Конспект урока "Verbs followed by - ing and infinitive" 7 класс

Lesson: English lesson
Date: 14.10.2016
Grade: 7 «A»
Grammar theme: Verbs followed by - ing and infinitive
Lexical theme: Special talents
Equipment: blackboard, cards, book, pictures
Type of the lesson: practical lesson
The aims:
I. Educational: To enrich pupil's knowledge on the theme , to widen their vocabulary through
doing different tasks
II. Developmental: To develop pupil’s skills in oral speech, to develop student’s writing,
reading and speaking abilities through giving several tasks; to improve their mental and critical
III. Cultural: To bring up pupil’s to respect and love foreign language.
The plan of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
II. Warming up
III. Checking-up home task
IV. Presentation of new material
V. Consolidate of new material
VI. Conciliation
Giving marks
VI. Home task
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment (4 minutes)
a) Greeting
T: Hello, hello!
How are you?
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
b) Dialogue with a student who is on duty
T: Who is on duty?
P1: I’m on duty
T: Who is absent today?
P1: All are present /…. is or are absent
T: What day is it today?
P1: Today is Friday
T: What date is it today?
P1: Today is 14
of October
T: What month is it now?
P1: Is it October now
Listening activity
T: Guys, let’s watch video and describe the weather in the film.
Answer the following questions.
Was the weather sunny?
Was the weather cold?
Was the weather windy?
Was the weather rainy?
Was the weather snowy?
What was the weather like?
II. Warming-up (5 minutes)
T: Guys, I want you to make out the proverb and explain it’s meaning. I will give 2 minutes.
Learn, live, and. (Live and learn)
1. Best, friend, old, and, wine. (Old friends and old wine are best)-Жаңа дос қасыңда
жүргенде, ескі дос есіңде жүрсін.
2. Power, is, knowledge.(Knowledge is power)-Күш білімде
3. Do, little, promise, but, much (Promise little, but do much)-Көп сөз көмір, аз сөз алтын
4. Before, pleasure, business. (Business before pleasure)-Іске уақыт ермекке сағат
5. Late, than, better, never. (Better late than never)-Ештен кеш жақсы
6. In, need, friend, a, friend, is, friend, indeed, a (A friend in need is a friend indeed)-Шын
дос қиыншылықта танылады.
7. West, home, is, East, best. (East or West home is best)-Өз үйің,өрен төсегің
8. Money, is, time (Time is money)-Уақыт-ақша
9. Never, you, what, know, can, you, do, try, you, till. (you never know what you can do till
you try)- Көз қорқақб қол батыр
10. Come, first, served, first ( First come, first served)- Ерте тұрған, елден озады
III. Checking-up home task (4 minutes)
T: What was your home task?
(ex 1, unit 2)
Is your home task interesting?
Let’s check
Task: Complete with the correct form of these phrasal verbs.
Put on (x2)
Make up
Get on with (x2)
Take up
1. Why don’t put on that nice new jacket you brought last week?
2. Doing homework take up so much of my time.
3. Instead of talking you should be get on with your work.
4. I can’t make up my mind about which dress to wear.
5. Did you know that they’re put on a show at the local theater?
6. I got on with my brother, but I argue all the time with my sister.
III. Presentation of new material (13 minutes)
T: Do you see table?
Guys, there are some verbs followed by ing and infinitive in the English language.
Verbs+ ing
Verbs + infinitive
to enjoy рахаттану, ляззат алу
to agree - келісу
to avoid болдырмау (избегать)
to forget - ұмыту
to finish бітіру
to refuse бас тарту
to delay кешіктіру (задерживать)
to appear - көріну (казаться, представляться)
to regret - өкіну
to decide шешу, шешім қабылдау
to risk тәуекел ету
to afford - мүмкіндік беру (позволять себе)
to mind - наразылық (возражать)
to hope үміттену (надеяться)
e.g. I enjoy reading books
Avoid crossing this street when it is raining.
I have to finish grading these.
e.g. He hopes to see them soon.
She forgot to lock the door.
He refused to help them.
Ing infinitive
Enjoy…. agree…..
T: Let’s do exercise.
Complete the following sentences with add “-ing” of the verbs below to make them
grammatically correct.
Answer, apply, listen, make, wash
1. He tried to avoid ... my question.
2. Could you please stop ... so much noise?
3. I enjoy ... to music.
4. I considered ... for the job but in the end I decided against it.
5. Have you finished ... your hair yet?
Keys for teachers
Answer, apply, be, be, listen, make, see, try, use, wash work write
1. answering | 2. making | 3. listening | 4. applying | 5. washing |
Complete the following sentence with add to
Agreed to, agreed to, hope to, forget to, hope to
1. He agreed to go with us.
2. I hope to see you soon.
3. My friends agreed to invite John to a party
4. Don't forget to read that rule
5. I hope to buy that house tomorrow
Work in pairs
T: Guys, try to learn table and ask each other. I will give 4 minutes.
Verbs+ ing
Verbs + infinitive
to enjoy рахаттану, ляззат алу
to agree - келісу
to avoid болдырмау (избегать)
to forget - ұмыту
to finish бітіру
to refuse бас тарту
to delay кешіктіру (задерживать)
to appear - көріну (казаться, представляться)
to regret - өкіну
to decide шешу, шешім қабылдау
to risk тәуекел ету
to afford - мүмкіндік беру (позволять себе)
to mind - наразылық (возражать)
to hope үміттену (надеяться)
T: Divide 3 groups. I will give 5 minutes.
Group 1
Compose text using words in the table
Group 2
Compose dialogue using words in the table
Group 3
Compose poem using words in the table
IV. Conclusion (13 minutes)
Listening activity
T: Let’s watch video.
T: Answer the following questions
1. Which talents has he/she got?
2. What do you think, it was difficult to start?
3. Will his talent help him to be famous in the future?
4. Did you like it?
5. Would you like to learn?
T: Guys, let’s do some tasks which concerned text. I will give 5 minutes.
Task 1
Make up short conversations between Justine and San
Make up short conversations between Beth and Alex
Task 2
Writing activity
Some parents coming to the performance expressed their opinions about variety show a
Miss Green / mother of Pete /
Task 3
Write impression about variety show
VI. Conclusion (4 minutes)
T: What made you be active at the lesson?
Was this lesson interesting?
Ask Aruzhan, ask Zhandos….
Giving marks
VI. Home task (2 minutes)
Open your diaries and write down home task. Your home task is
Learn table
Make up 6 sentences using Verb+ing and Verb+infinitive
Әдіскер:Алпысбаева А.Е.__________________________
Мұғалім:Нұрғожина А.Н.__________________________