План-конспект урока "World animals. English in use" 5 класс

План-конспект урока по предмету «Английский язык». 5 класс
World animals. English in use. Spotlight 5. Module 5. (Животные со всего света)
Тип урока
Урок-обобщения и систематизации знаний
- Учебник Spotlight 5 Ю.Е. Ваулина, В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко. – М.: Express publishing: Просвещение, 2012;
- Презентация Power Point к уроку;
-карточки с заданиями
- компьютер, проектор
Систематизация лексико-грамматических навыков по теме
Повторить лексики по теме с опорой на иллюстрации; развить навыков чтения и говорения; повторить правила
использования Настоящего Простого времени; развивать умение описывать предметы
Планируемые результаты
Уметь употреблять лексические единицы по теме «Животные со всего света»; уметь составлять диалог; уметь
употреблять в речи Настоящее Простое время
Этапы урока, время
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
1. Организационный
момент, 1 мин
Good morning boys and girls. Sit down, please. We are glad to meet
our guests and show them what we can.
Today we will have a game-lesson. And you should divide into two
Приветствуют учителя и гостей, садятся на места.
Готовятся к предстоящей работе на уроке.
Делятся на две команды.
2. Постановка цели.
Мотивация к деятельности.
Систематизация знаний. 2
Look at the blackboard and say, what do you see in the picture? (на
картинке женщина моет посуду и рыбка плавает).
Good and how often does he do it?
Good, so what tense shall we revise today: Present Simple or Present
Continuous, if this action happens more than once a day?
Great! Now look at the next pictures (различные животные
появляются на экране) and name them.
Well done, so, what is the purpose of our lesson?
Right you are. Thank you.
Ok, so the main goal of our lesson is to prepare for the test.
Today you shall work in groups and your aim is to get as many tokens
as your group can. So, good luck!
- A boy is feeding his dog.
- 3 or 4 times a day.
- rhino, lion, bear..
- to revise words and rules of using Present
Simple in our everyday life. (слайд сафари/
3. Речевая зарядка
5 мин
Систематизация лексических навыков по теме «Животные со
всего света»
Your first task is to match pictures with their names. You have 2
minutes. (на доске появляются картинки и названия животных в 2
столбика в количестве 10 штук)
Your time is up, now tell us number of animals and letter where we
can see the name of every animal.
Ученики в группе выполняют данное упражнение
и готовятся к ответу.
Называют соответствующие буквы-цифры и
получают жетоны за каждый ответ.
4. Грамматическая зарядка
10 мин
Here you have cards with a task to choose the right variant and
explain your decision. For every correct answer and its approval your
team will get two tokens. You will see at the blackboard the right
answers after your explanation. If you don’t explain your choice- you
will get only one token. You have 6 minutes to discuss the task in
groups, but think of a person who will read the correct choice and
explain it. You can start right now!
Ok, your time is up, let’s listen to your answers and explanations.
(кто-то отвечает и объясняет, затем на доске появляется
правильный ответ с подчёркнутым и выделенным глагол).
Great! You are absolutely right! you are getting 2 tokens!
Читают предложения, совещаются, по завершению
времени кто-то 1 из ребят тянет руку и называет
правильный ответ с объяснением. Второе
предложение объясняет другая команда. Все
получают по 2 жетона, так как безумно умные.
5. Работа с текстом 10 мин
Now I would like you to open your books on page 7 at the end of the
book where we usually read texts in «Spotlight on Russia». The first
team should read the text and answer my questions and the second
team should read the same text and mark sentences at the blackboard
True or False (презентация с предложениями).
(Предтекстовый вопрос какой символ – слайд с медведем)
Before we start, name the animal which is a symbol of Russia.
Работа с текстом
Послетекстовый вопрос: What wild animals can you see in the part
of Russia?
Now let’s exchange your answers and check them out. (Меняются
ответами и сравнивают ответы со слайдом). You get 6 tokens!
Читают текст и отвечают на вопросы, получают
жетоны. Проверяют себя по слайду.
A Bear
Foxes, wolves, cats, dogs, birds..
6. Физкультминутка 4 мин
Great and now it is time to have a rest. So stand up and let’s do some
Imagine you are a bird and lets fly like a bird. Wave your wings.
Imagine you are a bear and let’s walk like a bear.
Imagine you are a rabbit and let’s jump like a rabbit. Where are your
Imagine you are an elephant and show me your trunk.
Imagine you are a monkey and let’s scratch each other like a monkey.
Good! Thank you!
Встают и повторяют упражнения за учителем.
Машут руками как птицы
Идут как мишки
Прыгают как кролики, показывают уши
Показывают хобот. Длинный хобот.
Чешутся как обезьянки
7. Работа с диалогами 6
Well done, my friends! Now you have another task you should get
some phrases, read them. Make up one dialogue for one group, then
you should act them out! And again you will get 2 tokens for the task.
Читают и работают в группе над выполнением
последовательности диалога. Готовятся разыграть
8. Подведение итогов урока
Рефлексия. 6 мин
The lesson is nearly over. So what are we doing today?
Now you see 3 stickers on your desks. They are different colours:
Look at the blackboard. Here you can see 3 stages of our lesson:
revising words on topic “Wildlife”, making dialogues, reading text,
revising present simple. Stick on your pieces of colourful paper onto
the board (easy-orange difficult-pink not very difficult-green)
Now we can see the most difficult task, it is … because threre are a
lot of stickers. I am glad that this task easy. Now you see the difficult
task, which is and you know you have to pay more attention to revise
this material for the test.
(Выставление оценок)
How many tokens have you got?
Masha you were very active and you will get excellent mark! Arseniy,
you had some mistakes and you get good mark!
-we are revising grammar rules Pr Simple
-revising names of wild animals
Выполняют задание учителя
9. Постановка Домашнего
задания. 1 мин
Now open ,pls, your diaries and write down your h/t
WB page 46
Thank you for the lesson, goodbye!
Записывают д/з
Проект урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме «Животные со всего света»
Тема урока
Цель и задача урока
1. A koala (is eating/eats) eucalyptus leaves now.
2. Many amazing animals (live/are living) in India.
3. Insects (fly/are flying) in forest every summer.
4. Look! A cat (is playing/plays) with a toy.
5. A budgie (sings/is singing) every morning.
6. My pet (is sleeping/sleeps) at the moment.
1. A koala (is eating/eats) eucalyptus leaves now.
2. Many amazing animals (live/are living) in India.
3. Insects (fly/are flying) in forest every summer.
4. Look! A cat (is playing/plays) with a toy.
5. A budgie (sings/is singing) every morning.
6. My pet (is sleeping/sleeps) at the moment.
1. A koala (is eating/eats) eucalyptus leaves now.
2. Many amazing animals (live/are living) in India.
3. Insects (fly/are flying) in forest every summer.
4. Look! A cat (is playing/plays) with a toy.
5. A budgie (sings/is singing) every morning.
6. My pet (is sleeping/sleeps) at the moment.
1. A koala (is eating/eats) eucalyptus leaves now.
2. Many amazing animals (live/are living) in India.
3. Insects (fly/are flying) in forest every summer.
4. Look! A cat (is playing/plays) with a toy.
5. A budgie (sings/is singing) every morning.
6. My pet (is sleeping/sleeps) at the moment.
John: Do you like the zoo, Jessie?
Jessie: Yes, I do. It is great. What is that animal over there?
John: Which one? What does it look like?
Jessie: It has a long neck and long legs.
John: That is a giraffe. They are so beautiful.
Jessie: Yes, they are. Look, what is that up in the tree?
John: It is a monkey.
Jessie: Ah! I dont like monkeys.
John: Why not?
Jessie: They are noisy.
John: I find them cute. Anyway, lets go and see the bears.
Jessie: OK.
Vet: Hi, Penny. What`s the matter?
Penny It`s Jack, my parrot.
Vet: Оh, what`s wrong with him?
Penny I think he`s got a broken wing.
Vet: Really? How?
Penny I don`t know.
Vet: How old is he?
Penny He`s about four years old.
Vet: Let`s have a look at him.
Penny: OK.