Разработка урока "Building materials" 9 класс

Урок английского языка
Учитель английского языка Низаметдинова Гульнара Фануровна
Оборудование: карточки с дидактическим материалом, плакаты с
изображением строительных материалов, профессиональные журналы по
строительству, журналы по дизайну, тексты «Building Materials», «From the
History of Building», фотографии пирамиды Хеопса, компьютерный класс,
CD-плейер, аудиозапись песни «London Bridge», аудиозапись текста
Building Materials”.
ЦЕЛИ, ЗАДАЧИ: 1) формирование уважительного отношения к своей
собственной профессии;
2) развитие способности к догадке (по словообразовательным элементам; по
аналогии с русским языком; по дефиниции;
3) формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения по теме «Building
4) продолжить развивать диалогическую речь по теме урока;
5) закрепить стиль общения «продавец – покупатель»;
6) применить компьютер как один из эффективных способов организации
учебного процесса;
7) научить учащихся осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия по теме.
ТИП УРОКА: выработка умений и навыков.
МЕТОДЫ: практический, наглядный, словесный, проблемный.
I. Орг.момент. Teacher: Today we are going to continue to form your
knowledge, skills and ability to talk English. It’s a part of your culture.
We’ll revise the language of building materials. We’ll learn new facts
from the history of building. We’ll go to the warehouse shop. So the
theme of our lesson is “Building Materials”.
II. Актуализация речевого материала. T: To begin with lets recall the
countries we “have been to”:
P1: The USA, the UK.
P2: The Commonwealth of Australia.
P3: Japan and China.
P4: Germany and Italy.
P5: France, Canada and Russia, etc.
T: I’d like you to name the unit of currency in these countries.
P1: The unit of currency in the USA is an American dollar.
P2: The unit of currency in the UK is a pound.
P3: The unit of currency in Australia is an Australian dollar.
P4: The unit of currency in Russia is a ruble.
P5: The unit of currency in Canada is a Canadian dollar.
P6: The unit of currency in Japan is a yen. The unit of currency in China is a
P7: The unit of currency in France, Italy and Germany is a euro.
T: You can buy any building material on this money.
III. Pair work. T: Let’s revise words and word expressions on the topic
“Building Materials”. Раздать карточки:
Card 1.
1. железобетон reinforced concrete
2. цели purposes
3. щебень, битый кирпич crushed stone, broken brick
4. structural materials строительные материалы
5. речной песок river sands
6. прямоугольные по форме rectangular in shape
7. полиэфирные смолы polyester resins
8. стеклянные волокна glass fibres
9. используемые, применяемые used
Card 2.
1. glass reinforced plastics стеклопластик
2. to harden закалять
3. coarse and fine aggregates крупный и мелкий заполнители
4. advantage/disadvantage преимущество/недостаток
5. clay/cement/gravel глина/цемент/гравий
6. timber лесоматериалы
7. softwoods/hardwoods мягкие/твёрдые породы древесины
8. chemicals химикаты
IV. Словарная работа. Выполняется в тетрадях и на доске.
а) Exercise scrambled words
ckibr brick
etmnec cement
lheiscacm chemicals
etgagreag aggregate
ernotcec concrete
b) Give antonyms to the following words:
advantage # disadvantage
softwoods # hardwoods
fine aggregates # coarse aggregates
c) Find in the text “Building Materials” adjectives in the superlative degree:
the oldest
the most important
the strongest
d) Give synonyms to the following words:
building materials = structural materials
timber = wood.
V. Listening. T: Listen to the text “Building Materials” (listen to the tape).
Building Materials
Steel, concrete, stone, timber and brick are the most commonly used
building materials. Timber is the oldest structural material known to mankind. It is
light, cheap and easy to work with. But timber has certain disadvantages: it burns
and decays. Timber used for building purposes is divided into two groups:
softwoods and hardwoods. Softwoods are chiefly used in construction, while
hardwoods are generally used for decorative purposes.
Bricks were known many thousands of years ago. They are molded from
clay into the required shape. Bricks are usually rectangular in shape. They are
hardened by being fired in a kiln.
Concrete is one of the most important building materials. It is difficult to
imagine modern structures without concrete. Concrete is made by mixing together
a proportion of fine and coarse aggregates with cement and water. Crushed stone,
broken brick and gravel, river sands are extensively used.
Reinforced concrete is a combination of two of the strongest structural
materials available concrete and steel. There are two kinds of reinforced
concrete: with ordinary reinforcement and concrete with prestressed reinforcement.
Concrete is reinforced by the incorporation of steel rods.
Plastics and glass reinforced plastics are comparatively new building
materials, but they have already found many uses in modern construction. Plastics
combine all the best characteristics of building materials with good insulating
properties. Plastics are produced from chemicals. Glass-reinforcement plastics are
produced from polyester resins reinforced with glass fibres. Plastics and glass-
reinforced plastics are the materials to be used in modern construction on a large
T: Answer the questions presented on the screens of your computers.
1. What are the most commonly used building materials?
2. Into which groups is timber divided?
3. For what purposes are they (softwoods and hardwoods) used?
4. What does concrete consist of?
5. What fine and coarse aggregates do you know?
6. What components does reinforced concrete include?
7. Explain the process of making bricks.
8. Why have plastics already found use in modern construction?
VI. T: Now let’s go to the warehouse shop. Let’s dramatize the following
a) Shop assistant: What can I do for you, sir/madam?
Customer: I’d like to buy three bags of cement, but I hesitate about the
- Take the cement of Sterlitamak.
- How much is it?
- It costs 600 rubles.
- It isn’t very expensive. I will take it.
- How will you pay?
- Cash. It costs 600 rubles, doesn’t it?
- Yes, it does. Here you are.
b) Good morning.
- Good morning, sir/madam. Can I help you?
- I want to buy single glass packs.
- Do you have anything special in mind?
- Yes, I need cheap single glass packs.
- You can buy glass packs of Chelyabinsk. They are right for you.
- How much is it?
- Three thousand rubles. It’s a new model.
- Tell me, please, can I buy it on credit?
- Of course.
- Thank you. I must go to the bank for credit cards.
- You are very welcome.
- Good bye!
- Good bye!
VII. Singing the song “London Bridge is falling down”.
1. 1.London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down,
London Bridge is falling down, my fair Lady.
2. Build it up with wood and clay, my fair Lady.
3. Wood and clay will wash away, my fair Lady.
4. Build it up with wood and clay, my fair Lady.
5. Iron and steel will blend and bow, my fair Lady.
6. Build it up with silver and gold, my fair Lady.
7. Silver and gold will be stolen away, my fair Lady.
8. Set a man to watch all night, my fair Lady.
9. Suppose the man should fall asleep, my fair Lady.
10. Give him a pipe to smoke all night, my fair Lady.
T: Проблемные вопросы:
Why did we sing the song?
What building materials were used in the construction of London Bridge?
VIII. Find English equivalents to the following Russian words. Print the
necessary words. Выполняется на компьютере индивидуально.
Fill in the necessary English equivalents:
1. Steel, concrete, stone, timber and brick are the most (широко используемые
строительные материалы).
2. (Лесоматериал) light, cheap and easy to work with, but it has certain
3. (Кирпичи) are hardened (обжигом в печи).
4. Timber has certain (недостатки): it (горит и гниёт).
5. Concrete is made by mixing cement, sand, gravel, and (воды в требуемых
6. Plastics are produced from (химикаты).
7. Sand is the best (мелкий заполнитель).
Translate into English:
1. Кирпич, лесоматериалы, бетон, железобетон и пластмассы – это наиболее
важные материалы, применяемые в строительстве.
2. Бетон изготавливается путём замешивания в соответствующих пропорциях
мелкого и крупного заполнителей, цемента и воды.
3. Кирпич это искусственный (artificial) материал, изготовленный из глины и
закалённый в обжиговой печи.
4. Железобетон состоит из двух прочнейших материалов бетона и стали.
5. Пластмассы и стеклопластики являются новейшими стройматериалами. Они
обладают хорошими изоляционными свойствами.
IX. Преподаватель раздаёт текст From the history of Building”.
a) Look through the text and make up its plan.
b) Extract all the irregular verbs from the text. Identify their tense and voice.
Работа с текстом сопровождается показом фотографий египетских
пирамид и Сфинкса, греческих и римских построений.
From the History of Building
The first houses in different countries of the world were made of wood. At
that time the greater part of our planet was covered with thick forests. Even in
those days men found ways of using wood as a building material. In some places
they tied together the tops of several trees and covered them with the skin of
animals. In other places they covered them with leaves or grass.
The primitive people’s first houses were tents or huts. Primitive building
required no tools. The invention of tools permitted the cutting of stones and timber.
Stone was the most convenient building material in countries where there was not
much wood but plenty of stone.
The ancient Egyptians built very simple houses by present standards. Having
dried the bricks in the sun, they put up four walls, and above these they placed a
flat roof. The roof was flat because there was very little rain in Egypt. Although the
buildings were simple in construction, the Egyptian art of building was very
beautiful. Their pyramids and monuments, sphinxes and palaces arose our wonder
to this day. An important part in the history of building has been played by the
column, and it was ancient Egypt that gave the world its first lessons in the art of
making columns.
The Greeks learned much from Egypt. But they did not borrow the flat roof.
They built a slanting roof because there was much rain in their country. The
Greeks made the roof slant in two directions from the middle. They also improved
on Egypt’s columns and soon became the teachers of the world in column making.
The Romans learned much from the Greeks. First of all they borrowed the
slanting roof and the columns. But they added the arch, thus adding much strength
and beauty to their buildings.
X. Grammar Puzzle. T: Let’s do the verb puzzle. Put the verbs into the correct
form and read the proverb. (Knowledge is power).
T: Knowledge is very important in your future job. You must be well educated in
many subjects, read special literature and look through professional magazines,
have practical lessons. So knowledge is power indeed.
XI. Итоги. Now we can see that you know much about Building Materials”. We
talked about (Pupils recall). Dear students! Thank you for your active
participation in our lessons. I think you’ve learned a lot of interesting and useful
facts. Your marks are good and excellent.
XII. Home work. T: Next time prepare your topics about building materials.