План-конспект урока "My ideal friend" 7 класс

План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе
Тема: Project lesson “My ideal friend”
Цель: развитие речевых умений.
Обучающая формирование лексической и грамматической компетенции,
совершенствование речевых умений и навыков;
Развивающая развитие творческих способностей, умения разрабатывать
краткосрочный проект (межпредметного характера) и устно его представлять;
Воспитательная формирование мотивации к самореализации в творчестве, стремления
выражать себя в различных видах творческой деятельности, формирование потребности в
коллективном творчестве, сотрудничестве, готовности оказывать взаимопомощь,
воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу, воспитание толерантности,
желания иметь друзей, быть хорошим другом.
Межпредметные связи: искусство, технология, география.
Речевой материал: лексический и грамматический материал цикла.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, материалы для оформления проекта, учебник,
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
What day is it today? (Today it is Monday.)
What date is it today? (Today it is the 1
of February.)
II. Целеполагание.
Teacher. First of all I would like you to look at the screen. What can you see there? (The site
for making friends.)
Teacher. Have you got pen friends?...Do you want to make friends with somebody from
another country?...Do you need English to communicate with the foreign people?
Now please tell wat is the aim of our lesson? (Learn to communicate with people from
another countries.)
Teacher. Before we’ll start the projects we have to make a plan of the work. Please look at
the paper number 2 and put the points of the plan into the right order.
(1. Repeat the words and word combinations. 2. Repeat the sentences from the topic. 3.
Make a portrait of the ideal friend. 4. Make the captions to the portrait. 5. Get ready to
perform the project.)
Teacher. Children, Olga Uskova have made her own project about her foreign friend. Let’s
listen to her performance.
III. Подготовительный этап.
Teacher. You can see the tables on your desks with the names of your teams, captains and
the lists of the members. Please, captains take the paper number one and tell us about your
(Our team’s name is “True friends”. My name is …I’m the captain of the team.
We’ve got 5/6 members. They are…)
Teacher: OK. Let’s do the first task. You have a list of words and word combinations.
Match them and choose the necessary words for the project. Then each team will have to read
them. (to make up quickly, to turn to, to be there, to get together, to rely, to make friends, true, a
sense of humour, to keep secrets, the best friend, to give an advice, to talk to (smb.) about
different things, friendship, I think, I’m sure, smart, honest, active, attractive, careful, friendly,
hard-working, kind, helpful, peaceful).
Teacher. Now we have to do the 2
task. Each of groups should compose 5 sentences beginning
the words: I think…/I’m sure…And then you have to present them.
Teacher. The 3
and the 4
stage you will do by your selves.
IV. Защита проектов.
V. Итоги урока. Выставление оценок.
Sheet of marks
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Chebotaryov S.
Plesovskiy A.
Dorokhov M.
Tsidipova K.
Verbilova V.
Bubnov M.
Sheet of marks
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Uskova O.
Kozhanova V.
Bubnov K.
Kashulin V.
Glot S.
Plan of the project
Get ready to perform the project.
Make the captions (подписи) to the portrait.
Repeat the words and word combinations.
Make a portrait of the ideal friend.
Repeat the sentences from the topic (тема).
Plan of the project
Get ready to perform the project.
Make the captions (подписи) to the portrait.
Repeat the words and word combinations.
Make a portrait of the ideal friend.
Repeat the sentences from the topic (тема).
to make up quickly,
to turn to,
to be there,
to get together,
to rely,
to make friends,
a sense of humour,
to keep secrets,
the best friend,
to give an advice,
to talk to (smb.) about different things,
I think,
I’m sure,
Готов прийти на помощь, заботливый, трудолюбивый, честный, привлекательный, быстро
мириться, положиться, чувство юмора, активный, дружба, я думаю, я уверен, хранить
секреты, давать совет, мирный, умный, собираться вместе, подружиться, настоящий,
заботливый, дружелюбный, добрый, поговорить на разные темы, лучший друг.
Team “True friends”
Our team’s name is “True friends”. My name is……………………….I’m a
captain of the team. We’ve got ….members. They are…….
Team “Pen friends”
Our team’s name is “Pen friends”. My name is……………………….I’m a
captain of the team. We’ve got ….members. They are…….