Конспект урока "Family problems" 11 класс

МБОУ « Торбеевская средняя общеобразовательная школа №1»
Дата: 15.11.2014
Учитель: Терешкина Г.П.
Тема урока: FAMILY PROBLEMS( Семейные проблемы ).
УМК: «Enjoy English» М.З. Биболетова
Тип урока: урок-закрепление
Практическая цель: - совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков
- совершенствование диалогических и монологических умений
- развитие умения воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух
- совершенствование навыков чтения.
Образовательная цель: - пополнение лексического минимума учащихся
- развитие коммуникативных навыков;
- повторение грамматического материала «Unreal past conditionals»
Развивающая цель: - развитие способностей учащихся (языковых, интеллектуальных)
- развитие творческого мышления,
-развитие навыка работы в парах;
- развитие способности к формулированию выводов.
Воспитательная цель: - воспитание любознательности, интереса к английскому языку,
-воспитание толерантности к семейным ценностям;
- воспитание умения находить пути разрешения конфликтов;
- воспитание уважительного отношения к родителям.
Развитие речевых умений (монологическое высказывание по теме: «Хорошо или
плохо жить с родителями», составление диалога при помощи опор.)
Активизация пройденного материала (лексика по теме «Семейные ценности».)
Тренировка употребления разговорных клише в речи.
Совершенствование умения общего понимания иноязычной речи на слух.
Оснащение урока:
1. Презентация по теме: «Семья»
2. Аудиоприложение к уроку
1.Организационный момент ( ответы на вопросы учителя
2. Проверка домашнего задания ( диалоги о конфликтах между родителями и
3 .Работа с подстановочной таблицей ( составление предложений письменно).
4. Обсуждение семейных проблем ( по интерактивной доске).
5. Домашнее задание ( тест о родителях).
6. Выведение формулы идеальной семьи.
I. Teacher: Good morning children! How are you?
People: Good morning! We are fine. And what about you?
Teacher: I am all right too, thank you. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we are going to speak
about relationships between children and their parents .
Could you tell me what kind of conflicts are there in your families?
People: - Conflicts between parents and children
- between a wife and a husband
- between brothers and sisters
- between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law
Teacher: Yes, right you are. Thank you. And there are many other conflicts. Answer my
questions please.
How often do you argue with the parents?
Do you help about the house?
Do your parents understand your music?
Is it easy to share the room with your sister or brother?
You discuss your problems together in the family, don’t you?
II. Teacher: Thank you very much for your answers.
a) Look at the board, read, please, the quotation « The best part of living is loving and
giving» How do you think is it easy to live in a family? Why? ( ответы учащихся)
б) Teacher: Let’s recall the proverbs about а family.
Look at the board, think a little, match two parts of these proverbs.
Pupils: East or West home is best…
Teacher: Thank you very much. You are right.
III. Teacher: As you know the problems in the family can be solved if parents and teenagers try
to understand each other. And now we are going to listen to your role-plays of different conflicts in
the family which you prepared at home and the task for you is to help the conflict.
( Pupils perform in turn. Their home task was to role-play some situations in pairs ).
The first situation is Children don’t want to help their parents about the house.
The second situation is Parents don’t like their children’s fashion.
The third situation is Parents don’t like their children’s friends.
IV. Teacher: Thank you very much. Now we’ll repeat the grammar rule « Unreal past
conditionals» . Let us do ex-s 57 p.68 ( уч-ся выполняют упражнение)
V. Teacher: Now continue our lesson. You know that a lot of teenagers all over the world dream
about living alone, without their family. And you? Would you like to live alone? Look at the board and
try to discuss these phrases.1. Is it easy to share the room with your brother or sister? ( слайд ).
2.:” To live in a family is good because…”( слайд)
Pupils: It is good because parents always help in difficult situations. It is good because it is no
need to cook . It is no need to wash and to iron.
Teacher: Give me, please the examples to the phrase: “ To live in your own is good because…”
Pupils: It is good because I can do whatever I want. It is good because I can gather all my
friends in my flat. It is good because I can go to bed when I want. It is good because I can return home at
Teacher: But I think that it will lead to trouble one day. Don’t you think so? And then you will
apply to your parents for the help, won’t you?
I think better you should come to the general opinion. You don't choose your
family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.
VI. Teacher: Children, your homework will be to answer the questions in the test. The test is about
your parents. Let’s find out what kind of parents you’ve got. You’ll have to read, translate the questions
and add your parents score.
VIII. Teacher: Children, how do you think? What is the IDEAL FAMILY? To draw to a conclusion it is
- Parents understand children
- They support each other
- They spend free time
- They respect each other
- Love each other
- They have time together ( слайд )
Teacher: Thank you very much. Well, today at the lesson we discussed very important problems.
When a family is happy it means that all members of the family trust each other , tell each other
about their joys and sorrows. The family plays a very important role in everybody’s life. Labour
achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations. Thank you very much
for your work. Your marks are… The lesson is over. Good –bye. See you tomorrow.
Библиографический список источников и интернет ресурсов:
1. С.Н.Савина. Внеклассная работа по иностранным языкам в средней школе.- М.: Просвещение,
2. Г.К.Селевко. Современные технологии.- М.: Народное образование, 2000
3. www.englishteachers.ru
4. www.english.language.ru
5. www.it-n.ru
6. www.openclass.ru
7. www.alleng.ru
8. www.toefl.ru