Разработка урока "Steps to better writing" 8 класс

Разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе
Дата: 11.03.14.
Класс: 8 “C
Тема: Steps to better writing (Unit 8.Strange, but true).
Цель урока: научиться пошаговым инструкциям написания кортокого рассказа
Тип урока: урок подготовки к написанию короткого рассказа.
Форма организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная,
групповая, парная.
Задачи урока:
повторить употребление времен Past Continuous, Past Simple и Past Perfect;
повторить пунктуацию;
совершенствовать умений чтения;
научить пошаговым инструкциям написания рассказа.
содействовать развитию умений осуществлять рефлексивную
развивать умений работать в коллективе, в парах.
содействовать формированию толерантности в отношении к культуре
своего и других народов.
Ожидаемые результаты: дети научатся шагам написания лучшего короткого
рассказа, опираясь на образец и рекомендации.
Оборудование урока: учебник английского языка для 8 класса «New Matrix»,
рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «New Matrix», классная доска.
Ход урока:
1. Начало урока (2 мин.)
1.1. Организационный момент
Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you! How are you
I’m fine! Thank you!
Who is absent today? What is wrong with
him/her? Is she/he ill?
What date is it today, Yunas?
Could you write down the date on the
blackboard, please?
Thank you.
Ok. Let’s start our lesson.
Hello, teacher!
Fine! Thank you? And you?
… is absent today. Yes, she/he is ill today.
Today is the 11
of March.
1.2. Постановка цели
Today we will do exercises 1 7 on page 110
and 111.
2. Проверка домашнего задания (10 мин.)
Before doing these exercises let’s check up your
homework. What was your homework? Artysh,
could you read the instructions to ex.18, please.
Arina, begin, please.
Ok. You’re right. Rabiga, continue, please.
Well done. Who wants to continue? Ok.
You didn't make a single mistake. Good job,
Exercise 18 on page 48.
Complete the article with should, shouldn’t or
ought to and one of these verbs: miss, be, take,
see, pay.
Ok… 1. should/ ought to take, 2. shouldn’t pay
3. should/ ought to take, 4. should/ ought to be,
5. should/ ought to see 6. should/ ought to pay, 7.
shouldn’t miss.
3. Речевая зарядка (5 мин.)
Now you should do ex.1 on page 110. Answer
the questions in pairs. Find your partner and
work in pairs.
(Обсуждают вопросы в парах и устно
1. Have you read any good ghost or horror
2. Do you like watching scary films at the cinema
or on TV?
You were communicating well. Thank you!
3. Do you know anyone who has seen a ghost or
something that can’t be explained?
4. Практика чтения (5 мин.)
Now our task is to do ex.2 and 3. Aisu, could you
read the instructions to these exercises.
Thank you. This story is the sample. Is it clear to
you? Do ex. on your own.
Have you done?
Ok. Let’s check up your answers. Yunas, could
you begin, please.
Artysh, …
Ener, …
Dolaan, …
Nachyn, …
Read this story. Match the pictures 1-5 with the
paragraphs A-E.
Yes, it is.
Yes, we have done.
1.D 2.C
4.B 5.E
5. Повторение времен Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect (10 мин.)
There are seven steps to better writing. The 1
step is verb tenses. What different tenses are used
in stories? Let’s do ex.4.
1. to set the scene?
2. for events that happen one after the other?
3. to refer to an earlier time in the story?
Ok. Now let’s check up the answers.
Very good. Let’s do ex.5. Complete the opening
to this story by choosing using the correct tense.
Who wants to begin? Ok. Chechena, continue,
Right. Khorluu, …
The 2
step to better writing is sequencing. We
can use linking words and phrases to show when
things happened. Look at these examples:
Sudden events Slow events
-suddenly… -gradually
-without any warning… -slowly
-all of a sudden…
1. past continuous
2. past simple
3. past perfect
1.was walking 2.met 3.hadn’t seen 4.ran
First of all > then/next/after that > finally/in
the end
-a few minutes/hours/days later
-the next day/the following day
Rabiga, could you read the task to ex.6.
I’ll give you 2 minutes to do this ex. Are you
ready to check up your answers.
The third step to better writing is speech in
stories. Look at the punctuation we use when we
write down what people say. Remember, we also
start a new paragraph every time the speaker
changes. Now punctuate the following passage.
Do ex.7. Have you finished? Ok. Let’s check up.
Aisu, Arina, come to the blackboard, please, and
write down. And the rest will check up their
Good job, girls.
Use the words or phrases from above to link the
pairs of sentences below.
Yes, we are.
1.Gradually 2.Without any warning… Then…
After that 3.A few minutes later… 4.Slowly
“I don’t know who she was,” I said.
“I think I have an idea”, Cindy replied.
“Really?” I asked. “Who was she?”
“Listen carefully,” Cindy said. “I think you are in
great danger!”
6. Заключительный этап (5 мин.)
6.1. Подвести итоги урока
I would like to thank you for being active and
creative during this lesson and put you the
following marks.
…, you get excellent marks. You were more
active and have few mistakes than the others.
…, you get good marks.
6.2. Объяснить и записать домашнее задание
And now it’s time to write down your homework.
So, your homework will be exercises
page in workbook.
6.3. Поблагодарить учащихся за урок
Thank you very much! Have a rest. See you!