблицу
словами из списка по очереди называя слова)
Excellent! Let’s cheer each other.
Our next task is to find out the effects of pollution on the environment and on the people.
Look at the labeled pictures and complete the table. I’ll give you 30 seconds to do it.
Now, table 1 number 3 answer, please. What kinds of effect of pollution on the environment
can you name?
What kinds of effect of pollution on people can you mention? Table 4 number 2.
2. Совершенствованиелексических навыков
Now let’s speak about the kinds of environment. Environment is what we have around and
there are 3 types of environment. Natural geographical features, living organisms, man-
made geographical features. Let’s try to classify the words according to the types of
environment. Take your list of paper. Do it in your papers using your books ( 2 min)
(распределить слова по типам среды на индив листочках.)
- Now try to answer the question What is the Earth? Is the Earth only natural geographical
features or only living organisms, or may be the Earth is man-made geographical features?
May be you have your own answer, your own variant. Think and write down your answer.
1 minute at your disposal. (Закончите утверждение Земля–это….какой-то тип среды или
дайте свой вариант ответа )
-Look at the CORNERS of the room you can see 3 types of environment. They are Natural
geographical features, living organisms, man-made geographical features. Take your list of
paper and go to the corner with your answer.If you have another opinion you can go to the
fourth corner My variant.. (Типы среды написаны в 3 углах комнаты. 4 угол –мой
вариант, пройдите в тот угол, который вы выбрали. )
-Now make a pair. Discuss your choice with your partner. Everyone has 30 sec.The first
will be the student who is taller. (TIMED PAIR SHARE)
-Now find a partner from another corner and explain him why you chose this corner.
Everyone has 30 seconds. The first will be student who has shorter hair.
- So I’d like to listen your opinions.
Ok. But what makes you think so?
-Does it seem to you that all types of environment are connected?
The Earth is natural geographical features, living organisms, man-made geographical
features together. They can’t exist without one another.
-Great. Thank each other and take your seats.
3. Формирование грамматических навыков.
-Soitstimeforgrammar. Look at the words and try to classify them into verbs, nouns and
Look at the words again and try to find out the means of forming one part of speech from
another. Discuss in your groups. Now find ex10 on p 42.
Table1 number 3 read and translate the words, please.
Table 4 number 4 read and translate the next point.
Table2 number4 read and translate the last one.
Well done!
The next task will be QUIZ-QUIZ-TRADE.
You have to write down a question on sheets of your paper. This question should be
connected with our grammar theme. You should write down the answer derived word on the
other side of a paper. The questions shouldn’t be repeated. So to check your questions ask
them to each other. Let’s do it one by one, using ROUND ROBIN. Numbers 1 will start.
-Now stand up and meet with nearest person from another group and ask your partner to
name the derived word and change the papers. You should change your papers twice and
then take your seats. Dont forget to raise your hand while you are waiting for the partner.
Don’t forget to praise and thank your partner. Lets start. (Дети берут листочки, пишут
вопросы, задают их партнерам , затем находят пару, обмениваются вопросом)
III. Заключительная часть урока
1. Закрепление лексики по теме
-Ok, lets try to revise the words on our topic using JOT THOUGHTS. Everyone has 4
sheets of paper and you have to write down the words connected with the topic environment.
What is ENVIRONMENT associated with for you? Write the word, put a sheet with the
word on the center of the table saying this word.
Now number 1 mix the papers , choose 9 sheets to make a table and play TIC-TAC-TOE.
You have to choose 3 words and make a sentence. The words may be down, across,
diagonally. Make the sentences and read them to your partners one by one. If you finish give
me a sign.
Praise and thank your partners. (ученики готовят карточки с 1 слово м на каждом
листочке по теме «Окружающая среда» затем перемешивают и раскладывают 9
листочков в формате 3×3.Каждый член команды составляет 3 предложения ,используя
любые три слова на одной линии.)
3. Подведение итогов
We have done a lot of work and I am pleased with your work. Now take the stickers and
write down the moment you didn’t understand or a question. Then you will put the stickers
on the board with a parking.
Let’s wish a nice day to your face partner, wish a nice day to your shoulder partner. Let’s
great one another.
Your home task will be ex 9 on p 42.
The lesson is over. Have a nice day!