Конспект урока "Ағылшын тілін үйрену интерактивті әдістерін пайдалану" 10 класс

Қарақоға орта мектебі
Карагугинская средняя школа
Ағылшын тілін үйрену интерактивті
әдістерін пайдалану
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Кыдырмина Анара Хабидоллаевна
Оқу жылы: 2015/2016
Учебный год: 2015/2016
Ағылшын тіліне арналған апталығы
The game Jeopardy
“Language is a dress of goal”
1English saying countries
100 Canada is situated in
200 What is Disneyland?
300 Where does the President of USA live and work?
400 How many states are there in America?
500 What is the official name of the UK?
600 Australia is famous for its
2History of Great Britain
100 What is “Big Ben”?
200 A red dragon is the symbol of which country?
300 The head of The UK
400 Which ocean separates Europe from the states?
500 Who is Prince William and Prince Henry’s father?
600 When and where did the Titanic sink?
3The English literature and writers
100 Robinson Crusoe met his friend… on the island.
200 “To be or not to be” That is the question of…
300 Name the English writers
400 The English author known as the Queen of Crime
500 The word “Albion” the poetic name of Great Britain,
600 The Queen is disliked that writer, which?
4The English holidays and traditions
100 British people celebrate Halloween on the
200 What is the favorite hot drink in Britain?
300 When is Christmas Day observed?
400 On this day people send postcards to people they love.
They usually do not sign these cards. They also sent gifts,
sweets or flowers.
500 When is Bonfire Night?
600 What do people decorate the Christmas tree with?
English saying countries: North America, Children’s Park
of Wonder, The White House, 50 states, The United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Sheep
History of Great Britain: Clock, Wales, Queen Elizabeth II,
by the Atlantic Ocean, Prince Charles, in 1912 at the Atlantic
The English literature and writers: Friday, Hamlet by W.
Shakespeare, O. Wild, W. Shakespeare, J. London, Agatha
Christie, White, Charles Dickens.
The English holidays and traditions: 31
of October, tea
with milk, on the 25
of December, St Valentine’s day, on the
of November, fairy lights, small toys, candles and ets.
The game is over.
Good luck!
Thanks a lot for your participation
Theme: My favourite toy
To use in speech lexical material of theme «Toys».
To form skills of speech in typical situation and fix new
To be careful with our toys.
Methods of learning: Demonstrating illustrations and
pictures, practical exercises; reproductive (to use examples,
pupils do exercises);
Form of learning: work in groups; work in pairs and with
all class
Equipment: English book, visual aids, letters, hand outs and
The procedure of the lesson:
1. Org. moment
greeting : Good morning, dear children!
Good morning Good morning to you
Good morning Good morning
We are glad to see you
2. warm-up let’s repeat colours and numbers
“Count to ten” (devide the class into small groups, give
pupils a copy of the two work sheets, dictate for them to
colour the numbers and words)
Colour 1- brown
Colour 2- yellow
Colour 3- blue
Colour 4- black
Colour 5-purple
Colour 6 grey
Colour 7- pink
“Count to ten”
Colour 8- green
Colour 9 red
Colour 10- orange
3. Phonetic drill
Let’s repeat five letters A a, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee
Look at the pictures and say the letters
4. New material:
Look, listen and learn.
Girl and boys look at the pictures. This is a toy shop. What
toys can you see here?
Balls, dolls, cars, kites, robots, kittens, bears
Pupils have you got favourite toy? Yes you have. And let’s
repeat word favourite. Repeat after me: favourite.
And now let’s listen the text. We must know what favourite
toy have our heroes got?
Track 32.
Alibek: What's your favourite toy? Is it a doll?
Anar: Yes, it is.
Anar: What's your favourite toy? Is it a car?
Alibek: No, it isn't.
Anar: Is it a ball?
Alibek: No, it isn't.
Anar: Is it a kite?
Alibek: No, it isn't. Look at it. It's a robot.
Let’s translate together and repeat some phrases.
5. Learn the new words.
I like toys
I like doll
Cars and balls
Kites and dolls are my favourite toys.
My favourite toy is robot
6. Physical warming up
Sing a song together
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, Knees and toes.
Eyes and ears, and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes. Knees and toes
7. Work at exercise - books
Task 1. Draw your favourite toy. Talk about favourite toy.
Task 2. Count and match the number to the picture for ex.
three robots, etc.
Task 3. Read and match.
8.Let’s play game ”Toy boxes” Paint the pictures
from letters
Example: Letter Aa is green
Letter Bb is red
Letter Cc is yellow
Letter Dd is blue
Letter Ee is black
9. Consolidation
Answer some questions (repeat letters, numbers, new words)
What toys do you know?
What is your favorite toy?
What colour is your favorite toy?
What English letters do you know?
How many letters do you know?
10. The end of the lesson.
”Toy boxes”
Тәуелсіздік күніне арналған ойын
Who wants to be a millionaire?
Aims: To repeat knowledge about Kazakhstan
culture, traditions, symbols and political system
To develop skills of speaking and reading
To bring up to respect our state
Equipment: The Map of Kazakhstan Republic, The table of
numerals and tips
Select round
What cities were capitals of our republic
A) Kyzylorda
B) Astana
C) Almaty
D) Orenburg
1. How does name of the drink from camel’s milk?
A) airan B) shubat
C) kumyz D) shalap C)
2. “Nauryz kozhe” consist of … components.
A) 6 C) 5
B) 7 D) 10 B)
3. How many times may celebrate the New year in
A) 4times C)1 time
B) 3 times D) 2 times D)
4. Symbol and guarantor of unity of people and power
A) Parliament
B) Government
C) President
D) Prime Minister C)
5. Name the first Kazakh cosmonaut…
A) Gagarin
B) Tereshkova
C) Aubakirov C)
D) Kazybaev
6. When do we celebrate the day of Constitution?
A) on the 7
of May
B) on the 30 of August
C) on the 25 of August B)
D) on the 7
of November
7. When do we celebrate the day of Republic
A) On the 25th of October
B) On the 25th of November
C) On the 25th of January
D) On the 25th of March A)
8. When do we celebrate the day of Independence?
A) On the 7
of May
B) On the 8
of May
C) On the 1
of January
D) On the 16
of December D)
9. Who did write the words of anthem?
A) Z. Malibekov, S. Ualihanov
B) N. Nazarbayev, Z Nazhmetdinov
C) S. Alimbaev, Z. Malibekov
D) G Musrepov, S. Mukanov B)
10. The most talented Abay’s pupil was:
A) M. Dulatov
B) A. Bokeihanov
C) S. Toraigyrov
D) S. Kudaiberdiev D)
11. State public library of name of A.S. Pushkin was
opened in …
A) In 1936
B) In 1937
C) In 1939
D) In 1938 C)
12. How does name party where leader is D.
A) “Auyl”
B) “Aist”
C) “Otan” C)
D) “Asar”
13) Authors of emblem of K. R. are
A) Z. Malibekov, S. Ualihanov
B) N. Nazarbayev, Z Nazhmetdinov A)
C) S. Alimbaev, Z. Malibekov
D) G Musrepov, S. Mukanov
14)When was created Programme 2030
A) in 1998
B) in 1997
C) in 1999
D) in 2000 B)
15. When were the first alternative elections of
president in Kazakhstan Republic?
A) in the 10
of January 1997
B) in the 10
of January 1998
C) in the 10
of January 1999
D) in the 10
of January 2000 C)
The game is over.
Good luck!
Thanks a lot for your participation
9 сынып
Сабақтың тақырыбы:
Primary, secondary school
Сабақтың мақсаты:
Америка және Қазақстан білім беру
жүйесін салыстыра отырып, сөйлеуге үйрету.
Білімге, ғылымға құштарлығын арттыру.
Ойлау қабілетін дамыту.
Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап
Сабақ типі: Аралас
Көрнекілігі: Карта
Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі
Сабақ барысы:
А) амандасу
Б) жоқтарды белгелеу
II. Үй жұмысын тексеру
Exercise 3
III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты
Сұрақ-жауап жұмысы
1. What subjects do you study at school?
2. What are you favourite subjects?
3. Which do you prefer practical work or
theoretical work?...
IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен,
мақсаттарымен таныстыру.
Our theme in our lesson is “ Primary, secondary
school ”.
V. Жаңа сабақ
Exercise 7 Look at the United States Educational
System and study it.
Make a similar structure about secondary education
in Great Britain and compare it with others.
Nursery school (optional)
First grade-
six grade
grade- eight
Junior high school
Ninth grade-
twelfth grade
High school
VI. Пысықтау
8. Look at the table of the United States
Educational System and write a text about it in your
Example: There are two types of schools in the
private and public schools.---------------
9. Talk to your partner. List and discuss the
similarities and differences between elementary and
secondary schools in England and in your country.
Example: In England children go to school between
the ages of 5
and 16years, but in Kazakhstan... ____________
VII. Бекіту
10. Compare schools in the USA and Kazakhstan.
Draw a table of this kind in your
VII. Бекіту10. Compare schools in the USA and
Kazakhstan. Draw a table of this kind in your
notebook and complete it.
V Үйге тапсырма
Exercise 13
Сөйлемдерді ырықсыз етістің шақтарына
қарай өзгертіп,жаз.
1.I bought potatoes yesterday.
2.We shall bring the books tomorrow.
3.They are repairing the clock now.
4.They sell milk in this shop.
5.I have translated the hole text.
6.They broke the window last week
7.When I came home,they had eaten the
sweets .
8.We shall do the work in the evening.
9.He wrote this book in the 19
10.They were playing tennis from 4 till 5.
I can see with my eyes,
I can clap with my hands,
I can step with my feet,
I can swim as a fish,
I can’t fly as a bird.
I can see with my eyes,
I can clap with my hands,
I can step with my feet,
I can swim as a fish,
I can’t fly as a bird.
I can see with my eyes,
I can clap with my hands,
I can step with my feet,
I can swim as a fish,
I can’t fly as a bird.
I can see with my eyes,
I can clap with my hands,
I can step with my feet,
I can swim as a fish,
I can’t fly as a bird.
I can see with my eyes,
I can clap with my hands,
I can step with my feet,
I can swim as a fish,
I can’t fly as a bird.
E e [i] he,we,he and we,we and he.He is Willy.He is
sh[ ]; she,she and he,he and she.She is Kitty.She is
-He is Ted.His name is Ted.Hi,Ted !
-She is Peg.Hi,Peg!
My friend.His friend.Ted is my friend and Peg is
my friend.Tim is his friend.Is Willy his
friend?Yes,he is.
Is Dave his friend ?Yes,Dave
E e [i] he,we,he and we,we and he.He is Willy.He is
sh[ ]; she,she and he,he and she.She is Kitty.She is
-He is Ted.His name is Ted.Hi,Ted !
-She is Peg.Hi,Peg!
My friend.His friend.Ted is my friend and Peg is
my friend.Tim is his friend.Is Willy his
friend?Yes,he is.
Is Dave his friend ?Yes,Dave
E e [i] he,we,he and we,we and he.He is Willy.He is
sh[ ]; she,she and he,he and she.She is Kitty.She is
-He is Ted.His name is Ted.Hi,Ted !
-She is Peg.Hi,Peg!
My friend.His friend.Ted is my friend and Peg is
my friend.Tim is his friend.Is Willy his
friend?Yes,he is.
Is Dave his friend ?Yes,Dave
№33 9 сынып
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Primary,
secondary school
Сабақтың мақсаты: Британ оқу
жүйесі туралы түсінік беру
және сөйлеуге
үйрету.Мәтінмен жұмыс
ғылымға қызығұшылығын
Түсініп оқу
іскерлігін дамыту.
Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап
Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту
Көрнекілігі: Тақырыптық суреттер
Пән аралық байланыс: Орыс тілі
Сабақ барысы:
II. Ұйымдастыру
А) амандасу
Б) жоқтарды белгелеу
II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.
Our theme in our lesson is “Primary, secondary school”.
III. Жаңа сабақ
Мәтінмен жұмыс істеу “School in England.
In England about 93 per cent of children attend state schools. The
other 7 per cent attend private schools. A minority of these private
schools are boarding schools where children live as well as study.
Private schools are very expensive.
In Britain it is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16 years to
receive some officially recognized form of schooling. For younger
children, there are a few state kindergartens, some private kinder-
gartens and a few nursery classes "in ordinary schools. They are
optional. Primary school consists of a reception class, infant school
and junior school. A reception class and infant school take a year. In
junior school, pupils spend 5 years. At the age of five they go to infant
schools where they learn first steps in reading, writing and using
When children leave infant school, at the age of seven, they go to
junior schools until they are about eleven years of age. Their school
subjects include English, arithmetic, history, geography, nature study,
swimming, music, art and organized games.
1 Мәтінді оқып тыңдату.
2 Таныс емес сөздермен жұмыс
Аударма: boarding school, compulsory, nursery classes, infant
school, grammar school.
сөздердің мағынасын түсіндіру.
3 Жаңа сөздермен фонетикалық жаттығу жүргізу.
IV. Пысықтау
Сурет бойынша сұрақтарға жауап беру
1. Do you study these subjects at school?
2. What are you favourite subjects?
3. Which do you prefer practical work or theoretical work?
Exercise 2 Complete the table. Draw a table of this kind in your
V. Бекіту
Exercise 4 Talk to your partner
Exercise 5 Complete the sentences
V. Үйге тапсырма
Exercise 3
№34 9 сынып
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Primary, secondary
Сабақтың мақсаты: Америка және
Қазақстан білім беру
жүйесін салыстыра
отырып, сөйлеуге үйрету.
ғылымға құштарлығын арттыру.
Ойлау қабілетін
Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап
Сабақ типі: Аралас
Көрнекілігі: Карта
Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі
Сабақ барысы:
А) амандасу
Б) жоқтарды белгелеу
II. Үй жұмысын тексеру
Exercise 3
III. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру
Сұрақ-жауап жұмысы
1. What subjects do you study at school?
2. What are you favourite subjects?
3. Which do you prefer practical work or theoretical
IV. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.
Our theme in our lesson is “ Primary, secondary school ”.
VIII. Жаңа сабақ
Exercise 7 Look at the United States Educational System and study
Make a similar structure about secondary education in Great Britain
and compare it with others.
First grade- six
Seventh grade-
eight grade
Junior high school
Ninth grade-
twelfth grade
High school
IX. Пысықтау
8. Look at the table of the United States Educational System and
write a text about it in your notebook.
Example: There are two types of schools in the USA:
private and public schools.------------------------------------
9. Talk to your partner. List and discuss the similarities and differences
between elementary and secondary schools in England and in your
Example: In England children go to school between the ages of 5
and 16years, but in Kazakhstan... __________________________
VII. Бекіту
10. Compare schools in the USA and Kazakhstan. Draw a table of
this kind in your
X. Бекіту10. Compare schools in the USA and Kazakhstan.
Draw a table of this kind in your notebook and complete it.
V Үйге тапсырма
Exercise 13