Сценарий "Традиции и праздники англичан и русских" 6 класс

Сценарий праздника «Традиции и праздники англичан и русских».
Dear boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you. Today we have an unusual
class. Let’s do quiz about London, remember some proverbs, compare holidays,
play games. Let’s compare some of the traditions, culture and celebrations of the
English and Russian people. (Quiz about London).
1. Look at the map. What’s the name of the country? How many parts does the
country consist of? What are they?
2. Do you know that we use English words in our speech? (Presentation)
3. Do you know English proverbs and Russian translation? (Read English proverbs
and give Russian translation).
4. Do you like reading books? What are famous English writers do you know?
Look at the portraits.(портреты и книги).
Do you know these famous writers?
Presentation about English writers and their works
5. Do you learn poems by heart? Some poems you have learnt from childhood.
For example, S.Marahak and K. I. Chukovsky translated some English poems from
English into Russian. Our pupils recite it for us
«Robin the Bobin», «The Crooked Man», «Traveler», «Little Hen Rhym).
Robin the Bobin
Robin the Bobin, the big-bellied Ben.
He ate more meat than fourscore men;
He ate a cow, he ate a calf,
He ate a butcher and a half,
He ate a church, he ate a steeple,
He ate a priest and all the people!
A cow and a calf,
An ox and a half,
A church and a steeple,
And all good people;
And yet he complained
that his stomach wasn’t full.
Послушайте перевод С. Я. Маршака на русский язык.
Робин Бобин
Робин Бобин
Съел телёнка
Утром рано,
Двух овечек
И барана,
Съел корову
И прилавок
С мясником,
Сотню жаворонков в тесте
И коня с телегой вместе,
Пять церквей и колоколен –
Да ещё и недоволен!
The Crooked Man
There was a crooked man,
And he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence
Against a crooked smile;
He bought a crooked cat,
Which caught a crooked mouse?
And they all lived together
In little crooked house.
А вот перевод С. Маршака на русский язык.
Жил на свете человек
Жил на свете человек,
Скрюченные ножки,
И гулял он целый век
По скрюченной дорожке.
А за скрюченной рекой
В скрюченном домишке
Жили летом и зимой
Скрюченные мышки.
И стояли у ворот
Скрюченные ёлки,
Там гуляли без забот
Скрюченные волки.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
Where have you been?
I’ve been to London
To look at the Queen.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
What did you do there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair.
В гостях у королевы
Где ты была сегодня, киска?
У королевы у английской.
Что ты видала при дворе?
Видала мышку на ковре.
Little Hen Rhyme
I had a little hen, the prettiest ever seen,
She washed up the dishes and kept the house clean.
She went to the mill to fetch us some flour,
And always got home in less than an hour.
She baked me my bread; she brewed me my ale,
She sat by the fire and told a fine tale!
Курица (перевод К. Чуковского)
У меня жила.
Ах, какая умная
Курица была!
Шила мне кафтаны,
Шила сапоги,
Сладкие, румяные
Пекла мне пироги.
А когда управится,
Сядет у ворот -
Сказочку расскажет,
Песенку споет.
6. Знаете ли вы праздники? Do you know English and Russian holidays? Let’s
compare them. Do we have the same holidays?
Праздники в России
Праздники в Великобритании
1.New Year’s Day
1.New Year’s Day
2. Christmas
2. St. Valentine’s
February, 14
3. St. Valentine’s
February, 14
3. Shrovetide
(Pancake Day)
February, 17
4 Defender of the
Fatherland Day
February, 23
4. Mother’s Day
March, 15
5. Shrovetide
5. Easter Festival
6. April Fool's Day
6. April Fool's Day
7. Easter
April- May
7. May Day
May, 4
8. May Day
May, 1
8. Father’s Day
June, 21
9. Apple Spas
August, 18
9. Apple’s Day
October, 21
10. Mothers Day
10. Christmas
December, 25
Every country and every nation has its own customs and traditions. You cannot
speak about England without speaking about its traditions and customs.
Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.
Holidays are part of people’s culture. There are a lot of holidays in Great
Britain and Russia. But the most important are Christmas and Easter. They are
religious holidays. We compare how Easter and Christmas are celebrated in these
countries. We have a lot of traditions in common and different ones.
Marina tells you about the celebration of Christmas in England
Ученик 1
Christmas is the most popular holiday in Great Britain. It is the night from the
to the 25
of December, when people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The
people begin to prepare for the holiday long before it. They buy presents, cards,
Christmas trees, tasty food. They send them to their friends, relatives.
The English send more than a billion Christmas cards every year.
The most famous Christmas tree stands every year in Trafalgar Square. It is
over fifty feet high. The tree is brightly decorated. Right at the top is a large
shining star.
On Christmas Eve Children leave a long sock or stocking at the end of their
bed. They hope that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the
night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts. In the morning on Christmas
day children are very excited. They open their stockings and find presents. Many
people go to church on that day. On returning from church the whole family
gathers round the tree. They congratulate each other.
7. Презентация о праздновании Рождества в России и в Англии.
The next important holiday is Easter.
Nikol tells you about the celebration of Christmas in England.
Easter is one of the most important holidays of the year. Easter is the day
when Jesus Christ resurrected. Usually this holiday is celebrated on one of
Sundays in spring. Easter eggs and Easter cakes (or paskhas) are the traditional
symbols of the religious holiday. Paskha is a traditional dessert served in Russia as
well as other Eastern European countries.
On that day the religious people go to church and listen to the ceremony. Usually
they bring with them Easter eggs, salt, Easter cakes, butter, cheese and ham. Some
people prefer to bake Easter cakes themselves.
The priest in the church consecrates all the food.
In the morning after the end of the ceremony, everyone greet each other with the
words “Khrystos voskres!” (Christ is risen!). The proper response is “Voyistino
voskres,” (Indeed he is risen).
Easter Sunday is a day of singing and eating. Many people visit their friends and
relatives and exchange Easter eggs. All people celebrate Easter as the beginning of
spring, too. The children like to play different games with colorful eggs. Egg
rolling is a traditional Easter pastime.
8. Стихотворение о Пасхе.
Some Things That Easter Brings.
Easter duck and Easter chick,
Easter eggs with chocolate thick,
Easter hats for one and all,
Easter bunny makes a call!
Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things.
А. Блок
Мальчики да девочки
Свечечки да вербочки
Понесли домой.
Огонёчки теплятся,
Прохожие крестятся,
И пахнет весной.
Ветерок удаленький,
Дождик, дождик маленький,
Не задуй огня!
В воскресенье Вербное
Завтра встану первая
Для святого дня
9. Пасхальные игры и развлечения для детей.
1. ВЫКРУТАСЫ - На ровной поверхности – на столе или полу – игроки по
команде судьи раскручивают пасхальные яички. Выигрывает тот игрок, чьё
яйцо дольше прокрутится.
2. Разбивайки. Один держит в руке пасхальное яйцо острым концом кверху.
Второй бьёт «носком» своего яйца.Чьё пасхальное яйцо разобьётся с обоих
концов, тот проиграл. Побеждённый отдаёт своё пасхальное яйцо тому, кто
Razbivalki. One is holding an Easter egg sharp end up. The second hits "toed" their
eggs.Whose Easter egg broken to pieces at both ends, he lost. Defeated gives his
Easter egg to the one who won.
3. Эстафета.
Игроки делятся на две команды. Каждый игрок, держа в руках ложку с
яйцом, должен добежать до финиша и вернуться назад, чтобы передать яйцо
следующему игроку команды. Выигрывает команда, последний игрок
которой вернулся первым.
Relay race.
Players are divided into two teams. Each player, holding a spoon with egg,
must reach the finish line and go back to transfer the egg to the next player of the
team. The winner is the team, the last player who returned first.
4.Кегли (skittles)- городки. Let’s play skittles
5. Собири пазлы. Lets do puzzles.
1.Здание парламента Государственная дума
2. Английский флаг Российский флаг
3. Биг Бен Кремлевские куранты
1. The Houses of Parliament stand beside the river Thames. It consists of two
Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
The State Duma is the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russian
What are these buildings? They are the State Duma and the Houses of
What do politicians do there? They make laws.
2. The British flag names as the Union Jack. It’s the national flag of the United
The State Flag of the Russian Federation is official state symbol. It has three equal
horizontal stripes: white, blue, red.
What color are the flags? They have the same color. White, blue and red.
3. Big Ben is the main clock and bell. You hear the deep boom every hour.
The Kremlin chimes are the main clock of Russia. They are on the Kremlin's
Spassky Tower.
What are the main clocks?
1 Is It interesting? Yes, it is.
2. What have you learnt? We have learned English proverbs, games, holidays.
3. Where will you use the knowledge of the language and culture of other
We will communicate with teens, read books and travel to another countries.
4. Why do we need to learn the English language and traditions of other people?
We must respect traditions and culture another people. We must be tolerant.