Конспект урока "Spending free time" 6 класс

Урок «Spending free tim
1. Орг. Момент
T: Good morning dear boys and girls.
S: Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you.
Good morning our teacher
We are glad to see you.
T: I’m glad to see you too. Take your seats.
2. Речевая разминка
T: Who is on duty today?
S: I’m on duty today.
T: What is the date today?
S: Today is the 29
of February.
T: What day is it today?
S: Today is Monday.
T: What is the weather like today?
S: It’s wet, cold and cloudy.
T: What do you usually do in such weather?
S: I play computer games, watch TV, dance, go to the swimming pool, read books.
T: What did you do yesterday?
S: I played/ swam/ danced.
T: What will you do tomorrow?
I: I will go to school.
3. Определение темы и постановка целей урока.
T: Your curious eyes show me that you are ready to work.
We’ll watch a video and try to guess what we are going to speak about.
- Hi, my name is Alina. I’m nine. I like drawing. These are my pictures. Do you
like them?
- Hello, I’m Irina. Glad to meet you. As a rule, I’ve got a lot to do. But having
free time I read. My favourite writers are Oscar Wilde and Agatha Christie.
Also I ride horses, it makes me happy and relaxed.
- Hi, I’m Kate. I spend my free time taking photos. I try to see beauty in
everything round me. I also do sports and play the guitar.
T: So what are we speaking about?
S: The theme of our lesson is Free Time.
T: You are quite right. The topic of our lesson is Spending free time.
T: Let’s discuss the aims. What are we going to discuss, to learn during the lesson.
S: We’ll learn new words.
We’ll discuss different kinds of hobby.
We’ll learn new grammar rules.
We’ll tell each other about our hobbies.
4. Формирование ситуации «Вызов»
Звучит музыка (шпионская). Заходят двое учеников.
S 1:
So many countries all over the world,
So many people life tales told!,
Different cities, languages, poems,
Amazing traditions, legends, stories.
S 2:
We travel East, we travel West
To know so much is best,
If South is warm, North is cold,
We start our trip and off we go!
T: Who are you? What are you doing?
S 1: I’ m a couch potato.
S 2: I’m his elder sister – Lady Activity. We have a problem. My brother is so lazy
ad he has nothing to do.
T: You are so lucky. We are just discussing different kind of activities. I think at the
end of the lesson you can choose a hobby. Take your seats please.
5. Фонетическая разминка
At last we start our lesson. Now we are on the Phonetics islands. These islands train
the sound “T”. Repeat the tongue twister after me.
Tommy Tie tried to tie his tie
But tugging too tight
Tore his tie.
Tom turned to Ted,
Told Ted to try to tie the tie,
Tom tried to tie.
6. Активизация лексики
We continue our trip. And now we are in Freeland.
1) Your task is to name am activity.
(идут слайды с изображением увлечений).
- dancing
- taking photos
- doing a sport
- driving a cart
- playing computer games
- listening to music
- reading books
- watching TV
2) Divide these hobbies into active and non-active. (Один из учащихся
выполняет задание в smart).
Skating, dancing, driving, reading, cooking, playing tennis, watching TV, collecting,
doing sport, travelling, board games
7. Формирование навыков чтения и активизация лексики в речи.
Now we are in the hobbyland. I’d like to know what you like doing.
Ex. 130 p. 109
Couch potato is crying: Are you a couch potato?
T: what’s happened? It seems to me I’ve understood. Do you need a friend?
C. potato: Yes.
T: Of course, we’ll help you, but at first we’ll find the meaning of the word “couch
potato”. (видео). What is the meaning?
S: Человек, постоянно сидящий перед телевизором.
T: Правильно, еще можно переводить как «лежебока, лентяй, домосед»
Let’s help the couch potato.
Ex. 134 p. 111
8. Физкульт. Минутка
I see you are a bit tired. Let’s play. Let it be Hockey-Pockey.
You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out
You put your right foot in
And shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself about
That’s what it’s all about
You put your left foot in
You put your left foot out
You put your left foot in
And shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself about
That’s what it’s all about.
Who wants to be a teacher?
9. Формирование аудитивных навыков
T: We are going to the Listening Mountain
p.123 Part 1
We’ll listen to 4 monologues. Your task is to understand the speakers’ hobby.
10. Групповая работа
1 group dialogue
A:- Hello/ Hi, glad to meet you.
B:- Hi/ Nice to meet you.
A:- What do you usually do?/ How do you spend your free time?
B: - I usually … / I like …+ing.
A:- It’s interesting/ excellent/ healthy, isn’t it?
B:- Yes, my hobby is so interesting/ getting more and more popular/ worth
A:- I have no hobby./ I’m so lazy.
B: - What about dancing/ playing tennis/ gardening/ doing sport?
A: - I’ll think/ I’d better watch TV/ It’s great/ It’s not to my taste/.
2 group- a puzzle.
People like to go to the library. Some of them have a good collection of books at
home. And they are really proud of them. They can have different books: fiction,
historical novels, books about animals and birds, about different countries. Their
hobby helps them to relax, to learn the world and understand other people better.
3 group a monologue.
We’d like to tell about collecting. This hobby is interesting and useful. People find or
buy different things: stamps, badges, coins, pictures and dolls.
11. Развязка
T: Couch potato, did you choose a hobby?
S: I want to go in for sport. It’s interesting and healthy.
12. Формирование фонематическогосо слуха
I’ve got a message. Kate tells us about her family and their hobbies.
There are five of us in my family. We all have different _________ . My dad is fond
of travelling and taking ____________ of nature and places of interest.
My mother prefers to go to the _________ or take care of our cat.
My elder sister likes dancing and chatting __________ . My little brother enjoys
__________ books and ________ computer games.
My grandpa has a _________ collection of coins. My grandma can
__________TV the whole day. You see , tastes differ.
13. Рефлексия
You see a heart of emotions. Let’s decorate the heart with small hearts. Write
down your impression of the lesson.
14. Подведение итогов
Hometask: ex.153 p. 117
Thank you for your work. You were active and pleasant.
Fill in the missing words.
Watch, reading, cinema, playing, hobbies, photos, big, on
the phone
There are five of us in my family. We all have different
_________ . My dad is fond of travelling and taking
____________ of nature and places of interest.
My mother prefers to go to the _________ or take care
of our cat.
My elder sister likes dancing and chatting __________ .
My little brother enjoys __________ books and ________
computer games.
My grandpa has a _________ collection of coins. My
grandma can __________TV the whole day. You see ,
tastes differ.
Skating, dancing, driving, reading, cooking, playing
tennis, watching TV, collecting, doing sport,
travelling, board games
Skating, dancing, driving, reading, cooking, playing
tennis, watching TV, collecting, doing sport,
travelling, board games
A:- Hello/ Hi, glad to meet you.
B:- Hi/ Nice to meet you.
A:- What do you usually do?/ How do you spend
your free time?
B: - I usually … / I like …+ing.
A:- It’s interesting/ excellent/ healthy, isn’t it?
B:- Yes, my hobby is so interesting/ getting more
and more popular/ worth doing.
A:- I have no hobby./ I’m so lazy.
B: - What about dancing/ playing tennis/
gardening/ doing sport?
A: - I’ll think/ I’d better watch TV/ It’s great/ It’s
not to my taste/.