Конспект урока "Plans and Intentions" 6 класс

Урок английского языка в 6 классе
по УМК Hot Spot – 2 (Colin Granger)
Plans and Intentions
Цель урока: составление учащимися плана поездки, используя «going to» as plans and intentions».
Задачи урока:
познакомить с достопримечательностями Нью Йорка (Broadway, the Empire State Building,
New York Harbour, the Statue of Liberty, the New Yankee Stadium, Fifth Avenue, Central Park);
отработать выражение «going to” as plans and intentions;
научить составлять план поездки в каникулы, отвечая на вопросы.
Используемая технология: ИКТ технология с использованием интерактивной доски.
Ход урока
1. –Hello, boys and girls. Say “hello” to our guests. Sit down
and let’s begin.
2. First of all, let’s choose the topic of our lesson. On the
board you see different pictures. Please collect them
according to topics, as you think they could be collected.
And then tell me what topic you want to speak about today.
- Summer holidays. and holiday’s plans. Let it be so.
3. OK. At the end of the lesson you’ll tell me about your holiday’s plans. But now we’ll speak
about holiday’s plans of this person. Who is he? – Wayne
Turner He’s going to visit New York City this summer.
Where’s New York City? – In the USA Show this city on the
map, please.
4. Open your books at page 80. Here’s the text and the map.
Listen and find the places Wayne talks about on the map. a)
Broadway, b) Central Park, c) Statue of Liberty, d) New York
Harbor, e) 5
Avenue, f) New Yankee Stadium, g) Empire State Building.
But I’m not sure you know all these sights. On your desks there’re some information. Please
match the pictures and the information about
The Empire State Building: is a
famous symbol of New York City. It’s one of the
highest building in the city. Its full height is 443
New York Harbor: is one of the
world's most beautiful and historically important
The Statue of Liberty: it's America's
symbol of freedom. It was a gift from the French
people to the American people in 1886.
The New Yankee Stadium: is a new stadium for the New York Yankees, a successful US
baseball team.
Avenue: is one of the world's most famous and most expensive shopping streets.
Central Park: is a large public park with lakes, walking tracks, ice-skating rings and a zoo.
Broadway: is a wide avenue famous for its Theater District.
Now I’m sure you’ll remember these famous America’s sights.
5. OK. Let’s come back to the text.
Look at the map again and listen to the questions about Wayne’s trip. Answer the questions. –
1) 5 days, 2) Wayne’s aunt and uncle, 3) around Manhattan, 4) the Empire State Building, 5)
around New York Harbor, 6) the Statue of Liberty, 7) baseball, 8) clothes, 9) in Central Park, 10) a
Different members of Wayne’s family are going to
visit different places. Make sentences about their
plans. By the way, what is “going to”? (They’re
going to spend 5 days in New York City. They’re
going to take a cruise around New York Harbor.
They’re going to see a musical on Broadway.
Wayne’s uncle’s going to watch baseball at the New
Yankee Stadium. Wayne’s going to visit the Statue
of Liberty. Wayne’s mum’s going to buy clothes on
Fifth Avenue. Tina’s going to run in Central Park.)
6. Now we’ll speak about your plans, on the desks you see envelopes with colored circles, take
them and collect groups according to colors. Each group should make a story about summer
plans. There’re 5 questions to help you:
Where are you going to visit?
How much time are you going to spend there?
How are you going to travel there?
Where are you going to stay?
What are you going to do?
These pictures will help you.
- Are you ready?
- Choose pictures you need and tell us about your summer plans. Delete the pictures you
don’t need.
- Thank you very much.
7. Home task: write in copybooks 7 sentences about holiday’s plans.
8. Did you like our lesson? What did you like most of all?
А теперь попробуем оценить нашу работу. Как вы думаете, хорошо ли вы поработали?
Какую отметку бы вы себе поставили? И т.д. и т.п.
As for me I give….
Thank you for the lesson. You may be free. Good bye.