Конспект урока "Are You a Friend of the Earth?" 7 класс

Конспект заключительного урока по теме «Are You a Friend of the Earth?» в
VII классе по УМК “English В.П.Кузовлев.
познавательный аспект расширение и углубление знаний об экологических
проблемах в мире;
развивающий аспект развитие способности учащихся к анализу,
обобщению амостоятельности;
воспитательный аспект формирование уважительногои ответственного
отношения к природе , воспитание бережного отношения к природным
учебный аспект совершенствование умений и навыков практического
владения языком по данной теме; развитие умений аудировать , читать с
детальным пониманием прочитанного , говорить и писать в рамках
предложенной темы.
Оборудование: лозунги на экологическую тему, рисунки детей, фотографии
экологических проблем , видеофильм .
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Задачи урока.
Teacher: Dear friends, welcome to the Nature Lovers Club meeting. Today we’re
having a discussion on ecological problems which concern everybody nowadays.
Could you name the most important?(использоватьвответахPassive Voice)
Pupils: - Air, water and soil are polluted.
- Wild animals are killed and disturbed.
- Litter is thrown everywhere.
- Garbage is not recycled.
- Forests are cut down.
- Rivers are polluted.
- Using energy is not reduced. etc.
Teacher: You’re right. Once Franklin D. Roosevelt said : A nation that destroys its
soil destroys itself. So we shouldn’t stay indifferent to what happens around us
and will try to find solutions.
2. Контроль знаний лексики по теме. (Guess the word)
T: - natural world in which people, animals and plants live - Ps:(environment)
-process of making air, water, soil dirty (pollution)
- the layer of gases surrounding the Earth (atmosphere)
- animals, plants in danger of becoming extinct (endangered species)
- things that are no longer needed and thrown away (waste, garbage)
-three rules to protect the environment (reuse, reduce, recycle)
- the act of cutting or burning the trees in the area (deforestation)
-smog or gas that is dangerous for health (fumes)
- the problem of the gradual rise in temperature in the atmosphere
(greenhouse effect)
3.Просмотр видеофильма и выполнение постпросмотровых заданий.
T: Imagine, we are visiting the Planet Earth Museum. Listen to the information
attentively and learn some facts about the environment.
4.После просмотравидео дети работают в группах, выполняя два задания
и обмениваясь ими для проверки.
Task 1Fill in the gaps using the right words.(Group I)
Forests are home to over half of the world’s ____1________ and plants.
Trees clean the air and produce _______2________ for us to breathe.
We ______3________ more than 36 football fields of forests every minute and
_______4______ away thousands of trees in _____5______ every day.
The oceans are home to millions of ______6_____ animals. A lot of ____7_____ we
produce on land pollutes the oceans. _____8_______ mistake plastic bags for
jellyfish and die when they eat them. As it gets warmer, the ice in the Arctic and___9_____
_______10_______ and the sea level rises. The land ______11______ . Farms and factories
pollute the rivers with _______12____ . If the water is polluted the wildlife is killed.
1 a)animals b) insects c)mammals
2 a)carbon dioxide b) ozone c) oxygen
3 a) ruin b) destroyc) pollute
4 a) scatter b) throw c) destroy
5 a) paper b) plastic c) carton
6 a) wild b) domestic c) marine
7 a) litter b) pollution c) rubbish
8 a) Turtlesb) Whales c) Tortoises
9 a) Asia b) Antarctic c) Australia
10 a) meltsb) poisons c) spoils
11 a) evaporates b)appears c) disappears
12 a) waste b) fertilizer c) chemicals
Task 2. Decide if the statements are true, false or not said. (group II)
1. Forests are home for half of the world’s marine animals. (False)
2. Plants produce carbon dioxide . (False)
3. Paper is made of wood . (True)
4. Waste thrown into the ocean kills sea animals. (True)
5. Turtles mistake plastic bottles for jellyfish. (False)
6. The Arctic is colder than the Antarctic. (Not said)
7. The sea level rises because of pollution. (False)
8. River pollution is caused by the factories. (True)
9. Water plants can absorb and clean About the water. (True)
10. 100 liters of water is flushed down the toilet into the river. (False)
5.Разминка. Детям предлагается распределить «мусор» (слова на
карточках)по контейнерам ( Plastic/metal, Glass, Paper, Compost)
T: Let’s play recycling game. Remember that everyone can help the
environment by separating garbage.
newspaper, plastic bag, egg shells, oil bottles, banana skins, shampoo bottles, tea bags,
glass bottles, potato skins, cereal packets, aerosol cans, leaves and grass, pizza boxes,
envelopes, coffee jars, soft drink cans, jam jars, paint containers, tins, etc.
6. Практика монологической речи. Используя свои рисунки, дети
рассказывают о проблемах окружающей среды, которые их волнуют.
Example: P1 (water pollution): Our town is situated on the bank of the river
Abakan. It is a beautiful place for rest of all citizens. In summer children swim
there. Many years ago the water in the river was clean and full of fish. But now it
is polluted by garbage. Its banks are covered with cans, paper, bottles and other
wastes. People have a rest there and then leave litter, break trees to make fire .
7. Чтение текстов о способах защиты природы.
T: While travelling abroad you can see different signsand slogans making people
think about saving the nature. You should read the sign and match the text with
the sign.
A. Stop the Snail Mail! Save a Tree! (4)
B. Water Served by Request. (3)
C. Paper Yard Waste Bag. (2)
D. Recycle me, please! Thank you! (5)
E. Smog Certification. (6)
F. Used Newspaper Box. (1)
1. All used paper collected in these boxes will go to recycling factories.
You can find such boxes in the underground, at the bus stops, and in some other
public places. People should remember that used paper is not garbage. It should
be recycled and reused.
2. It is used for collectingdifferent waste in the garden (dry leaves and roots, dead
branches of trees, etc.). It’s a heavy large bag made from paper and recyclable
3. We are the representatives of Big Bear valley trying to make a point. Water is a
precious thing that must be concerned, especially in our place where water is
difficult to get . At home or away, please use water wisely. If you want a glass of
water, just ask.
4. Such a slogan you can see in many universities, colleges and institutions. Instead
of posting letters or other documents, you can go to our website at ….. .
5. These words can be seen on different printed materials: brochures, leaflets, flyers
and so on. These words are usually written in fine print at the bottom of the page.
6. It is against the law to use a car without this document. It shows that your car has
passed a test on harmful emission. Smog inspection examines the efficiency of
your car’s filters, reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere.
8. Подведение итогов. Решение экологических проблем.
T: The ecological situation on the planet is threatening .Helping the Earth is
everybody’s business . What must people do to protect nature from pollution, to
keep the earth clean, to keep people healthy? I want all of you to be good
wizards. Put your notes with good wishes into a “wish box” . I hope all your
dreams will come true.But remember one important rule: Think globally, act
locally. So start from yourself.
(Далее учащиеся пишут записки с предложениями решения экологических
проблем и опускают их в «коробочку желаний»).
For example:
Ps:I want people not to pollute the wildlife.
Garbage must be recycled.
We must learn not to litter.
Plant a tree in your garden or in school yard.
Watch, but not disturb wild animals.
I will ask my parents not to use car very often.
I will reduce using water and energy at home etc.
10. Заключительная часть урока.
T: We have to finish our lesson now. I hope this lesson made you concern more
about nature and will help you to become true friends of the Earth .
After the discussion of the ecological problems I invite you to listen to one of the
best songs of Louis Armstrong “What a wonderful world”. (Звучит песня, на
экране титры)