Конспект урока "Наше свободное время. В картинной галерее" 11 класс

Урок английского языка в 11 классе
«Наше свободное время. В картинной галерее»
Цели: ввести новые ЛЕ, тренировать учащихся в употреблении Passive Voice,
тренировать учащихся в чтении с полным пониманием содержания, аудировании и
говорении; развивать умения работать в группах; воспитывать интерес к искусству,
культуру общения.
Ход урока
I.Приветствие. Объявление темы урока.
Учитель: Today we’ll speak about museums, read some stories about famous museums in
the world then discuss the problem “Is it necessary to find the museum?”
II.Речевая зарядка
Учитель: What does “museum” mean? What words are associated with word “museum”?
Класс: It deals with paintings, sculptures, documents, furniture, tools, animals, plant, rocks,
Учитель: There are three types of museum. They are:
-Art museums
-History museums
-Science museums
-Museums of natural history
-Science-technology museums
Учитель: What do they display as for you?
Ученик 1.Art museums display paintings, sculpture…
Ученик 2. History museums exhibit life and events of the past.
Ученик 3. Science museums display natural science and technology.
Чтение III. Основная часть урока
Read the short texts describing different museums and match them with the names of the
A The National Portrait Gallery
B The National Air and Space Museum
C The Museum of African Art
D The Museum of Natural History
1.This museum gives people a sense of participation in the evolution of air and space
technology. Twenty-three exhibit areas house a planetarium, dozens of airplanes and
spacecraft, missiles and
rockets, and other flight related things.
2. The museum exhibits original handwork art. The collection of 7,000 works of art include
objects made of wood, metal, ceramics, cloth, and ivory. The museum also serves as a
research and reference centre, housing archives and a research library.
3. Visitors can trace the country’s history through representations of the men and women
who contribuated to its cultural, political, scientific and military development. Portraits
ranging in tme from the 15
century to our days are on display.
4. With more than 120 million objects in its collection, the museum is a fascinating resource
on people and their natural surroundings. Visitors can learn about humankind’s earliest
history and see thousands of specimens of mammals, birds, amphibians, insects, sea life and
Keys: A 3, B 1, C 2, D 4.
“What do you know about it?”
Madam Tussaud’s Museum
The National Gallery
The Aivazovskyi Picture Gallery
Проверка домашнего задания
Invite your friends to the gallery
-I’d like to visit the picture gallery. What about you?
-Oh, I’d glad to go with you.
-What gallery would you like to visit?
- I’d like to visit the National Art Museum. I’ve never been there.
- Do you know where is it?
- Certainly. It is 6, Hrushevskyi Street.
- What do they display?
- They display different paintings.
Pre-listening Task
Group the words which have similar meaning into pairs.
Exhibit, fascinating, card index system, records, wars, work, conflicts, casualties, activities,
interesting, victims, display.
Exhibit-display, fascinating-Interesting, work-activities, wars-conflicts, card index system-
records, victims-casualties.
T. Make up sentences with these words.
1.Экспозиция музея посвящена истории создания организации международной
2.Экспонаты рассказывают о годовщине создания этой организации.
3.Деятельность Красного креста – это помощь жертвам войн и болезней.
4.Символы Красного креста – это крест и полумесяц.
While-listening activities
Crescent- серповидный полу месяц
Henry Dunant
Battle of Solferino
Switzerland- Швеция
The Russian Turkish War ( 1875- 1878)
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum was opened in Geneva in 1988. It
tells the story of men and women who, in the course of the major events of the last 150
years, have given assistance to victims of wars and natural disasters.
The organization was established in 1863, and was based on an idea by a Swiss businessman
called Henry Dunant. He had witnessed the appalling casualties in the Battle of Solferino in
Italy four years earlier, in which 40,000 people were killed, wounded or missing. He had
seen the lack of medical services and the great of many of the wounded, who simply died
for lack of care. The International Red Crescent exists to help the victims of conflicts and
disasters regardless of their nationality.
The symbol of the organization was originally just the red cross. It has no religious
significance; the founders of the movement adopted it as a tribute to Switzerland. However,
during the Russian-Turkish War (1875-1878), Turks felt that the cross could be seen as
offensive to Muslim soldiers and a second symbol, the red crescent, was adopted for use by
national organization in the Islamic world. Both are now official symbols.
Answer the questions.
1.When was the Battle of Solferino?
2. What does the red cross symbolizes?
3. Why was the red crescent added?
4. What would you expect to see on a visit to the museum?
T. Read the text and answer the questions.
Madam Tussaud’s Exhibition was opened on its present site in 1884. Many of the original
models made by Marie Tussaud of her great contemporaries, such as Voltaire, Benjamin
Franklin, Sir Walter Scott are still preserved.
The exhibition consists of a series of halls. In the first hall is the famous “Sleeping Beauty”
with a mechanism that simulates breathing.
The second hall is known as the Conservatory, where the visitors can view- size wax models
of sport, film and TV personalities.
Next to “Super Stars” is the Grand Hall. This room is peopled by historical, political, military
and royal figures from Henry VIII to prime ministers of Britain and from abroad, the Royal
Family, and many others.
The next hall is the most famous of the wax rooms: the Chamber of Horrors. The visitors are
quieter there than in other places. Its models are illustrating methods of execution. Both
famous and infamous prisoners who were sentenced to life imprisonment are in cells.
Maybe because of that very hall many find the museum gruesome and frightening.
Yet, despite the criticism, Madame Tussaud is one of the London’s top tourist attraction.
Millions of tourists from overseas and from other parts of Britain would not consider their
trip to London worthwhile without visiting the unusual waxwork exhibition.
Answer the following questions
1.When was the museum opened?
2. Where is it situated?
3. Why does the museum attract so many tourists?
4. What can the visitors view in the Conservatory hall?
5. What is the most frightening hall there? What does it exhibit?
6. What halls would you visit if you were there?
1.Многие работы мадам Тюссо, созданные с живых оригиналов ее современников,
сохранились до сих пор.
2. В одном из залов есть «Спящая красавица», которая «дышит» благодаря
встроенному механизму.
3. Залы музея заполнены историческими, политическими личностями, королевскими
особами, начиная со времен Генриха VIII и до современных министров
Великобритании, и другими выдающимися личностями.
4. В камере ужасов посетители ведут себя тише, чем в других местах. Здесь
демонстрируются всевозможные виды казни.
5. Несмотря на то, что многие считают этот музей пугающим, он остается одним из
самых привлекательных туристических объектов.
Интерактивное упражнение «Займи позицию»
T. Answer the question and support one of the point of views.
Is it interesting for you to visit museum?
Group 1 Yes
Group 2 No
Group 3 sometimes
Problem: Why do people visit the museum?
Is it really necessary to find the museum?
IV. Подведение итогов.
V. Homework.
Write a story about your local museum.